National More remains found of Challenger astronauts CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) — Divers retrieved more remains of Challenger’s astronauts Wednesday as the county medical examiner reported that NASA had prevented a legal dispute by agreeing to let his staff observe the autopsies. The remains were recovered by divers dropped overboard from the salvage ship USS Preserver in an area where the shuttle cabin and crew remains were located Friday 100 feet beneath the Atlantic surface, 18 miles northeast of the launch pad. sources close to the in vestigation reported. The sources reported the Preserver recovery effort was progressing well and that among other items picked up were a storage locker containing personal effects of one of the crew members, parts of the flight deck and two spacesuits that were aboard in case an emergency space walk had to be made. A four-man search. sub-. . marine, meanwhile, locabtd a piece of solid rocket booster that a Navy spokeswoman said could be from the segment of • the right booster believed responsible for the shuttle explosion. The 4-fooi-by-5-foot piece of debris from the rear part of a rocket, weighing 400 to 500 pounds, is believed to contain propellant and part of the exter nal tank attachment ring, said Lt. Cmdr. Deborah Burnette. The remains of the astronauts came into dispute when sources said the medical examiner's of fice might seek a court order unless the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Air Farce turned over the re mains in accordance with state law. The law requires the local medical examiner to conduct an autopsy on any person who is slain or dies by accident. The statutes apply even if deaths occur on federal proper ty. or. as in the case of the Challenger accident, they occur away from any. jurisdiction but are brought into one - Some remains of the astronauts killed when: C h a 11 e. n g.e r ' e x p | o d e d -.73 seconds .after launch on.Jan. 28 were .brought * ashore secretly. Saturday night and' were-taken to'nearby. Patrick.Air'Fqrce Base for examination by forensic ex*,, sources said;-' Reagan pans critics as Habib begins envoy trip WASHINGTON (AP) — President Reagan, trying to bolster hi# case for military aid for Nicaraguan rebel*, sent special envoy Philip Habib to Central America Wednesday and said critics who claim the United States is not Interested in a negotiated settlement ’ are making ridiculous noises." There was renewed talk about compromise between the White House and Congress on the $100 million package Reagan has proposed, but administration officials Mid privately ihe president had not heard anv proposals he deem cd acceptable. Reagan, himself, said he was not trying to signal a will ingness to compromise but would listen to any offer He did not rule out the possibility of delaying delivery of aid for up lo 71 days, to give negotiations a chant* "We’re continuing to talk about all possibilities like that." Reagan said. Yet presidential spokesman harry Speakes said "We re not interested in anything ihort of getting the president’s package approved, without restrictions." Habib's mission drew fire from Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega "(Reagan) is trying to impress on international public opinion that he Is interested in a negotiated solution, but what he really wants to do hi complement his policy of war and terrorism against Nicaragua. Ortega seid in Managua. Habib’s three-nation itinerary does ra# include a stop in Nicaragua. "You don’t go where you re not invited ' Reagan said. The Ntear*g«»»t #mha**y »« Washington, howfcentfjgfal.:* Habib was welcome in Managua if thjpedmlnislratujn honestly want* to negotiate." v zMSmESoBSBBS Reagan said Habib has Ihe authority te visit Nicaragua for talks with tha Sandinista regime "if anything come# up thai would show that there might be any prospect or any profit in doing that.1' ’ ' ';-v: I Specialty Drink of tho Month Cafe Au Lait 75< with coupon expires 3/31 1 860 E. 13th 344 7894 I r i Greeks i Hit the Jackpot! 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