Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 13, 1986, Page 8, Image 19

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    low joins the cheerleading squad Sud
denlv, the diminutiw, sensitive Lucas In
comes a "joiner" and finds himself sacri
(icing life and limb on the football held
APRIL 18 0 LEGEND Tom Cruise
stars as Jack O' The Green" in this un
usual fantasy about faeries, goblins and
unicorns, and a young man who must
save the world by lighting the evil laird of
Darkness played by Tim Curry, which
means he should he an amusingly evil vil
lian indeed.
Bob Swaim. the American who hit it big as
European super
group Marillion is
lust now crossing
the Atlantic to cap
ture America, some
three months late
anil it's all because of Spandau Ballet, It
seems Marillion s lead singer Fish ran
into SB drummer John Keehle last year at
the l! K l ive Aid concert Keehle, disci iv
the director of French thrillers, wrote and
directed this drama about international
intrique starring Michael Caine and Si
gourney Weaver
and Tom Conti play a couple who have
gone south of the border for a divorce,
only to find themselves the hostages of
off the wall Mexican bank robbers Paul
Rodriquez plays the leader of the loony
eral men get together and talk about
women That may not sound like much of
a plot, but with a cast that includes the
likes of Roy Scheider, Frank Langella,
Harvey Keitel, Treat Williams, David
Dukes, Sandahl Bergman, Stockard Chan
ning and Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Men's
Club may end up to be something that's
far from ordinary.
LS CALLING Kit hard Pryor is the pro
ducer, director, co writer, and star of this
drama about an entertainer who must re
evaluate his life after nearly dying in a
drug accident It's fiction, but obviously
based on events in Pryor's off screen life
I)ebbie Allen co stars
S«npt* Mods hope to catli in on ttw miccm* o(
the* recont Top 20 tlbum when tho band lour* th*
United States throughout March.
ering that they were planning to be in
Dublin at the same time, suggested they
sample the Irish eapitol's nightlife to
gether They did and Fish lost his voice in
the process, cancelling the British tour
and delaying the American leg Sim
ple Minds returns to the II S. in March to
capitalize on the success of their hrst top
20 album. Once Upon A 'lime Pat
Henatar is currently on the road for the
first time in two years The Volunteer
Jam, Tennessee's annual concert event,
originally scheduled this year for I'ebru
ary 1 has been moved to July 12 Tradi
tionally held shortly alter the New Year,
concert promoters got cold leet about
scheduling another pre spring Jam when
last year's fans had to endure seven inch
es of snow, sleet and temperatures in the
low teens Aer«w»mith is nearing the
mid point of their six month American
lour in support of their latest LP, Done
With Mirrors, the first I P with the original
lineup since 1979 Black Sabbath is
currently on the road in support of their
latest album The Seventh Star Hob
Dylan and Tom Petty have just complet
ed their month long collaborative con
cert tour of New Zealand. Australia ami
Japan The tour will not In- coming to the
U S . but should result In a movie. TV
or video project O/ay Osbourne s
world tour lor his new album /'he Ulll
mull' Sin reaches the US in April Ju
das Priest takes to the road around in late
March both Emerson lake A PO»
ell and the M«>ody Blues are afxuit to em
bark on world lours in support ol their
new albums i'cargal Starkey, former
load singer ot the Undertones, brings his
new six piece band to the States for an
extended schedule of concerts in March
Starkey's single, A (»<**/ Heart, written by
lone Justice's Maria Mi Kco. recently
tnp|X-d the U K charts ior two weeks Ills
first solo album, released here in January,
also contains a Chrissie llynde |>enned
song. Made To Measure and last, but
certainly not least. AC/DC, a prime target
of the Washington Wives censorship
movement, devised a unique way of pass
ing incognito through unfriendly tern
tory on their recently completed tour A
sign on their bus read Teens For Jesus
The New Trouser
Press Record
Guide, Ira Robbtns
o Wanna break out
of the mainstream
music doldrums?
Then check this out The Trouser Press
Record Guide is /Ac sou re e tor hndinglhc
groups and artists who are creating the
music sc ene of tomorrow
The Complete Resume Guide, Marian
Unix o The title virtually sells this book,
which can help sell you to a prosjiective
employer It answers the who, what, why
and how of resume writing
What do you uy whan tomaona tad* you thay lova
you, and tha laaling'a not mutual? Raad "You Can
Never Go Wrong by Lying"lot tha anawar.
Norton, Akca ind Ralph ratum m Th» Offkml How
moontn Trtttury
The Official tloncymooncra Trea
Miry, /Wit (>■« cnfi mill /(<>/> Coium
/*■ o Do you wanna go to the ttHKin? II
you're ,i tun ot The lloneymaoncrv"
this affectionate collectIon of memorabil
i.i will send you into ihiici space In
eludes rare photographs, interviews with
cast and crew, the original 'i opts ol the
"Classic V>" episodes and enough other
information to till a pan ol Ralph ( rant
den s pants
You Can Never Go Wrong Hy Lying,
Putruta Marx 0 Marx (former writer
with Saturday Niyhi /ire) humorously
taikles contemjxirary vxial dilemmas,
like lu>w to lx mow .1 lew Inuks from
.someone you already owe a lot o( money
Where Did Our Love Go, Nelson
f„ ory.- 0 With keen attention to detail,
George paints a telling picture of Berry
Gonly |r, the complex |>crsonallly who
IhiiIi the Motown empire and molded
some of the world's greatest performers
Glamour, glitter,
anil even a gt x kI film
or two, are all |>art ol
I lollywoods Biggest
night Break out the |x»p corn and find a
comfortable chair, because, besides lie
mg long on glitz, the Academy Awards
are |ust plain lo o ong
FOt!R" College hoops' big showdown
for the national title
Sony Video Soft ware Car. has released .1
lull length videi>ta|ie of the only lully re
hearsed public concert John Iriinon
perlorined between the Beatles I9(>(>
American lour and his death in 1980 John
Inman I ire in New Mirk (Hy was taped
111 1972 at Madison Square Garden, when
l-cnnon a|*|>eared for .1 Ix.-nelii