35mm Prints and Slides from the same roll Seattle FilmWorks has adapted Kodak’s professional Morion Picture film for use in your 35mm camera. Now you can use the same film — with the same microfine grain and nch color saturation — Hollywood’s top studios demand. Its wide exposure latimde is perfect for everyday shots. You can capture special effects, too. Shoot it in bnght or low light—at up to 1200 ASA. What's more, it’s economical. And remember, Seattle FilmWorks lets you chixise prints or slides, or both, from the same roll. Try this remarkable film today! “I have never seen better pictures. And I have been taking pictures for many, many years. Am 100% sold!" Justin Buckley Panama City Beach, FL Ideal for use in Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Konica, Olympus, Pentax ... any 35mm camera. 'I'WSSKW "I $2 INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL □ RUSH me two 20-exposure rolls of Kodak MP film for my 35mm camera. Enclosed is $2 for a 2-roll starter pack including Eastman 5247® and 5204® NAME__ ADDRESS_ CITY_ _STATE ZIP 4651 Mail to: Seattle FilmWorks, 500 Third Ave. W. P.O. Box C- 34056, Seattle, WA 98124 Look for this symbol when you shop by mad kodak, S247, and 52*^4 are trademark* of Eastman ktsiak Co. Seattle FilmWorks i> wholly separate from the manufacturer Ptikcss ECN -II