MARCH 7 o HIGH LANDER -Scan Connery is the most recognizable name (although not the lead actor) in this in triguing thriller about a centuries long battle between ageless grxxl guys and bad guys that begias in the 16th Century and culminates in modern day New York Christopher Lambert, star of Greystoke, plays the heroic 470 year old young man MARCH 14 « THE BOY WHO COULD FLY—A fanciful story about an autistic child who believes he can fly Of course no one believes him Until MARCH 14 o THE HITCHER Rutger Hauer is the had guy once again in this thriller about a young man (played by C. Thomas Howell) who's stalked across the Southwest by a psychotic, who has cho sen his victim on a twisted whim MARCH 21 o CROSSROADS The de scription for this “serious comedy" sounds quite simple: A young man, played by Ralph Macchio, studies classi cal guitar at Julliard. However, this film is directed by Walter Hill, and it's never easy to say exactly what a W'alter Hill mov ie is about until you actually see it. In this one. Macchio is searching for a missing, fabled blues song by Roix-rt Johnson. MARCH 21 9 ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS A big time musical about the begin ,4 I f / M nings of rock n roll as seen by a British teenager of 195H It's been directed by hot music video director Julien Temple and features the music of Ray Davies, Da vid Bowie and Sade MARCH 21 0 THE MONEY PIT Sic ven Spielberg produced and Richard Benjamin directed this comedy starring Tom Hanks and Shelley bong as a yuppie couple who try to restore a rundown man sion As anyone who's been through this experience can tell you, they're in for deep, deep trouble MARCH 21 0 POIJCE ACADEMY III Faster than you can say "I can't believe they made a second one," here comes the j In Lucas, Corey H*m (loft) throw* hjmtoH into high school sports to win s pretty choortosdor. Chart* Sheen (mddto) snd Korn Green (nght) co-star third Mice Academy in which our for met cadet* return u> their old academy a* instructors MAKt.ll 21 o GONG HO Michael Kea ton stars in director Hon Howard’s latest, a ripped from the headlines comedy about a Japanese takeover of a small town American auto plant MARCH 21 0 JUST BETWEEN FRIENDS Mary Tyler Moore plays a widow who learns she has more In com mon with her best friend than she knew namely her late husband (played by Ted Danson) in this bitter sweet comedy Christine lahli plays the friend, who, to make matters worse, is pregnant with the deceased philanderer's child _______i*.__ Joe Piscopo (left) and Danny DeVito are faithful Mafia gophers—and lifelong fnends—who are ordered to loH each other for the amusement of a godfather, in the unusual comedy, Wise Guys. MARCH 21 « WISE (,CYS talk about your victims Harry and Mix* (played t>y Danny Dc Vito and Joe Ptscopo) art- two lifelong friends who have s|x-nt iht-lr lives a( (he UHtoni of the Malia "corpo ral«- ladder " Now lhi-If godfather, look mg for some amusement, has orik-ml each nun 10 kill the other The unlikely director of (Ills i omedy is blood and guts horror director Brian I h- Palma LATH MARCH o H IK) PARK Not ev eryonc hits it lug m Hollywood There's a much larger group of people who spend iht-ir days not quite making it, always hoping lor the lug break lorn It it Ice {Amadeus) ami Susan Ik-y star in this off heal story aUmi people on the fringes of show business m IA APRIL II 0 CAPTIVE HEARTS Vir gmiu Madsen stars as a girl from a strut Catholic girl s school who lias a mind of her own, and proves il by falling In love with a Uiy who's in a probation camp APRIL II e AT CLOSE RANCH Sean IVnn and ChrLstopher IVnn play lull brothers and the sons of an outlaw (Chris topher Walken), who join up with their low life father to lu-gm a crime spree across the Pennsylvania countryside Based upon a real life incident from the late 70s A young man (Sean Penn) is tom between a dears to impress Ins criminal lather, and his doubts about a Me of crime, m At Ctott Rang*. Al’KII. II 0 EIGHT Mil.IJON WAYS TO DIE J«’H Bridges plays a former la >s An geles nan ulu s detective whose search for a prostitute's murderer leads to the uncovering of a massive drug ring Ko seanna Arr|uette co siars Al’KII I I o LUCAS A poignant come dy about a I t year old Ixiy who views the social and athletic aspects of high school with gicat distaste, until his unrequited