The University of Oregon Continuation Center sponsors in association with •The College of Education, Division of Counseling and Educational Psychology •The College of Human Development and Performance, Leisure Studies and Services •School of Music •School of Architecture and Allied Arts •Womens Studies •College of Business Administration •Department of Art Education •College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Humanities •Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management Self Hypnosis April 8 - Way 27,1986 (Tuesday) 7:30-9:30 p.m. -152 Education Student Fee: $35 Instructor: Ronna Friend, Psychologist Associate, (Martin Acker. Ph.D., Supv.) Hypnosis is a natural state of focused concentration which alt us experience daily. The purpose of this class »to team specific techniques to induce this state in order to achieve personal goals. Posstole goals might include relaxation, stress management, habit control, dream awareness, increased creativity, and improved Telecourse - Humanities 410M (2 hours credit) March 30 - May 30 Course Fee: $65 Full-Time Students, $136 others Instructor: Prof Arnulf Zweig An upper-level humanities course based on the PBS series airing Sundays at 10 p.m. and Fridays at 2 p.m. Students will watch the series, complete reading assignments in tne accompanying texts, and submit a final, graded paper. There will be one class session on April 7 at 7:30 p.m. in 138 Gilbert, videotaped for those unable to attend Call 686-3537 for brochure and registration information. Women Writers' Workshop WST410G 6:30*8:50 p.m. - 301 Condon Student Fee: $35-2 Academic Credits Available Instructor: Cecelia Hagen. MFA This workshop is for women writers who want to expand their scope, productivity, and acuity as writers. The elements of voice, setting, language, and point of view wiH be examined and illustrated. The dass will focus on the writing of class members, which will be critiqued and discussed by the Kup under the guidance of instructor. Faculty/Staff Microcomputer Classes Each dass meets once a week for 1 -1/2 hours. If the dass is job-related, the Employee Benefit Fund may be available to help pay for the course. Contact Linda King, Personnel, Ext. 3086. Word Processing on the IBM Personal Computer April 10-May 8 (Thursday) 8:00-9:30 am. - 309 Gilbert Beginning Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM Personal Computer April 15-May 13 (Tuesday) 8:00-9:30 am. - 309 Gilbert Advanced Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM Personal Computer April 16-May 14 (Wednesday) 8:00-9:30 am. - 309 Gilbert Introduction to the Macintosh Computer April I4-May 12 (Monday) 1:30-3:00 p.m. - 309 Gilbert Communication Skills for Public Managers and Planners PPPM 408Q 01 credit May 10, 1986 (Saturday) TIN 7417 9 a.m, - 430 p.m. 261 Lawrence Student Fee: $25 A practical workshop on small group communication and problem solving; facilitating; productive and efficient staff and public meeting; and conflict resolution and negotiation skills. Music for Parsnts and Young Children April 22-June 3, 1986 10:00-10:45 a.m. -105 Music Fee: $25 per family Instructor: Mary Lou Van Rysselberghe This class is for parents to attend with their preschool children (6 months to 5 years). No musical experience needed. Emphasis will be on teaching parents and children songs, games, and other music suitable for developing musicality in preschool children. For information or to register, please call the instructor directly at 686-3797 or 686-3761. Art Therapy, Body Image, and Eating Disorders LSS 408Q 1 Credit May 17, 1986 (Saturday) TLN8107 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Geology 44 ‘ Student Fee: $20 (with credit) Instructor: Leigh Files, M.Ed. A theoretical and experiential workshop using art therapy in assessing and treating body image distortion and eating disorders. Focuses on clinical issues, graphic qualities in artwork, and effective intervention strategies, includes lecture/discussion, case study, and experiential processes. Imagine That! April 3-May 8,1986 730-9:20 p.m. -176 Education Student Fee: $35 Instructor: Nancy Hopps Imaaine That attracting students of all ages, focuses on the use and practical application of relaxation techniques, creative visualization, affirmations and goal setting. Business Graphics ‘86 Conference May 5-6, 1986 Portland, Oregon Academic Credit Available Business Graphics ‘86 will present the latest in computer developments for the business world. The conference features hands-on workshops, general session presentations, panel discussions, lectures and demonstrations on Desktop Publishing, Business Presentation Graphics, and Professional Graphic Design. The Shakespeare Hour Telecourse - Humanities 410 M (1 hour credit) March 25-May 6 Course Fee $34 full-time students. $68 others Instructor: Thomas Ellis, Ph.D. An upper-level humanities course based on the PBS series airing Tuesday evenings at 11 p m. The University of Oregon course will focus on Measure tor Measure and King Lear. . Students will watch the series, complete assigned readings, and write a final graded paper. There will be one class session on April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in 138 Gilbert, videotaped for those unable to attend. Call 686-3537 for brochure and Art Therapy Media and Techniques LSS416G 3 Credits April 7-June 9, 1986 6:30-9:30 p.m. - Geology 44 Student Fee: $35 (with credit) Instructor: Leigh Flies, M.Ed. An experiential course using art therapy media and techniques appropriate to individual and group work. Focuses on media exploration, spontaneous art expression, and structured art therapy interventions. Includes experiential processes, and lecture/discussion of the theoretical principles and practical applications directly related to the studio experience. For more information on these courses call the Continuation Center at 686-3537 or stop by 1553 Moss Street.