Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Dally Emerald Is published Monday through Friday except durlng ex^ week and vacatlons by the Oregon Dally Emerald Publishing Co., at the University of Oregon. Eugene, 0regon, 97'«>3 The Emerald operates independently oftheUnl-rersIty with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press _ The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers Is prosecutable by law. Advertising Director RussSl Steele Production Manager \SS5l AdSnS Classified Advertising Assistant to the Publisher Je*n Ownbey Advertising Sales David Wood Sales Manager, John BoderJesSica Cederberg. Mic h*!L^8y i lonl d' Robin Joannides, Carlos Lam ad rid Marcia {-•°ha«l, Shawn Leuthold, Shawna Reed, Joan Vandermuth, Laura Willoughby ^ , _ Production Vince Adams, Kelly Alexandre. Lynne Casey Shu-Shing Chen Ellen Cross. Monica Dwy«r. Storm' Dykes, Manuel Flores. Shannon Gaither Steve Gibbons Jim Marks. Ross Martin. 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Ross Martin News and Editorial Display Advertising and Business Classified Advertising Production Circulation 666S511 666-3712 686-4343 686-4361 686-5511 Et al. MEETINGS Mon's Network, a gay men's discussion group, meets tonight at 7:30 at 1414 Kincaid St. Alpha Kappa Psi has canceled its meeting. Elections <>! ot ficers will be held April 9. miscellaneous Sexual harassment on campus is the topic of a 59-minute videotape to be shown today at 5 p.m. and Friday at noon in Studio C. 1MC. Sociology majors can preregister for spring term sociology classes by coining to Hoorn 7(H» PUC today through Friday. Attention outstanding student leaders: Centurion Award in formation sheets are available in information booths in Oregon Mall, the EMU. the Main Library and in Room 202 Johnson Mall. Applications are due Friday by 5 p.m CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT: Alt ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing arrangement has been establtsned For Bitlmg ar rangements. please call 666-4343 or stop by the Emerald Ctassitied oMice, 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per wOiil tor the first day and 1* cents per word .tor con secutive days the ad is run without •' .change.- • _ . . Ten-word minimum charge is *170 lor the first insertion end *1.40 lor con secutive insertions ? 9-POINT : t*l/line) .' 12-POINT * ., • <*1 25/line) • 18 POINT (*1 50/tinet . 24 POINT ....... * (*t 75/linet . •• BOX BORDER *1.2S/day DISPLAY CLASSIFIED - ' '■ OPEN RATE: $5.40/lnch '. BIRTHDAY BEAT: 25* ; DEADLINES LINE ADS: 12" noon the day before - publication. ; \ ‘ ‘ :‘ For Sale MUST SELL Like new Panasonic VCR *350 IF Panasonic color tv *350 or best otter 3*2273* 3-12 MCAT PREPARATION! GAPS tapes and comprehensive review matenais Re cent edition Bought *350. now *250 It worked tor me1 Corvallis 754-1397 3-12 SLICK WINDSURF * SKI s.|k screen T shirts until Thursday evening at EMU Balance..'LTO^^ _ -F’3 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Classic manual (no plastic parts!) completely reconditioned *45 or trade tor full hairnet ir/flip shield 6830944 3-13 United roondtrip airline ticket food anywhere in U.S ' *250/BO 434-0021, • FOR SALE: 1*66 Rickenbacker 330 g'gilar *4 50 or best Joe 466-4133/342 7975_ 3014 ROSSIONOL 207FP COMP Skis wfTyrolia 360R bindings *125 or B/ot ter Comptelety tuned 484-5879 eves 3-f COUCH CHAIR FLOOR RUG BIKE (1 speed) Musi sell by Friday! Call 485 7576 betore 9:30 am oi M» name and number' 3-13 Instruction Russian Language Private instructions from a native born.. reasonable tee it interested please celt mom or eve 896 3606 ask tor-Michael • : .>13. Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EDITOR. 16 years ekpenence Graduate school. at> proved Near campus Robin 3440759 TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing graphics, taw papers resumes. 4 mass mailings Grad Sch approved WordStyies • TypeScripts CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 484 6044 4940 tin WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED 5 Mocks to UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 485 3683 ’ __ 4962MWH Word Processmg/Y ypmg 15 plus years experience .Papers dissertations, editing, mass mailings Micro casette transcription. Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688 6378 4938;ttn. GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina .between 9 am and ‘10 pm. at "343-2823 or 726-9824 ‘ . . ._ 4968 MW PRO TYPINQ/EDITING Guaranteed Close to UO Graduate school approved JENNIFER. 485-3883 4963UWF 255 East 18th 343-0989 (Dynamic Typing Service) THE Student Specialists/ Business Professionals Word Processing/Typing Complete Photocopy Center Disk Editing (many systems) Pickup 6 Delivery Available Sis Blocks tiom Campus CAROLS PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE 345 2289 05 pm Evenings and weekends by spot - 6109:UVt»H WORD PROCESSING BY KAREN, Free dratt ll/page 6831117 8441 HFMtuwl THE TYPED WORD Experienced test etlicienl Reasonable rates 3430801 evenings _ 8081-Wf TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 6 EDITING Resumes Papers. These*. Dissert* Hons. 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Ha an outdoof school counaalot ml# spring For mora info call 606 4351 or nail ESCAPE Mroglaliatton 6213 313 BREAK AWAY from laitbooks ana ioctura halla' ESCAPE ollara uppar division craUit lor volunlaar tin pullc achool*. commonily sarvtca aoanciaa. ana outdoor school Call ESCAPE at 686 435T or ragitiar ai Mac Court $16 313 NOW IS THE TIME FOR PEACE PEACE CORPS Its Opportunities are Unique For Applleallon. or Intormation Call 6663236_ THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PROGRAM I* . currantly pr* ragtatanng coordinator* for ipring i«ni Thi* po*i lion otta's *«c*l>ont *b d**criptron* and application*. »l UB Olll¥*'-1869tt . 151 n OMCMIni 3/21IB6 Egu«FOpportunityr.AI lirmaliv*.'- Action ‘Employr i*6202.3,1 ’ OFF CAMPUS MOUSING niia«n«r Clou* to campu* R*ni $140 p*r month Call 485 4789 *y*ning« PBM>. : ■ ' ■ _ MALE ROOMATE TO »har» J b*droom apt $l?5 ptu*.'. util Availabi* March 14 343-3857 ?M FIRST MONTH FREE R»8pon»ibi* lamat* roornmal* wanl*d to »h*r* 2 ballroom *pi Clot* to cam pu* Call 484 5984 or Man*. m*»»ag* at 341 3369 _ SHARE A NICE TOWNHOUSE On* block Irom campu* $163 monthly F*m*l« pr*t*rr*d Availabl* during yprinq bt»ak Shinn* 343 7910 3-12 ROOMMATE NEEOED 4 block* Irom campu* Big yard tlraplac* larg* room wa*h*r/dry*r Friandly, d*adical*d houa* ft/ormo 3*4 8843 3-12 Doonesbury .. AW RICK'S ALREADV l£FT TO VISIT HIM IN ext LB. rr'^ONBOFTHB FewwmiextsDuyAi 10*5 BVBR 600PNB95! THAT IS A REMAKKA&ie Ami6NMBHT> IT SHOULP HBU? SOME ABSOUITEVf FAiCMATim IN$/6H75 INTO THE 6&4* e&SOFB/IL! BY GARRY TRUDEAU ..AND THEN THE otherKi&sm- "JjrLj EPCALUN6ME g}ENTOU •BAs&meAV «»gj} KM.U AK OK VEGETARIAN SPAGHETTI Only *IJ» Sllimit h of il-lilhrlllHl putlo mrtll or \rflr tomr motif doth nMl frrth irjtruMft. wryfti it tth utirlit hrrutl Open Mon - Thun 5:00 - I0:00pni for Coffee A Pwrtrk* COME ON VP!