Student Senate votes to place deadline extension on ballot By Stan Nelson (N the Kmarald The Student Senate on Monday unanimously approved placing a measure on the ASUO spring election ballot that would extend the time students have to drop classes. The ballot measure would extend from 10 school days to 20 school days the time students have to drop classes without receiving a "W," meaning withdraw, on their transcripts. If the extension is approved by a majority of University students, the Senate will present a mo tion to accept the extension before the University Senate, said Student Senator Kandy Mac Donald. *The whole idea (of the drop deadline) is to see how a stu dent is doing in a class/ — Donna Lawrence •'. “It .(student approval) would give us a stu dent mandate for. change.” he said.' A general election vote will reach a large group of people and reflect the opinions' of students as a whole, which will give the results credibility, he said. ■ Monday's vote followed a Student. Senate survey In which 95 percept of the students who responded supported the proposal. Of the Univer sity faculty, who respond to a simular Student Senate survey. 40 percent said the currant time ‘allotment is too short. Hut because- only about 10 percent of the University’<« 1.400 faculty members and only 61 students responded id the surveys, many of those in a position to change the cutoff date do not con ■ aider the statistics valid, said Student Senate Chair Donna Lawrence,'/ ''.777 -V- V • “Theyvhole idea (of the drop deadline), is to see how a student is doing in a class,” Lawrence said. The current drop period gives students only four to six class days to decide to drop a class before receiving a "W,” she said. The last day to drop a class without a ”W” is also the last day of late registration. But there is no reason to extend the deadline longer than for other registration activities, said University Registrar Herb Chereck. The two-week deadline is ample time if students survey their courses before enrolling, he said. • The ”W” on a student's transcript is necessary if a student does not complete a course. Chereck said. From a record-keeping standpoint, the academic history Of the student would not be accurately represented if the deadline to drop a class without notation was extended, he said ■*. '• , ■’ - •• The Senate also ypted 8-0 to place, qn the ballot a measure to determine: students' opinions on the.ROTC issue. One member abstained from the vote. v ',.' .* .,-v. • ;’Although no act ion will be taken on the* ROTC issue initially! results of a vote willprbvide • accurate information about student opinion con cerning the issue, I .aw re nee said. The University Assembly defeated ;,'two’ ROTC-related motions March 6. The original mo tion called fpr elimination of the University ROTC program. An amended motion would have suspended the program until it complied; with University equal opportunity and affirmative ac tion guidelines. 1 ; ,v Correction Submissions, fpr the new KMU statement of purpose sign will be accepted April 7-21 rather than April 7-12, as the Oregon Daily Kmerald reported Tuesday. We regret any in cdnvenience this may have caused. Place Two Hair & Nail Specialists (Formerly Hair Faire) 342-2165 1410 Orchard St. Behind McDonalds and Food Value Spring Break Special $25 set of nails $15 fWs with this ad - expires 5/50/86 $2995 Perms Includes shampoo, condition, haircut and style (longer hair slightly extra) > o WHAT IS A FLURRY? ARCADE & YOGURT SHOP Hours: Open Early, Open Late <3> <37 <37 <37 O <37 <3? <37 <37 <~7 *37 <37 <37 C7 <37 University Neighborhood Dentist Gentle care for students for 14 years Student Discount Available J. Scott Baxter, d.m.d., p.c. 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