Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1986, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 10

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Again, Ducks' win
too little, too late
There was no better place to be than McArthur Court on
Saturday afternoon.
Viewers up and down the West Coast might have agreed
— unless, of course, they turned on their television sets ex
pecting to see Reggie Miller, the country s fourth leading
scorer, and the UCLA Bruins run circles around the Oregon
men s basketball team.
The emotional farewell for senior Jerry Adams was ex
pected. as was the vintage Mac Court crowd of 9.074. People
close to either program probably expected a close match-up.
taking into account recent Duck-Bruin encounters.
The unexpected turn of events turned sour for the
Bruins but sweet for the Ducks, freshman Kevin Mouton
played some relentless defense on the 6-7 Miller, holding
him to 18 hard-earned points. The Ducks also fearlessly took
the ball right at the MIT-bound Bruins while three of the
wackiest technical fouls in memory added to the
From the Sidelines J :
Jby Joe Arndt & Dennis Fernandes
Since the time we wrote our last column about the men's
team (which was mercilessly demeaning to the Ducks and
their then-erratic play). Oregon has gone 6-3. Including a
long-awaited victory over Oregon State, and won three of
their last four. Good basketball has made swallowing any
pride we had a little easier.
Adams, an all-PacIflc-10 Conference selection, in the lat
ter half of this season moved from unevcntfuMy terminating
his Oregon basketball career to becoming a candidate tor
the fourth or fifth round of June s national Basketball
Association college draft. Mis stats on Saturday were typical
Adams, as of late: 19 points and 16 rebounds while winning
the Pac-10 rebounding title outright.
Adams has created a bandwagon that even Brent
Musburger could jump on. Prom not being able to hang onto
the ball his freshman year to spending a year at Lane Com; ,
munity College, he has endured elements unimaginable for
most college basketball players.
Mow, coach Don Monson. Is left scratching his head, well
aware that, for next season, he probably does not have a
Jerry Adams to hand the reigns Blair Rasmussen once hand
ed down to him. Monson also may be pondering which guard
to redshlrt next season, since all five of the backcourt men
on the roster started at one time or another.
But he has to be pleased with the way the; Ducks 'con
cluded the season. And while UCLA readies to defend .their
MIT championship from last year. Oregon players and fans
can only shake their heads and wish the league s post
season tournament started this week instead, of at'the end df
next season.
The Ducks might be the best 11-17 team In the country. \
They played 10 teams heading for post-season play Irr.-the."
MIT or MCAA tournament: splitting with UCLA and California,
soundly beating Wyoming and Brigham Young University '
while losing to the likes of Motre Dame, Arizona^Texas Tech: ■
Washington. Boston University and Mortherri Arizona.’ . -*•
Although it would be nice, the Ducks know they don t
need any post-season tournament to prove they are capable
of beating just about anybody right now. ° .
Sure. Saturday's Oregon-UCLA was a great, but the
behind-the-scenes operation of a regionally televised game
proved to be interesting in Itself.
While the game action was going on In Mac Court, an en
vironment nearly as intense could be found Just steps away.
CBS's regional telecast of the game presented a scenic
and favorable look at the University as a whole. The game
was one of two nationally televised matchups shown around
the country. The Midwest and Cast Coast saw the Michigan-.
Indiana contest while the western half of the country was
entertained by a powerful Duck squad and a boisterous
Oregon crowd
CBS producer F.d Goren had heard of the fan s supportive
Continued on Page 3B
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