DEADLINE EXTENDED BY POPULAR DEMAND SKI SUN VALLEY During Spring Brink SAVE 138 $240 FI* to Dm Sun A Fun EMU CAMPUS TRAVEL CTR (MM tin Opportunities NOW IS THE TIME FOR PEACE PEACE CORPS & Its Opportunities ' are Unique For Application! or Information Cad sas-stss Help Wanted REPUBLICAN RUNNING TOR State Senate in l.aka Oa'wego Need worfcera Spring Break Oreal a « pa i lane* good tewaa MMBMorSSSaMO V* 11 SIACK sum RANCH Corporation haa poatliona open lot eomrrvar .1*66 Pool bona available wtil Include Ufa Quanta Recreation. Coordinator*. Sport Shop Sates. Bttycta Repair.. Eroni Daaa Raaiaurant. Mouaekeeplng. Ouaat Ragratralion Application* tot employ men! Black Bulla Ranch Corporation ; Adminiairanon Office. Boa **». Black Bulla Ranch'OB S77M. or taa Emmet 1 injite JVO oihca, isii Agate Si 3-n AESCACH OPENING AT OHBU W«>. >ng on {MA receptor* Eaparlahca m immunology, uaa ol laotopas and can culture required .'Salary *15 73.000 depending upon level Call Or RoOarl Bannett.fa* SBE3 Ipr mora QalaliaSIT mNNMU STUMNT MUDCO lo aal up and operate varioua ifUcroeom puler equipment. Apron S-tO houra/Waak So* appl conlacl Mury M 6MM73I between tBU- Tuaaday or WaBnoodsir Pfdy • MiSjll UNIVERSITY or OREOON UPWAAO BOUND Program la tlill accepting ap - plicaliona tor Group' Counaekx* lor aummar aeaaion Juna „ 12 Auguai 16.1986 $1500 plua room and board Pick up jobdeacrtptloh* and application* ai'UB Office, ISM E 15th Oaadtina V2I/BS Equal Opportuntly/AI ■ firmativa Action Employar' 6302 3 IT ..WIND SYNERGY WINDSURFING OF THE . COLUMBIA GORGE la now accepting appl leal Iona lor I ha poailion ol cdrtltmd •arindaurflng in alruclora and a ouauliad pnraonio run our arindaurflng echoed Sand raauma WIND SYNERGY Port Mwtna Park OR *7011 3-0 MODEL FOR APROX JO hour* »pnnfl break in Portland or Eugene No release, negatives returned or destroyed $6 pet hour 342-6736 3-0 OFF CAMPUS MOUSING naada ol flee (tail people tor Spring I arm App ly Sulla 3 EMU Flexible hours Ac capllng appucalioni unlit March 17 Job descriptions available Equal Op porlunlty/Attirmalive Action Imployat 6273 3 14 COMPUTER POSITION: Pari lima Muat know Mac and Laaar Writer Pro tlcianey on MacWrtte, MacPaint, and Macdrew raquirad Eipananca with Mac larminal. Microsoft Word, and Aldus Pagemaker deeireable Duties lull aarvica documani craation. aaaiat with self-serve Call 344-5524. bam-11 am. Monday through Friday 6206.3-12 OVERSEAS JOSS. Summai, yr round" Europe. S Amer. Australia Alla All fialda $900 2000 mo Sightseeing Free into Writs IJC PO Box 52 OR 3 Corona Pel Mai CA S2626 3-17 LOOKINO FOR THE BEST Pari lima |Ob around** Veter an sMonvet at ana I ha Naval Rasarva has many In larastlng pari lima lobe available In Eugana New Rasarva Ql Bill. Higher pay. Bonuses possible Call Jack (COttacI) 342 7606 6210'3-11 Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED lor spr Ing term 4 blocks Irom campus $162 a month Call 466 1300 3-13 DO YOU NEED a roommate So do I Nice 2 bdrm apt. $175 per month not In cluding ultimas It interested call <66-1267, must be a non smoker. 3-11 WANTED ■loueemale (Of spring Itrrn 4 bdrms. m baths. wtihif, dryer, and ushwasher Cloaa lo campus Rant H40 par monlh Call 486 4(89 evening, >nly 410 SHARE A NICE TOWNHOUSE Ona block from campus *183 monthly Female pralariad Avaliabla during spring braak Shtrlna 3437910 3-12 MALE ROOMATE TO shara 2 badroom apt *123 plus VS util Avaliabla March 14 34*•3867 __ 3 14 FIRST MONTH FREE Raaponsibla lamala toommala wanted lo shara 2 badroom apt Cloaa lo cam pus Call 464 3964 or isavs massage al 341 3369 1-17 ROOMMATE NEEDED 4 blocks from campus Big yard, fireplace large room, washer/dryer Friendly, (Indicated house tlTOfmo 344 6843 312 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couples end single parents possibility of Im mediate occupancy or place youreell on waiting list Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 badroom *144/mo. 1 bedroom *113/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom *l20/mo Future openings especied, all areas Contact UO nous mg Dept 666 4217 4942 Itn FURNISHED LARGE 1/2 bedroom cam pus S24VS323 No pats 4832823 6433 tin NEWER OUADS. Locally owned Vk block Irom campus *t39/mo utilities in cluded 1866 Harris, manager apt 4 . 342-4261 ■ " 3643:tfn • THE SERENITY OF THE FOREST 2 bedroom 1 vy. bath „ • ■ ° " '• *300 6 *313 . • • Private Balcony „ • o • Fully appllenced, . - ". ..: Carpeted * draped -Sauna * Pool Escetlenl bus service ' . Forest Village. • .; ' ' Cell now 6873318 . . . .» 6131:3^1 FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, neat Music. ■ Bldg *300 Reterrices" Ridgewood Apse 9663799 • ■ ' MTSTfn HOME TO SHARE .2 blocks from cem- ■; pus, rent Includes utilities laundry, and; phone *200 -346M$S.“ ':3,12. . OUIET COUNTRY. LIVING,, in ; Ihe"... southwest .hills.’ Beaulliul 11 and_ 2 bedroom apis with vidw' teems,‘pool ' r*c room, laundry Close io'Crty'bus Hne Prospect pPeJk Apts 17103401 theiaw Btvd 4846963 , .‘»l 19317. ROOM .IN BEAUTIFUL Horry, -near'. cam put *1 TtVmo pays all 3433380 • . vvu Quads C CAMPUS COURT QUADS duel one Meek tram the library Private rel'r'gerUor end'.v*.belh' Irom *169 Bob or Kelly.. 1344 AlOer no 21. 343-4490- ‘ . ..... Bldg managed by Si Clair Properties _ • ' *' • ' ' HILYARD QUADS.1. Well maintained unit avaliabla unit avaliabla lor immediate movs-in. New mattress, nice’kit- • chans on-site mgr. $ 155/mo rant plus, daposil. Call Jay 485-6120 altar 3 pm or visit no 24, 1750 Hilyard „ . 61333-H UNOER NEW MANAGEMENT Alder Slreel Quad, Furniehad Quads now- evcilabie Utilities paid coveted parking and laundry facilities avaliabla *l39/monlh dr tUWmonlh on 3-monlh lease -Contact Tony. 1380 Alder St'no S3 343 3399 3:17 UOftM CONTRACTS DORM CONTRACT TOR MM Call Stuart 48M031 ■ / '• •• .3-17 DORM CONTRACT TOR saiie - CAM ASMOSi ' • . »1T DORM CONTRACT FOR MM HI pay 880 OepoelicaH-Kart aiSa3-376r;» 3-l4 , OORM contract FOR sate.Caii Kathy • 4S8-IB88.- ,1 ■. .• : ~ 3-13; DORM CONTRACT TOR sal# Call eaaaatt ' - ’ , >t«' OORM CONTRACT FOR sale Call Jim 345 3S5R_. • . % • ■ ~ 3;13 DORM CONTRACT FOR tala Call Kim 4SRSS80. PtSASSI 3-~1T FRtt BEER WITH Ul Contrat i Call 1 Im 8884140 ■ • • ‘ 3014 § Real Estate STUDIO-HOUSE Charming 1 bedroomalcove house with small yard In eicetlent Waal lOlh neighborhood Why rani lor years when you can own a houaa? Architect/owner has led area 118.500. 10% down Call Gall Newton 484 9381 Unique Properties 3-13 Food a Drink ~ NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST $1 7:301040 FEATURINO: Crolaaant or craam chon#* pantry, and cotta# or taa MONDAY FRIDAY EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY WWiMMAfWUWWm M-F 7 304 00 881 E 13th Saturday 83 _484 1882 EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Turkay t Chaana tiltad croittani • Spinach t Chaata tiltad crol»»nnt Straight from fha ovon 11 00 am M F > 304 00 881 E 13th Jralurday S3 484 1848 . ‘ Events OREGON COMPUTING ASSOCIATION ° •. ■:• 6:30pm 150 Geology . The lac lure followed by the turn based on.hts Hte.stoty •' THE KILLING S Tickets: ** $4/Students $6/General Avelleble el the door. Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential. Call 696-4466 SlfUitn PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS. Free pregnancy testing Birthright 687 8651 _ 623 U PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS 620 Astrology chart readings 630 What is your Karmic destiny? Call Tom 343-3000 __ 5896 tin CENTURION AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING STUDENT LEADERSHIP DEADLINE: MARCH 14, 5 PM Information sheets are available in: •202. Johnson Nall • •EMU Information Booth •Oregon Hell information Booth •Main LlbratV reference center -t r 6136:312 USED CASSETTES 62.96 up. new tapes 64 99 up New releases always discounted Diana's Records. Tapes. & T Shirts Smith Family Building Open's! 3426246. 314 LAURA: I toy you BARRY 4-9 INSIGHT TO ACTION. A support and therapy group program for adult children of alcoholics. Person Resource Systems 464-9274 3-14 FREE POSTERS AT ARTWORKS- Cell 485-0034 for details or visit 291 £. 5th Avenue M Sat 10-5 pm. Sun 12-5 pm 3-17 SOCIOLOGY MAJORS Pre-register for Spring Term Classes! Come see a peer adviser In 709 PLC from March 10-March 14 For more In fo call X5012 8159-3-13 WIN *2 nights at Mt Bachelor *(150 In textbooks at UO Bookstore *4 one-hr sessions at Onsens Hot Tubs ..end more in THE ASUO DRAWING tour. $1 donation benefits the ASUO Food Co-op and Project Safertde *. Get tickets atthe. EMU MAIn Desk and the tJO Bookstore For.mofe.ln-1 1p, call BBS-3724 . • •• 6206 312 University Awards It ybO received art activity sheet to fill out tor amUniversity Award or Cain .'turton Award.; that .torm;is*due. Can turlon- Awards . 62073-f 2 • S • «„V EXPANDED HOURS! Weekdays •amt1:30ain '■ . Saturdays kamXpm Sundays Sam tOpm SomShowcr jmjtm__ »7« e nut The ASUO NEEDS YOU! Run For Office in YOUR Student Government Pi»sldan«/Vlca Prosldaot EMU Board Inctdanlal Faa Committed Oregon Dally Emerald Board Associated Studants FteS.'s Advisory Council FILE NOW Filing deadline Thurs., April 3, 5pm Candidate Packets & Info. Suite 4 EMU X3724 SOPHOMORE Druid* the junior class honor soclaty. Is accepting applications tor next year Applications may be picked up in 364 Oregon Hall and are due March 14 (minimum of 3.0 GP1 and 90 credits hours by tali term required ) <161:3-13 SPRING TERM IS NEAR Join the Bailey Manor Students Coop We have spaces available for outgoing students. Singles and doubles. Rent includes ; . Room and board and > Good times - Call Sasha 683-9955 The Russians ; were red - the Yankees were blue We had a great .time partying ‘ with you. . Love, Tri Deltski v P.S.Thanks for the wake up breakfast! / ' 3-11 . • - ::;© > We’re proud to announce our newest pledges: Janice Jeneskey Melinda Alien Kelly Lorson Theresa Allen Welcome to Alpha Phi! We’re excited to have you with us! _ 6206 3 11 Lisa Johnson Another day. another personal My. aren't we popular?- ■ ' .3-11 FORIEGN STUDENTS: Host family available spring term Near campus, meals, tutoring, laundry 48S6301 after . 5 30 3-11 HOW TO STUDY FOR FINALS A tree one-hour workshop that teaches students how to integrate course material, anticipate test questions, and structure Presented by the Learning Resources Center. March 11, 3 30-4 30 in room 342 gilbert 6147:3-11 WRITING ESSAY EXAM ANSWERS This mini-workshop will suggest effec live and • efficient approaches to organizing and writng cohesive and clear answers to essay questions within the time constraints of an in class essay , Presented by the Learning Resources Center, March 13, 3:30-5 In room 342 Gilbert6148:3-11 MEMORIAL TREE PLANTING for Lari Rae Stephenson March 15th, 6:30 am Iron! of Health Center3-11 HELP HAVE RT ticket to LA leaving March t9. returning April Sth. I need to leave Thursday the 20fh Please contact me lor details. 3 - 12 STEVE CROSS: Beware ot southern grandmas I'm going to miss you I LOVE YOU DOROTHY 3-11 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ■ ..-. ...-i m mrs vmcm.~ YOU KNOW YOU PIPN'T MJRPER YOUR MISBANP. youwe just ueser.. non you coufusep just listen for ten years, cmut me tun hmmm> ms cmy socks on we haumnister, wnmoNMY utmmi mv caluns m 'PURGE ROT." ANP LATElY HEV KEN FORCING ME W NATCH *PICK CLARK'S CENSOREP BLOOPERS ' EVERY PHMP yWPTMM well- MIO'IIA, i mTt> mr ' YOUPPO'