Sports_ Harter ends spectacular Oregon career at NCAA’s By Kevin Hiestand Of the Kmerald Although the Oregon wrestling team did not fare too well in the Pacific-tO championships held March 2 in Pullman. Wash., senior Mike Harter captured the in dividual title at 177 pounds and now qualifies for the NCAA tournament Friday thru Sunday in Iowa City, Iowa. During his short two-year career at Oregon, Harter has been showered with accolades as much as the Willamette Valley has been showered with rain. After compiling a school-record 40 wins last year and a second place finish in the Pac-10 tournament, Harter has continued his success on the mat this year with a 36-7-1 record. “Mike is very durable and very competitive, and he never misses practice." Oregon coach and 1984 Olympic coach Ron Finley. Harter has won 22 of his last 25 matches, and if he wins two more matches at the national tournament, he will break into Oregon’s top 10 on the career victory list with 78 victories. Quite an accomplishment consider ing he has been here only two years. The road to Oregon was a long one for Harter, who graduated from high school in New Orleans in 1981. Harter was selected as a member of the national high school “Dream Team" as selected by a poll of college coaches in his senior season. From there, Harter went to Iowa State University, a perennial NCAA wrestling power. However, a poor relationship with the coach forced Harter to transfer to Iowa Central University. It was at ICU that Finley first saw Harter wrestle. After the 1984 Olympic trials, CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Mato desk PAYMENT: All ads must be pahf for In advance unless a billing arrangement has been established For tailing ar rangements please call SSS4343 or •fop by the Emerald Classified office, 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word for the first day and 1* cents per word tor con secutlve days the ad is run without change Ten-word mtnlnmni charge Is $1.70 tor tos fkst inwsrtton and flag tor can 9-POINT (St/tlna) 12-POINT ($1 2S/line) 18 POINT ($1 SOtlnef 24 POINT ($1,7Sftine) BOX BORDER *1 23Way display classified OPEN RATE: SSAOAocti BIRTHDAY BEAT: 2S« DEADLINES LINE AOS: 12 noon the day before publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AOS: 12 noon two days before pubHcatlon nw Qfoon °»Ky EmtfUa la pubiisti Sd Monday through Friday during m, academic nw (&ptemberjur>e) am Tuesday and Thursday during aumma aaaaion (Jurve-August> '*"®**_ Th« Oregon Daily Emarate cannof ba responsible lor more thar fha Oraoon day a Incorracl advertising Clothing 20% OFF All accessories at OID FRIENDS 1128 Aider 11-5:30 .. .6153 3-11 I Few 5/uf QHOW LIGHT. 1000W Halida. Umar. 150 aa olhar 636-aaaa aarty or lala Keep 1rytnp31l MUST SELL Lika new Panasonic VCR use t»' Panasonic color i» 1350 or bast oiler 343-3739 3-12 «*» SHE COTTON FUTOM with •odd akyttua coyer 1150 or bast oiler EacaHenl condition 663-9345 311 Scat PNCPMATWNt GAPS tapes and comprananarva review materials Re cam edition Bought 6360 now *350 II worked lor me) Corvallis 754-13973-13 Instruction HOW TO STUDY FOR FINALS A Iraa one-hour workshop that teaches students how lo integral* course malarial, anticipate test questions and structure your review Presented by the Learning Resources Canter, March 11. 3 30 4 30 In room 343jjitt>ert 6147:3-11 LOOK AT THOSe. FACES. ARRO GANT TO THE ENPf WOULDffT TH6NI6HT Oregon senior Mike Harter (top) is on his way to the NCAA championship wrestling tournament this weekend in Iowa City. Iowa. Finley convinced Harter to transfer to Oregon. Since then, both men have learned to respect the other to the utmost degree. "He is the best coach in the country — he’s so con cerned with the kids’ lives outside of wrestling." Harter said of Finley. If desire has much to do with competing well at the NCAA tournament, then Harter has had a lot going for him. “1 would like to win very much, it is very impor tant to mo.” Harter said. Last year he qualified and won his first match, but lost in the second round to the eventual runner-up in the 190-pound class. This year Harter has trimmed down to become an effective 177-pound wrestler, and his coach likes his chances in the NCAA’s. "If Mike wrestles well, he could 90 far in the NCAA’s.” Finley said. Once the tournament and the term end, Harter and his wife of six months, Stephanie, plan to stay in Eugene and work toward their respective degrees. Harter is majoring in therapeutic-recreation and hopes to find an internship in the Spring or Fall next year. Currently Harter is working as a peer adviser in the leisure studies department. Another reason Harter would like to stay in Eugene after graduation is his respect for Finley, and a desire to get into coaching. “You never know, (assistant coach) Dean Dixon • might get offered another job. and I could help Coach Finley.” Harter said He also plans to start training for the United States World Cup team in Greco-Roman wrestling after graduation. 'i’ll have a better chance at making the team next year (1987) because I .will have has more time to train for that style (Greco-Roman) of Wrestling;" Harter said. ’ Greco-Roman is a style of wrestling used in the World Cup and Olympic games and relies on upper body strength since no holds are-allowed below the waist.- •••._’ , .•••• '.•/ . ■ • ° • 1 "Greco-Roman is best suited for Mike because of upper body strength,." Finley says, . I Russian Language Private instructions from a native bom, raaaonabte tea H miarastad pteaaa call mom or ava 880-3808, aak lor Michael -■ _ >H WRITING ESSAY EXAM ANSWERS Ttea mini workshop wtU suggest eltee llva and afllelanl approaches to organising and wrttng cohesive and Ctear anawara lo aaaay questions Witnin I ha lima constraints ol an tn cteaa aaaay . Praaantad by tha Learning Resources Canter March 13. 3 30-5 In room 342 Gilbert 5148 3- * 1 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EDITOR 16 yaara axpananca Graduate school ap provad Near campus Robin, 344-075* ■ _ .8206lln TYPING A WORO PROCESSING Thaaaaldlaaarlallona. papers. adiling graphics, law papara raaumae. 5 - mass mailings. 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