'The Rivals ’ satirizes lifestyle in 18th century British society As (he lights dim, whispering ceases as the audience awaits the first scene of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's "The Rivals," a play satirizing the manners and fads of lath century British society. Disguised as the ensign Beverley, Captain Jack Absolute (William Weir III) is the perfect English gentleman courting Lydia languish (Barbara Fitts), who lives in a world of romance novels and fantasies. Absolute's servant Fag (Doug Chausow) describes Lydia as a lady who likes his master "bettor as a half-pay ensign than if she knew he was a son and heir to Sir Anthony Absolute, a baronet with three thousand a year!" The play unfolds as Jack rapidly loses con trol of the situation, with some help from the meddlings of his father. Sir Anthony Absolute (Kevin Allen), lack’s disguise as an ensign soon is discovered when Sir Anthony prompts his unwilling son into visiting the "ravishing" , Lydia end her aunt. Mrs. Malaprop (Grant \ McKernie). ' Because of their presence in the room, jack is unable to hide the truth. Lydia's,dreams of a glorious, novel-like'romance withNa poor servant are shattered, and shesighis. "So, there will be no elopement after all!" ° • ‘ . Sir Anthony’s. hypocritical: nature " is wonderfully portrayed by Alleminc'he'stomps., yells andpouts like.* child.when, enraged by • • lack's obstinate behavior, ho .screams, "You' " rely on the mildndss of mytempek'.’Yoi^play' • ■ upon the rrieekriess ofiriy dis|>ositipn^The pa tience .of,a saint may. be' overcome at last/.Lmay In-time forgive yo.u ft not■ -r don't enter tho ' ' same hemisphere with mel"- - ,; >1 . . McKefnie. * director of thevUniverelty's speech department. giyiTs a hilarious-portrayal - . of the simpering Mrs. Malaprop ahd practleal ly steals the show. He convincingly portrays a woman who is every bit as hypocritical as Sir Anthony. Not only does Mrs. Mala prop abuse the high society language of the era in her efforts to fit in, but her views of the proper actions "becoming of a young woman" are full of dou ble standards. The audience sees this in the ex change between Mrs. Malaprop and her maid, Lucy, when Mis. Malaprop says, "If ever you betray what you are entrusted with — unless it be other people's secrets to me — you forfeit my malevolence forever, and your being a simpleton shall be no excuse for your locality.” - .« Sir Lucius O’Triggor (Phillip Dunn) is the typical Irish character — talkative, flirtatious and belligerent. He tries to convince Acres (Wade Johnson) to fight' a. duel against Beyerlpy to "protect his honor," but he himself is deathly afraidof challenging Jack to •a'duel.*-. " • . •• v«. ® • The performances of the actors are .com plemented by .award-winning designer . Alex*[ andra Bonds' costumes, which provide visual huqior and bririgout the odd personality traits of the characters, . .j .1 ; - v > Director• Jack- Watson's, interpretation of Sheridan '• "The.:R’iyaIs"'' is." a- h i larious -and entertaining pioduction that, is vy‘e)l'worth the .> „ time and effort tV'see, Theironic situations thatjocciir throughput the play ”keep; the au- ". dienCe conitahtly'entertainVid:.-' -'' • ’ . ’"Tht*' Kivals'.’.Tcohtinues its run March • . 14-:f5;.Sho’wtirne is"8,j(,mi and'pri.ce8';are.$5!.56.'! for/tKe gcnjeral pul)lic an,d $-t 50 for students;.. Tickets .fjan .purchased atthe,. University . Theatre.Box Officti bycalling,686-4.19.1." ' ’ By Frale de Guzman CASH FOR BOOKS TEXTBOOK BUYBACK EVERYDAY Nebraska Book Co. Wholesale Book Buyers will be here FINALS WEEK MARCH 14-22 Come in early for fast service BONUS: 20% OFF COUPON w/BUYBACK the (tor* Wltd thru 3-22-06 11 ■■■■«» mtmtrn mm i ^ ~-~= uQsh wm nrii i t. -i JiLLi.r - t"mTTtm Your store since 1920 13th 3 Kincaid M F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Suppllaa 666 4331 SHARE A RIDE Tuesday Only! $2.Q0 OFF Any large or medium pizza % Chicago Style Pizza, Pasta and Calzone! 652 E. Broadway • 345-4114 For carry-out or DELIVERY si "'/ . V V’- A ' ■■ '' DANCE- / / % v LIKE NOBODY’S DANCED SINCE • / / CELEBRATE EUGENE WITH TtiE UPTOWN GET DOWN. MOTOWN GIANTS AND EUGENE'S OWN “SHUMBA" MARCH 13 • 8:30 PM AT THE EUGENE HILTON BALLROOM • over 21 please • v .dec. S tickets available today «n EMU lobby - TICKETS 850 ADVANCED 1000 AT THE DOW AVAILABLE AT ALL HULT CENTER OUTLETS A BENEFIT FUNDRAISER FOR rCheck "ev e ry~page o?”the~EmeralfcT for money-saving coupons.