World news _— 19 blacks killed as South African unrest continues JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — Police killed seven blacks in the remote tribal homeland of Lebowa north of Johannesburg, and nine blacks died elsewhere in tribal faction fights, authorities said Monday. In the eastern Cape Province, at least three more blacks were killed in the daily anti-apartheid rioting that has left more than 1,200 dead in the past 18 months. Meanwhile, thousands of miners at two major gold mines staged strikes and go-slow actions in new labor flare-ups. In Cape Town, a delegation from CBS News met government officials to appeal a decision to expel three CBS staff members because the network aired footage of a funeral from which cameras were banned. 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In one clash, busloads of youths from surrounding townships tried to get past a police cordon to attend a funeral in Motetema outside Groblersdal, about 125 miles northeast of Johannesburg, said resident Lazarus Palo. Running battles followed in which police shot dead six youths and wounded five. Brigadier W.G. Beetge. Lebowa homeland police commissioner, said the six died a^.-cking a police sta tion with fire bombs. He said another youth was shot dead in Mahweiering township near Potgietersrus when rioters attacked police. Ueetge issued a statement Monday evening saying alt seven deaths occurred Saturday. An erroneous account earlier that the incidents took place Sunday was blamed on confused accounts by residents. Beetge said more than 50 people wore detained during the unrest, and many now were free. The 10 tribal homelands, with varying degrees of autonomy, increasingly have been caught up in unrest that has swept South Africa Details on incidents in the homelands are often difficult to obtain. -------- ': Winds delay search for remains ——". CAPE CANAVERAL. FU (AP) — Pathologists on Monday examined remains of Challenger's crew, sources reported, while high winds and seas hampered the ocean search for more body parts and debris such as data tapes that might provide clues to the disaster. Some remains and crew cabin wreckage were brought ashore secretly Saturday night by the Navy salvage ship USS Preserver, which entered port without running lights, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. In announcing Sunday that the cabin debris and remains had been found on the ocean floor, NASA did not say whether $1 off any pizza! nam«___ phone ..| (Expires March 31,19*6) | 687-8600 l | 1432 Orchard • Eugene g | One coupon per pizza. | Read the Emerald Plan gets mixed reviews SALEM JAP) — Rep Jim Weaver’s proposal to buy about 5,000 acres of land at Rancho Rajnaesh for use as a recreation area drew mixed reviews Mon day at a hearing conducted by the Oregon Democrat. Weaver has introduced a measure in Congress calling for - the BUM to purchase from the Rafneeshees about 5,000 acres along the John Day River for use as a hunting, fishing and recrea tion area. The land is part of the 64,000-acre ranch that's being abandoned by followers of In dian guru Bhagwan Shree Ra jneesh. The guru left the coun try last fall under threat of im prisonment for immigration fraud. The 4th District Democrat. who'* running for the US.; Senate, said although the Johih Day ha* stale designation a* a scenic river, “that's not enough* to block commercial or residen tlal development," (iary Fowle* of the Hunters Association said the purchase would hejp "consol idiafe (federal ownership) in impor tant wildlife areas." i; .■ But Paul Vettertck of the Bl.M ‘ said the agency does not sup-' { pOrt Weaver's plan because. if might preclude other possible * ' uses of the land, suc:h as mineral exploration. Vetterick also said that in view of federal budget cuts, the estimated $400,000 the land would cost “might Ire better spent on other acquisitions and endeavors." “ • . 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