National Searchers find remains of crew CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) —- Searchers have found remains of Challenger's astronauts In the debris of the shuttle's crew compartment 100 feet down on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. NASA an nounced Sunday. "Family members of Challenger'screw have been in- • formed," a statement said "In, deference to family wishes, NASA will not make further comments until recovery opera o (ions and identifications are .complete." • •. •' . • . . Mark Weinberg. a spokesman for the presidential commission . investigating* the shuttle. explo #ion. said he could not com- • merit on the significance of. the ‘■o', find to thecommission!*probe. *• .. '.’I, would no] want tii > characterize • its - -.import<; . • JhfVs to bedeternpned.'Clearly aH pieties pf evidence are.impor . .. tanfiv’-Helsaid^-; ' ,-N - \ V, softch ship - using. sonar about". 25"* miles northeast:*.of \ ‘ (!ape. t Urna veral'mede.a'powible* -*.• identificatipn. oi the ..cpinjiart ment /j‘at^Kfjday>'j.andpS|verti '■ >‘V ^tunl^y. p^itiVely^ Jdehflfied ' v. compartnuhd\dniiris ^atul}i cfewf remaihsv the. NXSA litatement; . - .-•••/ * ■* -A ' ? ' ■ ' **.; .* ■ •v ■ Kecoyjrring lhejccjuipart hient' ' .w reckage' a hd * remains; cipitd"» take several'days 'depending cm the weather ami sea cdiuiitibhs. MA.SA sai'd.- -y:-. Seyeh. crew, memtieni • died whim ‘Challenger exploded 73 seconds*- after .liftoff |aii \~itt Among those killed was .Christa McAullffe,’ • a .New Hampshire schoolteacher who wasilying as NASA’s-first citizen in^pace Reduction act threatens student loan funding PORTLAND (AP) — Oregon college students will have to scramble for grants and loans that could be reduced as much as .to percent under the Gramm-Kudman federal deficit reduction act, some financial aid experts say. Half the state's 100,000 private, puhlic and community college students participate in some kind of federal aid pro gram. The experts say students from middle-income families will be hurt the most. "If students really have profound poverty, the good news is that if they get their applications in on time, they probably will lie well-funded to go to school," said Tym Turner, direc tor of special services for the Oregon Scholarship Commis sion. "But if .they come from families who make decent salaries and both parents work, the money available to them will be less than it was in the past.”. " Designed to reduce the federal deficit by $36 billion a year until the budget is balanced in 1991. the Gramm* Kudtnan act. already i.s responsible for a 4.3 percent reduction in higher education programs, effective-March 1. • Oregon student financial aid experts expect that: ; FW fiscal year 1986-87, about 8.7,00 students in public colleges and universities, 12.600 students in private colleges and 30,000 in community.col leges who receive federal loans, grants add work-study- moneycoiild be affected. , Tune-ups - Brakes-Fuel Injection 1917 Ftranklln llvd. Eug*n«,Or. 974*1 48S-Sllfc The Competition's Mad BUT WE’RE CrAzY Monday Only! Si.50 OFF MEDIUM PIZZA SM« Mtf «l»m Marc* l(. «M Mil 484-2799 ..J | 1809 Fr»nklln B.vd TRACK TOWN PIZZA Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 Across from the U of O 1809 Franklin Blvd. ICE CREAM SPECIALS! ! MONDAY 31* off all fountain items TUESDAY 1.99 Banana Splits <^ *270) V Wednesday-;^v: 99* Sundaes! ! • 1365 Viltard . ~ (Campus) BJLSKIN-RCSBIKS • 495 Coburg JCE CREAM STORE 1925 River Road • 2540 Willamette 2540 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield Next time..; make your paper legible.;, RENTALS Rent a BROTHER “Daisy Wheel" typewriter with correction capacity. Rates $1 5.00 per week $30.00 per month $60.00 per term S5.00on ■ monthly rental with this coupon BROTHER Typewriter Rental 5500 q#i on Monthly Rental with coupon • Limited to atock on hand • one per customer UQ Your store since 1920 BONUS: 20% OFF COUPON w/BUYBACK MARCH 14-22 Come in early for fast service Nebraska Book Co. nnolesale Book Buyers will be here FINALS WEEK CAS cob Bnnllu TEXTBOOK BUYBACK EVERYDAY Your store since 1920 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-5:30 _ _ SAT 10:00-300 BOOKSTORE Supplies