Letters T No justification On Wednesday. Feb. 27. a jury in Albany imposed the death penalty on a murderer. This was the first time a court in Oregon made use of capital punishment since it was reinstated in 1984. Why is it that most of the states in the IJ.S. have rein troduced this irreversible form of punishment after it had been abolished in the past? Is it the "Rambo-spirits" that make us feel reluctant to oppose martial measures in the enforcement of the law? Amnesty International, a worldwide "watchdog” for human rights, especially In prisons, repeatedly spoke out against capital punishment. Too .often has it been abused '/ throughout the world, as it could be an acceptable punish ' merit' in a civilized society. , Life irespciety is not like. war.. .. . " ; If somebody kills a- person, he; . sure is arfenemy. of .society;, but : there Is mi justiflcation to kill this'^Hjrspn in. return . Capital •; punishmentdoesn't offer'arcure •: .foir Sny problems ip society, it * only satisfies cheap, feelings.-of :. revenge.' As yignmus the pain of • relatives” of ‘a victim, may be.. ;. kil.li'ng ' the .murderer doesn’t . imake.'an.assassination undone .;■* ,*'■ .*■*.■ v"1;v When Mr.; Robert,- Bad inter. ■ the, French'minister of justice. . ’- abo.lishVd *the {pse |of-. .thp' guillotine viri'flferu:h prisons, a iohg\'.fightagainst, simplistic, arguments had. ‘precntled. this step Don't hn‘ us listen to those, who.suggest the death, penalty hi. a; sigri of a strong, vigilant BOOKSTORE TALES' . REFERENCE HIGH BIAS. lllh & Klncatd MF 7 301 30 SAT 1000-300 STORE Supplies «M 4331 =UO BOOKSTORE caSdy. Opecicm^l IN THE STORE society. It simply is bad "Wild West" style. Dietmar Adolf Student Nothing sexual In response to Eric Patterson’s letter "Unfair label," I can only think he did not read the discus sions on rape very carefully. No one is going to deny that male rape occurs and that it is appall ing. However, to cite as a reason that women are "as sexual, if not more sexual than men” scares me to death. It is just that attitude that perpetuates the problem. THERE IS NOTHING SEX UAL ABOUT RAPE! It is a violent crime committed agaihst someone to prove power. Simply using the same equipment does not make i£x any more like rape than chopp ing, firewood is like ax murder-,; ing someone.'. ■ What frightens roe even more • ...is your/ attitude . toward date rape ' Take!,, the example of a . woman (statistically it usually is'a wo than) .who invited an ac quaintance in:for.coffee ami he . rapes her.. Are you saying-this. “ never, happens'• or that’, the woman - really- wanted, it and therefore' feels quilty?' In- the first cut.' you, are’ -ah id jot. and", 'fit the lafter, you are dangerous, so it'would be helpful to know. t In either case” Mr Patterson; I think it- would be wise to stay as far’from: you as possible.-«Y6u . . aremore of a *'potential rapist” than’you know. . ; . Debbie” Sokol 1, . ’ English Cultural deceit I find myself wondering about a phrase i often hear used by advocates of abortion. They speak of a woman’s "right to an abortion." Where did this "right" come from? From the courts? Is it moral because it is legal? If so, then a white man had the same sort of "right" to own black people earlier in our history. Does the "right" to an abor tion come from nature? That is, is it a woman's right to abort her child simply because she can do so? One can then argue, as did the Marquis de Sade. that because nature made man stronger, than woman, it is a man's right to dp whatever he pleases to her.. Morality becomes a matter of "What is, is right.”. ’ ; . Perhaps God . has. given women the. right to kill their children before thfey are born. This" suggests, the sort of god. wqrsh'i pped i n ancient Palestine.' whose worship 'ih chided placing living babies pn to a bed of . coals; where they burned- to death./. v '• ; • . I suggest" that the "fight" -.to an abortion isnot a rightat aii, . but rather an inhiimantaking of lifethai Our culture has been deceived* into accepting as a moral alternative to giving birth. ^ '• 7 .■ ''“i V We do. not get to choose whether: it, is- right Or wrong* to ° kill an'unborn child — only.on which Side of morality we will stand-on the issue. William Moore Music School COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON w*torf"**STUDENT SUMMER FARES Bangkok....1013 Singapore.705 London.689 Tokyo.......710 Paris.867 Hong Kong.838 Amsterdam.608 Kathmandu.,1177 Frankfurt.769 Details at Valentine's Campus Travel Center EMU or call f>87-84Sb F I |cJ Coupon Agate Video Presents... 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