More than 250 members participate Nudist park offers ‘a clean, wholesome’ life NUDE CROSSING Eaaarald 81* photo Visitors to die nudist park are encouraged to undress but it isn 7 a requirement. They must, however, carefully obey the entrance signs. By Frale de Guzman Of tb» Km«r*ld Conducting orgies and pro moting the "swinging singles” life is not the purpose behind the Willamettan’s Nudist Park, located near Marcola, says the park's manager. The Willamettan Nudist Park is a place where people "can come to sunbathe or lounge around without clothes on,” says Paul Miller, facilities manager and trustee for the American Sunbathers Associa tion. The park was established in 1953 and currently has 250-300 members, he says. “We want to show that there's nothing wrong with nudists.” he says. "We're a family-oriented club, and the nudist movement is also a family-oriented movement. If parents teach their kids welt, then they know that there’s nothing wrong or sinful with the human body," he says. The association attempts to generate public interest in the sity’s annual Street Fair®, Millar says. In addition, open housas are conducted at the camp in July and August, ha says. Visitors tour the campgrounds and * We're a family-oriented club, and the nudist movement is also a family-oriented movement. If parents teach their kids well, then they know that there’s nothing wrong or sinful with the human body. ’ — Paul Miller camp by sending out informa tional brochures, by placing advertisements in local newspapers, and by giving in formation at booths set up at the Country Fair and the IJniver 1 sWAPISfflP Bt CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE GTE ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICANS The GTE Academic All-Americans are selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America They are fine college and university athletes who also have outstanding academic records GTE is proud to be the official sponsor of this 34 year old program. — r T Sue Harbour • University of Oregon • 1st Team Volleyball • Math/Physical Education Major •3.97GPA • Senior Mike Preacher • University of Oregon • 2nd Team Football • Advertising Major • 3.29 GPA • Junior (SB GTE Academic All America Team SELECTED BY CoSIDA facilities, talk with camp members and are invited to stay and "sunbathe with the residents." he says. Yet, some visitors who come to the camp believe that "this is a place to hold an orgy or pick up people," says Miller, who has beer, involved with the camp for 11 years. "But after their first visit here, they find out that what they're seeing isn't what they're looking for. They realize that what they want to see just isn't there," he adds. Adverse public reaction to the . . camp also is common. Miller', says. The camp often receives -. crank or obscene phone calls. he says. What the public isn't aware of is that the camp is a "place where you can get away from town," he says. "It’s a clean..: wholesome way of life. There's no loud noises or air pollution, up here." The Willamettan Nudist Hark ' is affiliated with the Northwest Sunbathers Association, a member of the ASA, which has resorts in Washington, Montana ' and Alaska. A "clothes op- • tional" choice is available to visitors and beginning members, but after a few weeks they are urged to remove all .. their clothing. Miller says. A lifetime membership fee is $115,50 per adult and incor porates regional, national and membership dues. Member facilities include the use of a 20-by-50-feot outdoor pool, a shuffleboard court, a whirlpool., a sauna and volleyball courts. "A nudist ramp isn’t a nudist camp without a volleyball i. court." Miller says. The only restriction on facili ty use is that everyone remove their clothing when using the “ pool and the spa, he adds. . "Some members are nudists because they don't like clothes," he said. And we also have members who "travel from nudist camp to nudist camp |ust to sunbathe and socialize. There are few people who get turned down from our camp.” he adds. Despite adverse weather con ditions. activities like dances., meetings and potlucks are still conducted every month. But many of the members prefer to remain dressed unless the ac-. tivities take place in the central-. ly heated lodge. For more information about the Willamettan Nudist Park, contact Paul Miller at 37000 Parsons Creek Road, Marcola, or call 933-9955 after 6 p.m. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □ ODE Friday □ Edition— Now that's □ entertainment! g „ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a