I Oregon women left out in cold The Oregon women 8 basket ball team was snubbed Sunday morning when the NCAA an nounced its 40-toam tourna ment and the Ducks wore not included Oregon finished the season 21*7, and 10-2 in the NorPac Conference. Their conference „• mark tied them with thuUniver * sity of Washington for the top. spot in the league. Washington ; got the NorPac’s only automatic bid when because they finished with « 2-0- record,, against .the • conference’s third placr team — Fresno State." University',' while, the'iDuckV split- With. The . tiulldogs. • •.. bregqn . txiach ' Klwin;.:|leiny expressed his surprise’ when his ./team -vyas; omitted froih the "I'm more than a little bit sur prised," Heiny said. "We cer tainly thought that 21-7 would be good enough to get in (to the tournament)." I'he Ducks could have won the league title outright with a victory at FSV on, March 1st when Washington lost to the California Hears, but Oregon dropped a 71-tiB decision to the Bulldogs. V ‘ Hai'ny pointed'out that NCAA officials just ran out of roorti for at-large teams’-of the Ducks caliber because, of many'. upsets '•#^cditf«r&ig:«;tp^raSi^qntSMhatV "'-..'sitnt;'Unh'erajded.;teams;l6 the ; NCAA tdurney by way, of a con fo r e nd 0;.,jC^h.itf:mvp ion sh i p “ f-as A'egas gof in with a win .over:1 (nationally:; ranked) Long. Beach (State University), and Maryland got in with 12 losses," tleiny said. {Shorts 1 | The Oregon women’s tennis team escaped with a 5-4 win against the University of Idaho Saturday at the covered courts, while the Oregon men beat the Vanda|ir9-0. ... t^api l.yhn. of the Oregon softball team, rapped three singlas., fnchiding.-'the game winning hit in the fifth inning | tb' lead the Ducks to a 3-2 win over Mesa College in their se cond game of the Las .Vegas women's' softball .tournament Saturday Earlier/ the Ducks lost to the Kost Rebels. 3-0.;/ J * i (Continued from Page 10 0 .:i i -staff, before the.gamn started ■ \ UoCapse of Miller and this rest of . ." the.UCLA «r**nil. '. ’ ■.%/'. -V . y ?TbeDupke controlled Miller ! effectively ,al lgame long; hut .they ' alhmst / lot 'knot her guy ■v rtamed',Montel Hatcher kill *♦ .them: Hatcher;‘>yas wjnsationa.l •as he hit the outside jumper and * then drbve d’nalde, giving . the Duck*--fits' all night'/ and ’ .finishing with ;'a 'team-high 22 points on llof tfi tdtootihg for •; -the Bruins.. ...; v;y \ I'-'. V '"We 'did - a.. good job on t•- l ' TKTAout scored the Ducks 8>4 to ype'n the second half and cut the margin to 44-41 with 17:31}: to play.but then Mouton -; hit a jumper from the corner and > Halderston followed with a three-point play as he was foul ed by l jCLA!s Craig lackxnn. ■ --— That Rave the Ducks a 49-41 lead with 16:04 to play, and the lead stayed between six and eight until the clock ticked down tovvard the eight-minute mark with theDuclis still cling ing to a tiii-5S advantage. A television timeout gave the Bruins time to.design a play for Miller .V'hut .. Mbutbn’s. -tight defense denied him the ball; aitd IJCvlA was forced to settle for Rod Planter's off-balance jumper. -The shot was off the mark.: artd: Balderston hit two straight shots to put Ducks up, tMH55. wlth 6:37 left ;UGI.A promptly called timeout and replaced Palmer with (loreyGaines and readied themselves for one final push at the surprising guys in white and.yellow Gaines hit a shot from the cor ner to pull the Bruins to.Within 06-57 with 0:12 to gd. but that was as close as the Westwood Ixiys would get as Oregon went back inside to Balderston for a lay in and then to Adams who was fouled by lack Haley Adams’ two free throws put the Ducks ahead 70-57 with 5:24 to K<> I ?C!I-A coach Walt Ha/.zard was certainly not pleased with the officials after the game as his team was whistled for 31 fouls compared to 16 for the Ducks. "Our manpower was^ Cut short (by foul trouble)." Haz ard said. "Kveryone knows our bench is not that deep.” The Bruin head coach saw nothing special in the defensive effort of Mouton on Miller for ' much of the game. "He played him OK. I don’t think he did anything* special.- W.e're not a one-man team,”-Hazzard said. Miller also refused to credit Mouton or the Ducks with an outstanding defensive effort. "I got the ball. (But) 1 guess they must have talked to the refs before the game. Most of the time when I went up. I got touched on the arm and nothing was called." Miller said. Mttz/ard declined to criticize his players’ effort — "I didn't think our team looked that l>ad." However, he did offer begrudging credit to several Duck players. "Adams played an outstan ding game...so did Taylor. He's ( Adams) one of those blue collar workers." The Bruin coach did disclose that his team w'ould accept an NIT berth to defend the cham pionship they won last year On Saturday, at least for one shin ing afternoon, the Ducks were the ones that looked like they were the team headed for a post season tournament. take a break at ANITA'S CAFE Authentic Mexican Food featuring DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS your choice of two of six feature?! ftlshes Serving Breakfast, Lunch fir Dinner 810 e. 12th (Just a bloc k from campus) ORDERS TO GO Open 8:30 to 8.30 Daily ** German > • . 4,. • / P Reliable service lot your foreign car since° i960 AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd i Eugene Ore 97403 CALL US ME HAVE YOU WANT at THE PIZZA ANSWER! 687-8600 1432 Orchard, Eugene ^ Coke, Diet Coke or Sprite NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH name =UO Bookstore— . 1 ■—'■■■■n.' ' —— ■■■■■■in » OPII BIGGUS SHNOZOLUS or, “The Common Hefty-nosed Penguin.” A FEW NOTES ABOUT THIS SPECIES... The range of this majestic seabird includes most of Antarctica and eastern Argentina, although they have been known to hop a cab and slip up to Iowa for a wild weekend The food of the Hefty-nosed Penguin includes her ring, halibut, young sardines, small assorted South Atlan tic schooling fish and POP TARTS Nesting season is early June Mating behavior is. as yet. still a mystery since the Hefty-nosed Penguin is a discreet, if not easily embarrassed animal. Being fairly liberal minded, the Hefty-nosed Penguin would, as a group, all be driving used Volvos if they could reach the pedals Their taste in television, by the way. is atrocious and merits no further elaboration here In conclusion, the Hefty-nosed Penguin is a gentle bird easily influenced and overly sensitive With their pleasant disposition and generally optimistic nature, the species is a welcome member of the WILD KINGDOM, even if they do eat crackers in bed OPUS™ from Bloom County by Berke Breathed Scientifically accurate replicas of OPII BIGGUS SHNOZOLUS are available now at the U of O Bookstore. 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplies 686-4331