Sports, ' \ Ducks say it is not Miller time, beat UCLA, 80-65 By Robert Collias or the Emerald After a roller coaster season that had a lot more down and frustrating parts than up and memorable ones, the Oregon men's basketball team put a pleasant final chapter on the year with a gratifying 80-65 vic tory over the UCLA Bruins in McArthur Court on Saturday afternoon in front of a regional television audience. In a season that saw Oregon lose twice as many conference games as it won. and had the Oregon State Beavers, bless their hearts, go from first to seventh in a matter of weeks. Saturday’s win over the N1T bound Bruins could not have been more satisfying for the Russia and Armageddon: The Soviet Union In American Eschatologies * .-... Prof. Jakov Bacic EMU Cultural Forum Department of Russian Tuesday. March 11 th University of Oregon 7:30 p.m. "Russia is a Sphinx!” (A. Blok) "Russia is a Gog?" (The Bible) Ducks who finished 11-17 for the season and 6-12 in the con ference. Consider these insights: •Over 9.000 fans said good bye to the Ducks lone senior — Jerry Adams — in a special ceremony before the game in which he presented flowers to his mother. Adams, who has been on a tear his last five games, responded in kind with 19 points and a career-high 16 rebounds. •The 16 caroms officially crowned Adams as the chair man of the boards in the Pac-10 Conference this season as the first-team ail-conference star ran away with the conference honors in that category with 289 rebounds for. the season; enough to move Adams into the 10th spot on the all-time Oregon season list Just ahead of Greg Ballard. Adams also finished Hi® Sfeutterbud WE SAVE YOU MONEY! O CHECK OUR PRICES! Kodak PAN - X 32 ASA PLUS • X 125 ASA TRI • X 400 ASA 135-24 135-36 POLYCONTRAST RAPID II RC 25 SHEET.9.40 100 SHEET.32.73 POLYFIBER 25 SHEET.11.35 100 SHEET.39.50 25 SHEET. Ilford MULTIGRADE II RC ...8.94 100 SHEET. .31.11 MULTIGRADE FB '25 SHEET.10.78 100 SHEET.37.52 We have a wide selection of darkroom products and accessories. Come in and look around! We want to be vour darkroom store! 890 E. 13th Next to Old Taylor’s 342-FILM eighth on the all-time Oregon career rebounding list with 70.1. •The Ducks may have found their point-guard of the future as freshman Kevin Mputon. starting his third-straight game, drew the unenviable task of guarding UCLA's prolific scorer -r* Reggie Miller. Moutoh had plenty of help from his Oregon, teammates, but he held Miller to 18 points for the game, only six in the pivotal second half. Mouton started the second half with three fouls but got ho more after that Miller, who is averag ing over 26 points per game, had 41 points, against the Reavers on Thursday, but Satur day he shot an anemic six of 16 from the field. •Oregon coach Don Munson called the game the best outing for his team this year and finally saw the Ducks come through in the clutch when they had to as Anthony Taylor, who scored a game-high 23 points, seemed to be everywhere on the court, especially when the game was on the line in the second half. •Keith Balderston bounced back from a disappointing per formance against USC Thursday night with one of the best clutch perfomances for Oregon all season long as. ho scored 15 points in the second half to finish with 1H for the ganhc . Munson was more than a little . pleased after the game. ‘■Quito obviously that was a . great win for us." Munson said. "The crowd, was just outstBn , ' ding as usual, and we played: o • : excellently^ I don't think we .. ’/■ could have played much better ' ' ■ *■ defensively." ' ‘ Defense was certainly, a cpn- ' cem for the Oregon coaching •.. Continued on Page 11 Mwto iota Martin Oregon’s defense on Reggie Miller (shoaling) was outstanding as Keith Balderston (52), Kevin Moot on (11), and Anthony Taylor (21) surround him. ENERGIZE ME! YOUR CHOICE “C’\ “D”or 9 volt Reg. $3.20 ^$2.19 “AA’\ “AAA” 4 pack Reg. $4.30 *■* 83.59 GET READY FOR FINALS! Have your calculator batteries checked & replaced In the Electronics Dept. 13th ft Kincaid Your store since 1920 sat 1000300 BOOKSTORE Supp"“mAM'