AQOROCITY? YOU BET Blinders and Smiles 4:00-7:00 BEER GARDEN FRIDAY r ooo ana anamanvf beverage available ID Regulred _ oi9»7 TMf MARCH WORKSHOP Astrology and Counseling will ba held Saturday and Sunday, March 6 and 9. In 179 Education from 10 am to a pm Tina workshop win introduce astrology aa a therapeutic tool and ttt applications in the l(aw ot counseling and the process ot therapy To register, call Susan Deer bom Jackson at 3440719 ■ .91973-7 STRANGE SNOW The tender story ot a Viet Nam net's snuggle to go on living March 6, 7» 8 • - ARENA THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 PM • AM tickets onty 92-90 each CaM - 9994191 ter raaamettona •CAUTION Thta pkayoenUSos with Samuel French Inc ■* % : . 900.7 3 7 ' Los Angeles . Guitar Quartet 4:00 Sunday ’ 9 March Beall Hall s»s^p %a^^w^B^yuawx^p^p Mualcal Art* A Eugana (MW ■ Aaaociatlon _■• ■;' 8164 3-7 > Mn He Lochia 0'Trigger. Lydia - langolah. lita lamoua Mn AA^4^ub _-A &a»»l— l#4Aflu4a AAA Ikau ™Op, 900 lOOw IflOnOw W lOOy fumble their way through tore in o Sheridan's THE RIVALS Thta hllanoua comady lafiuraa aaag garatad body forma con'atruclad,by ,* uragory Robbina. tormar eoafumai with Saaama Slraal and Tha Muppat Show, and coaluma daaigna by . tha:. award winning Alanandra 6 Bonda March 6-8, 14, 15 Robinson Theatre 8 pm Tlchala Aft SO. MTO and only A3 SO lor UO aludanlt Call 886 4191 for raaaivallona Praaanlad by Unlvarally * Thaaira '_. 6108 3.10 EUGENE'S EXCITING ADULT NON LIQUOR CABERET Wad . t:362am ladiaa Nlghl Ladlaa ara Iraa A 30 I 30 Friday A Saturday Parly all nlghl. Opan altar hour a A )0 4amT Mualc Top 40. n A B danca mualc. Rock n roll you'ra gonna danca THE NIGHT AWAY ai Players Cabaret ' Call Playar'a lor Llmoualna Saralca. Partya. and apaclal aaanla. 104S Wlllamalla 883 2266 TUNE IN TO The Descendants D.R.I. « Death Sentence Sat. March 6 Dining Room 8:00 U Adv. M at door FRIDAY 150 Geology 7:30,9:30 V ■ •'' ° >" ' \ MIDNIGHT Adults I2/Kku t1 . Bijou Late Nite Thursday 11:15 $2 Fri.-Sat. Midnite $2.50 wtmw wunn %■ A DELICIOUS BLACK COMEDY 180 PLC 7 & 9pm $2 Adults/$1 Students SATURDAY • JACK BENNY* CAROLE LOMBARD the original [ f MU Cultural Forum Films TONIGHT To Be Or Not 1b Be 180 PLC 7 ft 9 pm $2 Adults/$1 Students' SUNDAY T1w ftonattaanco ot American Film Nicholas Ray's They Live by . Night phi* On Dangerous Ground 180 PLC 6 pm only . 81.50 tor att DITH PRAN The Lecture Tuesday, March 11 ; 8:00pm Mon. March 10 8:00pm Tues, Following lecture Coat ot program? . > • 1 Mtltudonta te/Oarxial FRIDAY Paul Montagne _ oVtsti LOS ANGELES GUITAR QUARTET Sunday March 9 4 pm Beall Hall $7 & $5 Ucksts at EMU Main Daak Mo: M3 206* Of MO-1761 61*3:3-7 PROBLEMS? CrlSI* Cantar. U of O tataphona hotltna. 24 hour* 7 day* Strictly confidantial Can 666-4466.144:tfn PNCOANT? WE WANT TO HELP Fraa Pragnancy tooting Confidantial Sir thrtght 6*7-66613162 F MAKE MONEY! MAOS TO MCMES buys, consign*, and tradts socondhand clothing tor man and woman Far aggt 344-70M MO E. 11th . -•;•' . 1948 WHF Learn to Sky Dive Waakly Instruction at Discount Pries* Catl 484-0668 ‘ ~ HFMttn PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smaars. birth control mat hod* and counseling Day and avaning apptt Call M-F 344-9411.- 5643 F RAJNEESHPURAM: ■'* A Sociological .Perspective Sociology p r o 1 a a s o rs Marion Goldman and Ban Johnson anil speak on Friday .• March 7 TODAY-al 11:30 am In Ills EMU Forum Boom , Refreshments' Sponsored by Sociology Paar Advising. • 6160 3-7 Johnson This la your personal! Thank you. and arho says atore all talk? • 3-7 SOCIOLOGY MAJORS Pre-register for Spring Term Clesses! Coma saa a paar advisor in 709 PIC from March ,10-March 14. For more In to can >19012. 6159 3 13 Congratulations To the 5K Fun . Run Winners For Greek Days n room 342 gilbert 8147 3-75 WRITING ESSAY EXAM ANSWERS This mini-workshop will suggest effec tive and efficient approaches to organizing and writng cohesive and clear answers to essay questions within the time constraints of an in class essay , Presented by the Learning Resources Center. March 13. 3:30-5 in room 342 Gilbert 6)48 3-75 ALICIA SLOAN: You re warm kind and a best friend Might this be the start of something very beautiful LOVE, REG. 3-7 DURING DEAD WEEK. It s a deal to view arms of steel, for memories to keep. "KE Strong Aims of Dead week" March 14th 220Geriinger3-10 USED CASSETTES 92.98 up. new tapes $4 99 up New releases always discounted Diana's Records. Tapes. A T-Shirts Smith Family Building Open 7 days! 343-6245314 DON’T KID YOURSELF Starting the new term with a serious dependency on alcohol, cocaine or any other drug is no way to get through the School year Start by regaining control ot your Ilfs with help from Horizon Recovery Center 345-9605. 6182 3 7 FRIDAY’S CHILD Is Loving & Giving Happy Birthday KATRI 3-7 WAREHOUSE PARTY ROCK WITH MONOLITH SAT Mar S, ■ pm 1002 W. 2nd Bahrain Jackson and VanBuran OH I 3-7 "WZg* To Chris R. The coolest 1st coolest guy I know! NAGEL NAGEL NAGEL Limited Edition Prints. 342-4341 V*>10 Bone got Thomas back in town. Next project... wed ding gown! 3-7 TNOUBLE Left go-out Wchaal. 3-r Pookay... I. ¥> 3-7 if ’you know . . ; Gretchen, Donna, or Nina We’re having a party Fri- . day night! 9 pm. Please stop by. b ° * " •••• ‘ ‘ 3-7. say Bon Voyage TO A FRIEND WHO’S GOING TO A WARMER climate over Spring Break Buy a 10 session gift certificate at our 'eguiar price and receive '2' free sessions1 Offer good through 3/13 . ' One offer per customer SumShower - 485-2323 ’ 874 E 13t*t Up ttw stairs nasi to Kinko's OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 am WEEKENDS 8 am EE) Newman Center Roman Catholic Community at the University of Oregon Weekdays 5:JSpm Sundays 9-00 am 1100am 7 30pm Worship Wednesdays at 900pm 1850 Emersk) SI. • 343-7021 Birthday Beat BLOOM COUNTY /* 5omm..m hot 5TAYN6 IH TO WATCH TV WTTH YOU TONtCHT. HOT TOHIOHT ho my tohiohtI ooa/r' / ahp i f&fuse to net mmlty mm rr/ n fact, i plah to act imsroHXMe, oer PWNK. COmiT CRIAC5 A0AIH5T HATORB ANP OCT mbUtMLY miV OP WITH THE KW OF W0H£H YOU IMAUHC AC WITH IH by Bertie Breathed mLH&ei 60/ see m cakr Hmito! / "FAMILY F€UP’ OF 'TKTfiCPOOW YOU CHOCK