Los Angeles-based guitar ensemble appears here Sunday The nationally-acclaimed Lug Angeles Guitar Quartet will appear Sunday afternoon at 4:OU in Beall Concert Hall as the Eugene Guitar Associa tion closes out its "Gourmet Guitar Series. " The I*os Angeles Guitar Quartet has been praised as "consummate musicians” by the Los Angeles Times, who added that the group possesses "an empathy found only in the best ensembles.*.’ . . The quartet was founded in 1979 when the four guitarists were students at the University of Southern California. Since then, they have been featured on the O'Addario String Series in New Courlmv Ku*im» Cuitar Aumiatton York City and San Francisco, and gave a special performance at thoGultarStream '85 International Guitar Festival in New York's Carnegie Hall. The ensemble was chosen to perform a 40-concert tour of Mexico under the auspices of the Mexican government. It has toured extensive ly in the United States as well. Tickets for the performance are available at the EMU Main Desk and the Hult Center box of fice. Prices are $7 (general admission) and $5 for University students with identification. For more information, contact EGA Secretary Peter Thomas at 343-5070, R & B revival band to play Rhythm-and-blues, soul and Motown R ft B are alive and well on the West Coast, thanks in no.small degree-to.the Zasu Pitts Memorial Orchestra. The San Francisco-based group'has played, to. -.sellout ' crowds throughout, the Hay. Area "and wowed • crowds at the Great American .Music Hail, the San Francisco Hyatt' Regency and • the 1984 - Democratic National Convention . ° • • ” : • ’ Now. the orchestra is making its flrst.-tpur'of .flie Pacific Nor-, thWest. _ and", will arrive in Eugene*'Match-13 for/ an"‘8:.3b p.m . gig at/the .Eugene Con ference Center/. adjacent to the - Eugene Hilton. • Officially. the ZPMp.is.an R ft B "cover ba"nd’" bringing tolifcV the memorable so'iinds of such, greats as Mafllta Reeves and the Vandalise.-. Areths Franklin, the ■ Supremos. James.. Brown ahd Little Eva.. Unofficially. tlip or 1 chustra is called everything from a rock or yuppie W soul of jazz.band: ■. / ’• .f' The ZPMQ was founded in 1983 and * has recorded two albums. The latest. "The" Pitts Bear Down,'’ was recorded Jive ■ ' •• . ; V. T at the Great American Music '. Ilall jh! February 1985.; and features suchxrowd-pleasers as ."Heat Wave." "S|i6tgun” and • ‘.’Ds Doo Hon Hon'. ” '.. ' TicketsJ for the /.asu Pitts ( jnjrlmv (Mabrnto Eufctw. Im Memorial Orchestra's BCE per formance cost, $8.50 in advance. $10. at the door. Tickets are available • at the EMU Main Desk; the HiiltCentpr box office add all other Mult Center ticket outlets. The concert ,is spon sored- by Gelebrato Kugene, Inc,, a fundraising and. "support group-, for the annual Eugene Celebration. V, '.*•. ... " RESUMES Give your resume a professional look, .by-having it typeset at the Oregon Daily Emerald Graphic Services Department 300 E M U 686-5511 r m Haircut $1295 Includes Shampoo. • ■ Conditioning . -■ and Precision Cut 5ave *2 on Mondays and Thursdays haircuts only no95 561 E. 15th (Across from Max's) 485-4422 Tree Partyng • Open Saturday! SPRING BREAK IS LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY! SO... - Unless you're depending on that weenie of an Oregon sun for your pre-vacation base tan. Now is the time to use our Wolff System sun beds to get a head start on the tropical tan you've been looking forward to all winter! SunShower Tanning a Center 874 E. 13th Ave • 485-2323 Upstairs next to Kinkos m MM si \ COUPON mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. THIS WEEKEND ONLY s,so ,arge or Urr giant pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good Fri Mar 7. Sal Mar I and Sun Mar 9, IMS ONLY Mot valid nrltii any other otter • One coupon per order t” German A UTO SE RVIC E VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA Reliable service (or your O A Q OQ4 O 2025 Franklin Bird foreign car since 1963 I £ Eugene Ore 97403 Treats To Eat w-Walnuf. Pecan, ar 'asty treats for both BOOK ElEBRATION AND EUGENE S OWN “SHUMBA ’ MARCH 13 • 8:30 PM AT THE EUGENE HILTON BALLROOM ■ over 21 please TICKETS 850 ADVANCED 1000 AT THE DOOR AVAILABLE AT ALL HULT center OUTLETS A BENEFIT FUNDRAISER FOR