Et al. MEETINGS Women in Communications meets today at 5 p.m. in Room 307 Allen Hall. Everyone welcome. Men Against Rape meets tonight at 7 in Century Room B EMU. People for the Ethicai Treat ment of Animals meets today at 5:30 p.m. in Century Room E EMU. Women in Transition is hav ing a brown-bag lunch every Wednesday at noon in Room 318 EMU. The *"Oregon for Goldschmidt" campus organization meets today at 3:30 in Room 101 EMU. Univer sity faculty, staff and students are welcome. Men's Network, a gay men's discussion group, meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. at 1414 Kincaid. The Incidental Fee Commit .71 ESPRESSO BAR Serving tine coflee. teas.and a full service menu all day to LIVEN UP YOUR MORNINGS AND RELAX YOUR AFTERNOONS BOOK and TEA open tO-6 daily • 10-5 Sunday on (Tie southeast corner ot campus 1646 E. 19th • 344-3422 To all those concerned, UO STUDENT SENATE will be meeting WEDS, at 12:30 in Room 108 to discuss the ADD DROP ISSUE. The Student Senate is currently working to lengthen the add/drop deadline. If interested, please attend. Student imput is of great value to this pertinent issue. tee meets today at 5:30 p.m. in Century Room F EMI) to hoar budget requests for Women in Transition, Survival Center and the Rape Crisis Network. LBCTURES/WOR KSHOPS “Paleogeographic Evolution of China*’ is the topic of a lec ture today at 12:30 p.m. In the EMU Forum Room. Guest speaker is Alfred Ziegler, geology professor at the Univer sity Chicago. ★ COPIES* Krazy Kata Try Us/ M4 East 13th tt. 11$ « 7H 5 RECORDS^ s 25»C.13tt r.l 342 7975 | GET OUT ■ / OF THE GUILT BAG 1 lam to 6pm Moh-.Sat 12 to 5pm Sunday•, MISCELLANEOUS Necesitanns ostudinates para organizer un grupo do KNI.ACF “Encuentro Latino-Americnno C'ultitral Educative.” on la l Inivorsidad. Todos Ins que tinnnn interns on las cultures Latinoamericanas y son bil ingues estan bienvenldos. We need students to help organize ENLACE on campus. If vou are bilingual or wish to be. you are invited to come to the EMI' Skylight Refectory today at 4:30. Continued from Pane 5 Trial Hosier needs guidance regar ding independent living, socialization and vocational planning. Prickell said, “He continues to have pro blems making friends and main taining them.” he said. "This is very characteristic of a head injured person.” C rebar said he thinks Rosier now can think ahout only one thing at a time. ° "He doesn’t have the mental capabilities, he once had.”„ ('rebar said. "In fact., he's kind of slow . he doesn't get some jokes with double• meanings.'' Although Hosier is currently, studying at IXX-. Prickall said Rosier ‘ could . not handle. the .study, wqrkhiad at a-four-year 'university- . ...° . .• ; V‘i negatiyeVbu.t. |.-‘ don’t* see'a potential for him'' •making-it. (at .-a ' universilyV.” ' Pfrickeil .said*- '"The pmbleih^is . that .he‘s’hot fast, eno.ugh arfd* , doesn’t- intake.: his . 'decisions •'quickly *" - . •*. ... . •'. .. Rosiiii' is passing his classes at • Ux:, -however! .’said-defeiise at . ; torney- Ralph (>qlib • ' V . *• *•.» But KosiHr only can handle the work t» the community college level because he receives more help and understanding from his instructors than he would at a four-year institution, Prickeil said • Rob Katcliffe. a former Kappa Sigma pledge who also was. taken on the mad trip in 1981,. , . . testified that no -alcohol was ' given to the pledges af the ; . ' fraternity house ^ .. ’ Thiv.roadtrip was a 'p|anhed ' event and ne and‘his ro»oihinate / .. were a warn that it- would, fake place..Ratciiffp gaid\.He.said.he • was not aware it Rosier placed himself‘in any danger >. : . '.'We all having a'■real * good -time enjoying ourselves," •• . he saidV \T '.'/'-I'. ''>!:• Rat cliffs, iiaidhe ’ saw. the ap -prpaching headlights of the car. that hit .Rps1er’ah.d'Rinrce;shln- • ing dn.nearby trees,- ‘ „ “I was .surprised at hd.w fast the car came. I thought, there was no nial cause of.alarm ' I didn't think there would be any > problem with everyone getting off the road in firne.” Ratcdlffe said ‘ „ The Dif1erer>cai:0hf call • aets Qdminols • Pttta thmotionr. From that moment on', ' ;. everything possible-to ; \ •; / make sure,that your hot, ■ \ custbm-made pliza is * . delivered to your door in - less.than 30 minutes. We'use only the finest ingredients.-and have our ... delivery system down. , ; perfect SO you get tasty, .. . freeh-from-tfie oven pizza without moving a muscle! Call Usl Eugene -£> 683-7325 ieo9 E. 19th Avenue 485-5675 2260 W 18th Avenue 461-0842 1580 North Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road Sheldon Plaza Hours: 4:30pm-1:00am Sun.-Thurs. 4:30pm-2:00am Frl. & Sat. Menu ;y ... AN Pizza* Include Our Special Blend of Sauce S 100% Heel Oairy Cheese The Price Destroyer* limited portion*'of 9 Nemeldr the price of 5: Repperool.Muehroom*, Black Olive*. Ground Beef, Onions: Sausage. • Green Pepper*. Hem end Extra Cheeee 12" Price Destroyer* $10.80 18" Price Destroyer* $14 85 Domino'* Deluxe 5 Item* for the price of 4: Pepperoni, Mushroom*. Onion*. Green Pepper*, and Sausage 12" Deluxe,$ 9.85 16" Deluxe $13.50 ' Our Superb Cheeee Pizza 12” cheese $6.05 16" cheeM $8.10 Additional Hems Pepperom, Mushroom*. Black Oliva*, Onions. Groan Pap par*. Ground Baal, Saussya. Ham. Jalapanos. Pineappta. Extra Chaasa and Extra Thick Crust 12" pizza $ 85 par itam 16" pizza $1.36 par ham Cola avaMaMa. . i Our drivars carry lass than $20.00. L.If**S*90 f I w w'l' g *1SS* Donwno'* PtM.tne