THE SERENITY Of THI fOREST 2 bedioorn 1 V> balh 1300 6 *318 Private Balcony fully applianced Carpeted. & draped Sauna & Pool Encetlem bua aarvica foraal Village Call now (187 1318 _ 81313 31 ONE BEOROOM f URNISMTO Apt nail lo campua 18m 8 Kincaid Laundry (actinia* Covered parking *230/mo Call 8860743 Available April 1*1 V 3-10 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Jual on* block Irom lha library Now ranting lor Winter Term Private refrigerator and <8 Cam Irom *189 Bob or Kelly (844 Alrfar no 21 344 8713. Bldg managed by St Clan Propama* ■ • ' ■ . 8882 tin UNDER NEW 'AANAGEMENT Alder Street Oueda furAiabed Ouada now available Untitia* paid covered parking end laundry -tacilillea available *t89rmonm or tt4«rmonm on '3 montn tea** Contact Tony' 1380 Aider Si noBS 343 3890 3(7 Dorm Contracts fREE CASE Of BEER to whbever buya • my dorm, contract • Call Roy. 4889.706 ■ SUBS, •• ••••;. ... 37 TWO OORM CONTRA! i "■ NaMNa or Heidi 488.9388 i . Ul DORM CONTRACT w'ttn tram' Cell Mike 6868 H6 686 8276 ‘ j 8 OORM CONTRACT. fOR ,eln . Call Stuart 488 9031 ' ' . '-3 17 Food & Drink BACK AGAIN CHRLA Presents HARO TIMES LUNCH m.ivrs 1 FALL CREEK BAKERY Wvwwwwwwww ■ NOT TO UO BOOKSTORE ; Your Brood 4 Bultor... franc* Breed Mon tat ItaUan Herb Monday. 6 Thuraday Whorewbaat An edema ■ • ‘ Mon Tuea Sat - EvE^BwaErae^®a eeleaWwv^eeef™ . _^OePePr • 96 Chell an frtdey Available In rotla and ctaaeic loavaa M-f 7 30600 BBtE 13th Saturday. 83 . 484 1683 Authentic Latin Food $2.25 Thursday ColtM and dessert astra Eat wondwtut ethnic food and aupporthuman rights 1236 Kincaid 464 5867 Et'GENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY lAMIUWUVVWVWVIAni NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Hava Lunch or a Light Meal with Ual TODAY'S MENU: • Ham 4 Chases tilled croissant • Poppy Sood croissant with Rlcolta Hart) Chaaaa • Broccoli E Tata Chaaaa croissant Straight form the 11:00 am MF 7 304 00 Ml E I3lh _ttbWLl Events EMU Program Consulting Ottlce praaanta a Iraa showing ol A PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE Wad.. March 5, 3:10pm. IMC Studio A Thura . March 6, & 00pm EMU Cantury Room A In thia 63 minute video Tom Peters coauthor ot "In Search ol Ex cellencs. highlights the methods and accomplishments ot a new breed ol American leaders For more Into, call Frank at X4000I ECKANKAR The Ancient Science ot Soul Travel preeente en Introductory lecture Wed March S. 8 pm 218 Allen Topic: "Learning to love" Tree •as Entertainment Join Sir luclu* O'Trtgger, Lydia Languleh. the lemou* Mr. Malaprop. and their blend* aa they tumble I heir way through love In Sheridan's THE RIVALS Thie htiertoua.comedy feature* eaeg Srletod body lorm* constructed by regory Hobbin* former costumer with Sesame Street end The Moppet Show, arid eobtume'dedans by the award winning Alexandra 6 Bond* March 6-8, 14, 15 Robinson Theatre „ 8 pm . . Tichew. IS SO UTta and only S3 SO tor .IIO vtudent* ■ Call. 880 4191 to. .!**«r.v*lion* Preeented by Univeratly fnealre ■ , • : htfettio TONIGHT .. Roman Polanski's l\ Knife *. .. Pol ski % ln»l ;tli'r» TH Sot MS • • JOpm Sun Bargain Molina* 4pm SunThur* S 30 S t:S0 Starts Friday; Always (But not forever) Bijou Late Nite nasTataaaHurru Thursday 11:15 $2 Fri.Sat. Midnite $2.50 Unrserslly Theatre Second Season pfeaenla STRANGE SNOW ri>e t#nd#r story of A VHH Nan v#t s • 1r u g g l « to qq on living March 6, 7, 8 ARENA THEATRE (VHIard Hall) 8 PM All tickets only 12 50 each. Call 8M-41S1 I Of reaarvallona 'CAUTION. This play contains strong language Presented by special arrangement •rllh Samuel Trench Inc MO/ 3 7 . . eugene:s exciting adult • non Liquor caberet Wad' 8 30 2»m Lad las N.ghl ° • ladlas art Ire* S 30 » 30 . Friday-.* Saturday Parly atinlght • Opan aMai houri 8 30 4am! Mus.<: Top *0 8 * B danca .music” AockVrotl . I ' you la gonna danca ' v ■ • THE NIGHT. A WAY at • players Cabaret. CaM.Playar's lor Llmousina Sarvica. Partyt and special a»enls I04S WtUpmatta .• 683 2248 TUNE IN TO a«M4T®a83' Sludanla wfl.D *3 SO Alt ShowsMon 13 00 ;... Then and Now Show* Frt A Sat f 1Spm Son '6 Mon 6 44pm ; Tuaathru Thura T 00pm Sunday matlnae 4:00pm . .'■ An Erhil seating corny Oy adaptad by Motdarat V Th« . Apprenticeship* ol Ouddy Kravilr ') Ttichtar irom hla novel, ot lha same name Joshua (James Woods) looks back on°his Ida m a jenas. ol tapid lira. tlashbaeks. mat sparkle with wittily shared obse'r rations of^^afe I sub m H«td Ovar Nightly thru Mar. • Separata Admission Shows; Fri A Sat. at 9:30 Sun. I Mon at 9:00 Tuaa thru Thura at 9:1$ From Franca, don't miss this htp. sadocHtra toch-no poo thrtHor. Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Canter U of 0 telephone hotline. 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call »ee 4488 3144 tin IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT About pregnancy call Birthright^ 6878851 3162JN MAKE MONEY! RAOS TO RICHES truys consigns, and trades 360 E 11th ____4960 WMF PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS $20 Astrology chart readtngs $30 What Is your Karmic destiny? Call Torn 343 3009 . , .5898 tin LAURAil love you BARRY ‘ 4-9 INSIGHT TO ACTION. A support and therapy group program, for adult children of alcoholics Person Ftesource_8yStems 484 9274 314 FREE POSTERS AT ARTWORKS Call ' 4850034 lor details or visit 29V E 5th Avenue M Sat. 108 pm Sun 12 5 pm ' ••• "3-17 SEEKING CHRIS LEWIS MACEV: Have him contact family .immediately via . Jane Hutchins AhP 325 -9th- Street. San Francisco: 94103 Phone ' 416826-2375 '_* ’• UJ.6 OENTLE. TOT ALLS' SAFE hair removal IT WORKS! . Elecl/ytosis by Marian 687 9181 - • ■ • • . 6133:38 v WHAT IS SURC? . Student "University Relations Coyncll is. ■ unique avay l<>“get- involved, in- the . ■ University " • . . * FIND OUT, MORE . Application* are available now m 202 • -Johnson Hall • • . • ■ , LOOK FOR INFO TABLE aTuesday And .•Wednesday * 1/1 trie: EMU tOfeMf* • > ; ' ° • .* «• •• SAMPLE ACTIVITIES ' We aid in Ihe'.organi/ation and-'sponsor log Homecoming. Pafents- weekends, • - Waytesf . Blood • Drives and . Campus Keds Day "And mate's more1: j FOR MORE INFO V call UmverSify Relatidns'-.X5555 . • ■- ..-.v ■ ■* ..V i . 6136 38 OREGON -FOR GOLDSCHMIDT A-University Organi/alKKi- invites all in "terested'students lac.ulty and stall td ■. US', lirst' meeting 'Wednesday March'5 . 3:30830 tun; Boom' 101 yEMU'liprbss irom ihe-PoatOfflcai". .• ■ ifi- ■. Happy Birthday Gamma Phi .Bela - Jennifer Nash 4 Jlathy Sullivan • • L.uv Va guys! Aileeh ■' _'• -. m; 3 5 TQ THE VARSITY BASKETBALL , Ptayeis .enth the pule tyhil'es -'we.would - like to meet-you (That means you- Ren . nigei and Ciaig'l-P S'It you would like to k'how .who we. are. ask'oo' 52" 35 TO MIKE SEAN AN0 BRIAN dm i ia. y Phi. Psi. blind - dales "Thanks lor da quin* with the new blender .closing the . parly with us and a' .party' time! Luv, SHANNON. KATHY. AN0 PATTY -3 5 'y'Sij ■ \ d.b:• • ■T hanks tor a great yreekend1 Skttng was great (especially altar-lunch) Mom and Pop were cool, and as always I had a tftea) lime LOVE, TIMMY 30 5 o NEED. A JOB FOR THE SUMMER? Come- by the Job. L'ocalions and Development Office .tor infprrqatron . on'available positions I5L1 Agate Sheet X3214 6146 3 5 Centurion Awards FOR OUTSTANDING STUDENT LEADERSHIP DEADLINE: MARCH 14, 5 PM Information sheets are available in: •20? Johnson Hall . *EMU Information Booth •Oregon Hall informal ion Booth •Mam Library reference center 6136 3 1C Happy 21 er Liz Wolfe! You wild woman love the Chi O’s 614235 -. Chi Omega wishes a Happy Birth day to Li/ Wolle Elisa Burns Signi Heurung LI/ Lyman Kendra Lockard Trisha Phillips Lauren Bull Chanel DeLaney Denise Bellotti Michelle Laughlin _ 6142:3-5 SWH Happy Anniversary I Love You JMDPHI •_ . 3.5 GET INVOLVED! The undeclared/pre-major peer advisers are still accepting applications for Spr ing Term Earn upper division credit while learning leadership and com munication skills Applications are avialable in 164 Oregon Hall Deadline - is.Mon. Hmcti >0 61413-10 Congratulations AXQ KAREN JONES . ” . . and IAE KEN GENZEL on vour pinning (is mis' txg enough?) ■ ' Love. Alpha Chi - ; ■ 6053 3-5 Congratulations To the 5K Fun Run Winners For Greek Days Of Giving ' * * , <1*f Rotx GtberF^ - • ; B©n ■2ml Eric Landeen' ox 3rdArthurLaihrop (DAO 1st Nicole Bailer A