Science will be renamed after former professor Science HI soon will be renamed Ralph Huestis Hall, in honor of former University biology Professor Dr. Ralph Ruskin Huestis. Huestis. best known for his extensive research on wild deer mice, taught at the University biology department for 38 years, from 1924 until his retire ment in 1962. In 1982, former University President Robert Clark wrote a monogram about Huestis' life and contributions to the IJniver sity for the University Foundation, “In 1932, scientific research at the University as a tool for the discovery of new knowledge and as a way of training new scientists came almost to a dead halt,” the paper states. “(Huestis’) greatest achieve ment may have been keeping science as science alive in the darkest years of the University's history.'* The University has been con sidering the name change for months, says Muriel Jackson, assistant vice-president for administration. *'Ust fall, the biology depart ment asked that action be taken.” Jackson says. "After skimming the monograph, his quality, nature, depth and col legial association with the University becomes apparent." Upon Huestis' retirement, the University awarded him a medal for distinguished service, praising him as "teacher, naturalist, scholar and academic statesman." Huestis came to the Universi ty in 1924 He had graduated from McGill University in 1914 with a bachelor of science In agriculture. After four years of military service in the veterinary corps of the Cana dian Expeditionary Force, he enrolled at the University of California, receiving his master’s in 1920 and his doc torate in 1924. Recycle This Paper CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Books tote Stamp Counter EMU Mein deck PAYMENT. All ads must M paid tor in advance unless a billing arrangement has been established For billing ar langements. please call 6*64343 or stop by the Emerald Classified office, 300 EMU. BATES: IT cents per word tor the first day and 14 cents per word lor con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is *170 tor the first insertion and *140 lor eon secutive insertions 9-POINT ISIftme) 12-POINT (SI 2S/line> 18 POINT (II SOrtine) 24 POINT (*175rtine> BOX BORDER $1.2SMay DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: S5.40«ncf» BIRTHOAY BEAT: 25* DEADLINES LINE ADS. 12 noon the day before publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AOS 12 noon two days before publication The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September June! and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August) ERRORS: The Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion For Sale LAEIK3ENE ONE WAY Air ticket March 30 *75 OBO 342 8399 3-5 KENWOOD RECEIVER, two speakers and Mar anti turntable *195 OBO call 343-5914 _ 3-5 SHARP! 1979 CHEVY Mon/a new tires great shape 12195 or make oiler Eves 726 5747 3-5 CALMA ADHERENCIA ROCK SHOES: Wrr>7 (met-38) Used once excel cond Paid *89 will sell for *55 Great buy! 485-6804 evenings 36 MOVING, EVERYTHING MUST Go Sofa set d>nrng table microwave cart, dress ing table Peugeot btke. etc Celt 345-5073_ _36 1*99 LAMBRETTA U12S Motor scooter 1966 Rickenbacker 330 guitar S450 (or best) each or will consider trade tor 60 s (or older) Fender telecaster Joe 485-4196/342 7975 3-7 19* COLOR TV. *70 18 Gold chain *25 6876684 3-7 f Instruction HOW TO STUDY FOR FINALS A tree one-hour workshop that teach** students how to integrate course material, anticipate test questions, and structure trout review Presented by the Learning Resources Center. March 11, 3 30-4:30 in room 342 gilbert 6147 3-5 WRITING ESSAY EXAM ANSWERS This mini workshop will suggest effec tive and efficient approaches to organizing and writing cohesive and clear answers to essay questions within the time constraints of an in class essay . Presented by the Learning Resources Confer March 13. 3 305 in room 342 Gilbert 6148 35 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed _Near campus 344-0758 4961 tin TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations. papers, editing. graphics, law papers, resumes S mass meltings. Grad Sch approved WovdStytes 6 typescripts CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 464-6044 4940 ttn WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED 5 blocks to DO Graduate approved JENNIFER 465- S883 . 4962MWW Word Processingsyping 15 plus years erporienc* Papers dissertations, editing, mass mailings Micro casefle transcription Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688 6578 4338 tfn GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Setectric HI Call Mina between 9 am and 10 pm a! 343 2823 or 726-9824 4956 MW PRO TYPING/EDITING Guaranteed Close to UO Graduate school approved JENNIFER 4863883 _ 4963UWF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING A EDITING Resumes, Papers. Theses Disserts lions. Graduate School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 465 1473 5685 tin CAROL’S PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. 3452289 9-5 pm Evenings and weekends by appt 6109 UWH TYPING/EDITING Professional, fast close to U ol 0 6836390 JM1 $1 TYPING 686-0812 2-11 WORDS “R” US Brandy 464 6044 Shaw Nee 6837098 Quality lyping/word processing Papers, resumes, editing, tape transcriptions manuscripts, theses/dissertations. Grad School app vd IBM compatible 57to tin DEADLINES ALWAYS MET IBM Electronic Wheelwnter 5 Ruth 3465614 4969 UW T ypmg Knumii Tran scriptions Word Procassmg Disk Storage Sheila. MS 4530 evenings _ 5970'tto Wort Processing* Editing* Resume* Fasi«Accur*t#«Disk siorege Clos* to U of 0*Psm MS 7829 _534* tin QUALITY TYPING 90 CENTS PER PAGE Word processing Ken M2SSB2 _ ___4-2 WORD PROCESSING Term papers resumes etc Spell check included JpAnn el JAC INK. 74/7158 HEM 317 WORD PROCESSING/TYPING Affordable Ercelienl Ruthann 344 0435 __ 3-10 WORD PROCESSING term paper*, thews, manuscripts resumes, cor respondents mail usls/labeis etc Open dally 8 30-5 pm Saturday by ap pomlment The Floppy Disc. 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Musi sell 72 Mar cury Excellent condition must tee to believe 3500 OBO Call 345 5073 35 197* VESPA MOPED Like new. only 268 mil** *300 C*H Tom Biuton 747-9003_3-11 19*0 8UICK CEMTUBV LTD. 4 door loaded *4300 Owr*i will (inane* or credit approval and will war ranly car lor 30 days or 1000 Call Tom Bruton 747 9003 or 486 2968 311 74 OATSUN B210 Baiiahl# ilSfc OBO or trad* for ,n*w scooter David 484 9460 346 1223 3 6 7* PINTO 2 DOOR tun* wen. good lira* *7*0 OBO 942-0764 37 198$ HONDA SPREE *346 Good cond Helmet included call 344 3846 35 Auto Repair FREE PICK UP AND DELIVER* FOR STUOENTS & FACULTY FOREIGN AUTO O Maintenance and Repair 1089 W 3rd . 484-4930 Travel DEADLINE EXTENDED BY POPULAR OEMANO SKI SUN VALLEY During Spring Br*ak SAVE *38 $240 Fly to the Sun 4 Fun EMU CAMPUS TRAVEL CTR . 6465 tin. DELTA AIRLINES ROUNOTRIP Standby ttchel Fly anywhere In continental U S encludtnq Hawaii Eipire* April' 1818 CaH atl«r 4 30. 746A736 ■ VM 2 *200 EASTERN AIRLINE Travel cir ■dieat** Will sell lor *176 *acn Diane 88S6243 daya ■ : ~ • ■•*« summer Singapore *706 Roundrtrtp DEPOSIT DEADLINE DEADLINE EXTENDEO Campus Travel Canlar • ' - 6134 3 5 - Opportunities ~STU0Y IN SCOTLAND. .Prbleaaor - Ala* I ait Dune University ol Scotland will be el 330 Oregon Hall to discuss • *!udy in Scotland liom 10 noon on Thurs March 6th and-Fn march 7lh Prop in ll interested . 51323 6. Help Wanted UNIVERSITY OF OREOON UPWARD BOUND Program summer position* Pan lima elective* instructors In aerobic* science, computer and hour nalism (newspaper end' yearbook), work Study tutor* In lha above and .hign school academic subiecis June 22 August 16. 1986 only S7hour (or 60 hour* (instructors) and *51 hour iCWSP tutors) Job decnpliona and applica Don* available at Upward Bound <869 E 15th Euoane OR 97403 Deadline March 21 1986 Equal OpporlunllylAI . Iirmauva Action Employar. 61113T' REPUBLICAN RUNNING FOR Slat* Senate in Lak* Need workers Spring Break Great espertence/good Ihiun 6369608 or 6364090. VSlt STUDENT ACTIVITIES EDITOR WANTED The Oregon Daily Emerald it looking fpr. a hard working p*t*on lo coyer student acliviliaa Thi* Associate Editorship r* guira* 3040 hours par w*ak and i* non workstudy Applications (pl**M In elude clips) and a )ob description ar* avaiiaoi* in Room 300 EMU Oaadlin* lor application* la Mon March" i(Mh by. 5 pm The OOE is an equal opportunity amptoyai Women and minorities are encouraged lo apply • . 61Q • PHOTO EDITOR WANTED • the Oregon' Oatly Emerald is looking lor a person'wittt a-broad background, m p.hologiap*by lo. .co'ordlnate' assignments’ lor a dally newspaper -£> . parlance in shooting**) darkroom techniques a must Position is non ■’workstudy and require* about 40 hours ’ per week Applications iplease submit porllotto) .and. a top description ant available In' Room 300 EMU Deadline tor applying is Mon March 10th at 5 pm The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer Women and iMnonMS are anoetwasd to apple PLACK BUTTE RANCH Corporation has positions open lor summer 1966 Post . lions available will include Ute Guards Recreation Coordinators . Sport Snop Salas Btcycte Repair. .Front Desk Restaurant Housekeeping Quail Registration Appl teal tons lor employ .mem Slack Butte Ranch Corporation Administration Office Bo.. 8000 Black Butte Ranch OR’9/VS9 i I I UNIVERSITY - OF OREGON SUMMER ENRICHMENT Program tor Tatemad and Qilled Students is seeking a qualified Recraatlori Director leat hers and- dormitory counselors June 22 August 9 The' Recreation Director must heve eipatience m programminq planning and supervision Teacher* ■ must-.nava expertise fit a specific sub ' tact and ,in# Abmiy to leach, gifted . Students. Salaries'lor teacher endrtuec lor. ere negotiable Counselor* must possess-etr enthusiasm lo work with young people Salary'is S12»wk plus room end-board Fot application con tael Or George Shapert) 'or Susan . Chubb: Ed Annas .666 3064 Application deadleMl*AprBlt ' • 0t27*66 COORDINATOR STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAM 1966ST' Supervisor -slu .deni interne m University recruiting pro grem ■ Gain skills In organize!ion end communication tob is work study or upper division intern credit. Apply in room 270 Oregon Hell by 6 pm March 7 For information Randy Choy 666 3201 Tu or Th n-gjOa • • • ■ • ; . 6130 S7 DECISION RESEARCH will pay W tor about tvy hrs of.yout lima II you have used a Eugene Public Library borrowers card ioCarleast 2 years. tracker 18 and have used the. library a computerized celelogun give, us’ a call al 486 2400 • • •• ;• » - aotoao SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men «n<1 women as Hidden Valley Gamp inter viewing Tuesday March 11, see Emmet I . in .JLD Office 1611 Agate lor appoint menl ’ • . . .. 1 3.6 GO V I IN M | n't ' J'O i'.G". J16 040 S69 230/yi Now hiring Call 806667 6000 EsI R 9642 lor Currant federal list MW COMMITTEE IN SOLIDARITY Will* Can ■ tral American Reoptri 10 hours par week’ " *100 *200 Mi month Previous coni • “ . munlf y eiperlenceterTHIiarl ly* with Central Amtncm .issues he'ttfui Women and.people of cMOf 81* . .encouraged lo Apply Deadline March <0th Sand »w»i to CISCAP 372 W . 10th Eugene OR 9/401 , ij . RESPONSIBLE COID TO mud, some' . „ • .weekend* With loo lAAr.agml < h.lthan Naad car erto mutt cook Reference* * M^day Call #tl*r-*pm 344 .1*// .if.- ' WANTED' CAMPOS." REfRESEAT TATIVC»'tOt beverage distributor Mu%t • Da 21 year* ol eg* f 0 C 880 McKinley • SI >7402- • . $4. . , LOOKINO TOR .THE'SEST.I .m i.MV lob in Eoganai.Chack oul lha’oppoi. '•■ lumtibt evMgble'to younn Ilia Nmai ■ Resent* Trie New R*»*rv.* Ol Bnl-.n ‘ . iu»i ona.ol-lha benefits-ot-being. .. : Naval Reservist Call Jack < collar. 11 at •• • . 342 ./SOS •. #6274 3S • 7 . . . " Roommates available now first month . FREE Responsible I am Ma roommate wanted lo share gutet 2 bedroom‘cloee ■ to cam put Call 4*4 2173 or 4«a Man • ■■ . • • -Ml ■ FEMALE ROOMMATE WANUI) log larm 4 block* from cam pot *162 a "wiii cm *jsm» *U . DO YOU NEED a 'i>omm#i*?Tfc (jo F Nica 2 bd«n apt SITS pan month not in ■ CldJrno II inlaraAlatf call 4*6 12®/ nH *l be a non smoke ' J I I For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couples and tingle parent* pottibdiiy ol im mediate occupancy or place ybureelt'on waning hit Westmoreland lurmahad apartment 2. bedroom. *i44Jmo . 1 • bedroom SllS/mo Amazon unlumtthed 2 bedroom *120rmo Future openings er peeled an areas Contact UO Hout mg Oapl, 6*6 42/7 4947 tin BEND SKI HOUSE. fh.*« bedroom: ■ly 'urmthM spa sauna Sl*«|)« It : *66*190 par day 1*9 1636 FURNISHED LAROE 1/2 bedroom put " *24Sr*J25 No pelt 4*6 2*23 . '■ ’ • ■ __ *413 Mn NEWER QUADS * «1 Wots (tom cJeipirt *159rmo utilities in Ciudad .1*66 Harris manager apt 4 U.'4281' 4843 tin '.ROOM'.Mi 'ATTRACTIVE 1 Eugene home Laundry and kitchen lacihfes . tow ram 'in evchange to* occasional babysitting 160 tem.ele 4*6 1232 eve - '• vs*. • FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM ' ■ sprmg term Low ol iiiorege space end * smell Supdeek Two block* irom • campus *245 per monlb Take, over contract 6*3*627 . J.T OUIET COUNTRY LIVINO rnTTba southwest chills. Beautiful t arid 2 bedroom apis with view I earn* pool rec room laundry Close lo eily bus llna Prospect pPark Apts 1710: Not thvia'w Blvd 4*4 6653 6119 3-7 NOOK*. CRANNIES. SKYLIGHTS. carpeting quiet. 2 bedroom* . tty* btocfca° campus *275 inclusive Grad student preferred 345-9*0/ N0 ' smoking • ■ ' 3-1Q FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, near Music Ring (300 Reterncea Ridgewood Aptft 8*8.5769 6275 ltd ' --a w» Doonesbury fjlW HELLO, MV NAMES IACEY cmNPm,ANp?M5MPiy THKLLW10 Peas TO BE HEPS i CAMMmne fop mv feuoou 1 REPUBLICAN, • clinteast 10 BE HONEST, tVE NEVER SEEN ONE Of MR EASTUOOPS FRMS, BUT I'M SUREH&> JUSTVEUOOUSiN THEM. I'M TOLP HE PROJECTS RESOLVE, ANt? THAT'S BY GARRY TRUDEAU AFTER ALL, WHAfSTHE GREATEST PROBLEM FAC ING MUNICIPAL GOVERN MENTS TODAY* PUNKS. UH. NO, DEFICITS OH, DEAR, IS THIS A LAW AND ORDER CAMPAIGN* SKYLIGHT REFECTORV: KMUI.AR OK V vkcktarian spaghetti Only .*1.85 Spinal h nr rputhmtni pauu mrui nr irflr utmr motif ilnlh nidi frrth iritrlahlrt. urnrd with i/arli, hr nut Open Mon - Thun 5:00 - 10:00pm for Coffee A Pastries COME ON LIP!