Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1986, Page 3A, Image 3

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The rikht of different
ideologies to be heard is a cor
nerstone of liberal thought.
“Let truth and falsehood grap
ple" in the arenu of the free
press and allow citizens to
discern the truth by com
parison. People proudly tout
freedom of speech, but are all
too willing to suppress view
points that they disagree with.
I rarely agree with the Com-,
montutor. Indeed. I -rand' it -more
■for entertainment than Informa
tion. Vet. if I may paraphrase,
-though I do not .agree with .what
they say. I wilt defend unto my
death their-right.to-sav.it-. .
- 'Toni Jeffries
V: , ' ' lournalism
: . -Thu. results of a..survey being
conducted by the Oregon Public
Kmplbvees “ Up jo-ti IOFKU)
umongciurical workers at the
University of Cbegun will lx*
. presented’at a rally io support of
pay equity on. March lib on cam- '
pits'. (Payequity refers to bring
ing up the pay stale of jobs
determined to ;be undervalued
by the state's 1084 Comparable
Worth Study.)
Local legislators and .others
who were involved with the
■ (Comparable Wurth Study will
be invited to attend the rally to
hear the results t*T the survey,
including testimony from
workers in the undervalued
classes Clerical workers, food
• service, .workers, grounds,
keepers., custodians, laborers,
public safety workers and
laboratory workers among
others are included- in this
group {Out. of mini OPKU
: represented workers at the
University Of Oregon, 7f»tt were
; considered underpaid by the
Comparable.-Worth Sludv )
Washington State just passed
legislation calling for pay equi
ty support campaign Ol’KU's
Membership (lommiltee will
serve cuke in the lobby of the
KMU . to dramatize C*ov.
^Atiyeh's“let them eat cake" at
titude toward the University of
O r e g o n ' s. mi d e r v a I u e d
employees. Please join us in our
struggle for pay equity.
I.isa Siersucki
Susan Cook
OPKIJ Membership Committee
Read articles
Barring a possible live debate
and/or Commentator commen
tary, this should be my last en
try in the Great Afghanistan
I realize that during vacation
students want to avoid study
ing. However,, for students who
are truly interested in finding
out what is happening in
Afghanistan. I recommend that
you set aside two hours to read
these 12 articles.
"Migratory Genocide" and
"The War in the City" (The
New Republic, April 4. 1985),
"Moscow's Dirty War"
(Newsweek. Dec. 3, 1984),
"Slow Death in Afghanistan"
(McLeans. Dec 24, 1984). “The
Awful l.ogic of Genocide,"
"The Now Holocaust" and
** *. , an entire country is dy
ing...’" (National Review,
()i t 4 1985). "Soviet atrocities
aimed at Afghanistan’s
civilians" (Commentary in The
Oregonian. Feb. 7, 1986),
“Afghan War finally Hits
Soviet's Home Front” (U.S.
News Si World Report. Dec. 12.
1985). "Afghanistan: Six Years
of Soviet Occupation” (U.S.
Dept, of State Bulletin.
December 1985) and "Little .
war .big I e s s o n *' . ( L A
Times/Register Guard, fan 12. ■
1988). . .. ; '
These articles give a
reasonably accurate picture of
Afghanistan since' the i.978
Soviet-sponsored coup;
T a k e n' logoi h e r. t h e v
p u I v e r i ?. a/ GI e it. Sacks ”
arguments ; arguments-which.'
after careful ■ dissectioh. and-,
cross checking. I "have conclud
ed are based on cfeyerly cpii;..
needed half-truths.. out'-of
context quotations fmnt anostly
dated sources, unbacked ass'cr- ■
t i o n s a n d . f u'U n v's i.n e 11 i ii g
statistics from'.dublou* Source's.;
(i.e. Worker's Vanguard) oaU
served up with a'lil>erai helping
of ''progressive”- .phrases° an'd„
hysterical speculations mas
querading as "facts."'Actuafiy. *
l have deduced ih'al Sacks pro -
babiy has not 'read'.most of the '
souic.es he cites1 fn his letters. •
b.u t that he- is' m os-t I y
regurgitating' the -arguments.;
citations and 'statistics contain
ed in the Nov. 17;. 1985 issue
.of... , Worker's Vanguard..
Tom Visoky
Vicious assault
It's astonishing to gee'.the
Emerald editorial page used-as -
the personal soapbox of .a. few'.
insecure individuals. What
other possible justification
could exist hirthe-shameless
mudslinging launched on*
David Herman 'in the 'Ptsbf 19
The blatant lac k* id profes
sionalism i sa n 'embarassuionttn
the entire U off) community,
last's hope someone at the
Emerald has the good sense to
lie ashamed Over the years;
countless disagreements have
been printed in these, pages.
Seldom, though, have the
arguments sunk to the inex
cusably low level of an
undeserved personal attack. It V
enough to make One wonder if
there an; any limits the Emerald
will not go to in an effort to
smear those with whom they
have personal disagreements.
The Record was born of the
frustration of student groups
with the luck of coverage of
their events. Numerous -other
groups have established their
own newspapers or newsletters
for the same reason. Perhaps
threatened by this trend, the
Emerald staff has turned to
vicious personal assaults to vent
the frustration generated by its
own inability to serve the
Having lost several top-flight
staff members recently, one to
the Record, maybe the remain
ing Emerald staff felt an attack
of this sort was called for. It was
not. and we will not forget this
maliciousness' when the . time
Comes to vote on Emerald
. funding.
Angee Hill
• ' Political Science
; V. \ • • ** J • t • ' *
The real world
..Thisis- in response- to the-let
, . ter'from, the fraternity;brother
■ who was upseCalMMifthe:.unfair
i slVreblyping'/of. fraternities as
slearniiig cesspools, of rape amf
rtipeideqldgy.. • "/ ■ '
Sure,'. I’m' -also - against- ,
steredtyping Still, it'somehow
: escapes me why aqybodv wants
P aiKither- ,Tour years, .of “high
school^ •locker •rotim.” No
^ thanks. Come on! There's a.(sort 4
• (if) real*world, out here {thank .
'God)/ :• ,:a '
• But then. .isi.i.‘l.. there a-cfm .
; ridor ojf “high school locker .
- rooms-”, leading straight “to the
highest levels of society? Yeah,
the real, real world.
Jirii Myers
~ ‘ ‘ Mathematics
Support dissent
.. Tmi-ASlfO.'has suggested, cut
ting!.l^cl£lh^’binding td one of
. our student forums. the.:,
The - Gomfnerttatpr should,
receive- -its. full IFt funding,
without, cuts If it receives less. .
.1 he reach-of. Ms voice? wUhbe.in
bibil,ed-( insufficient. funds does
that) It is orieof out sources to
share arid develop opinions.
The Gommeiilator. offers us
views the Ktnehdd does not; the
K me raid alone just wont do.
Above all. though, the Com
mentator provides our campus
with more in-depth and dif
ferent angles on the issues it ad
dresses ;The Commentator
needs' to be heard, for "when
everyone is agreeing, no one is
I support the Commentator
because. I disagree with its plat
form and because its difference
of opinion adds to mv educa
tion Were I not graduating this
winter, I would support the
Commentator on the spring
ballot. We have everything to
gain from it.
lamieson Dickie
Rhetoric and Communication
Oregon West
- membership not required
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