Continued from Page 2B Rice says she understands and sympathizes with the pressures the IFC faces in hav ing to distribute student money, but she says the position is one that is indispensible. In order to make up for the smaller-than-expected IFC funds. Rice says she has three main options: restructuring the GTF position so that it moves into a lower price range, tightening the budget belt and cutting costs, or raising team entry fees for intramural events. Rice says she is interested in finding out whether students would support an increase in fees for intramural leagues. Teams currently pay $15 for in tramural leagues such as foot ball. basketball and softball, but Rice would like to raise the price tag to $20 par team. Even if an increase was ap proved. some leagues around the city still would cost con siderably more, Rice says. Each year, about 500 teams sign up for various intramural leagues, and Rice says the $5 in crease would cover $2,500 roughly half — of what the GTF position would cost, The CTFs that work in the weightrocm program help hire, train and supervise 12-15 students that staff the weightroom. OREGON BASKETBALL DUCKS VS TROJANS Thursday March 6 8:00 p.m. Mac Court Special Halftime Show!!! Bud Light Daredevils mm THE MOST EXCITING SLAM DUNK ACT IN THE COUNTRY THEIR FIRST EVER NORTHWEST APPEARANCE Student Tickets Crsiy $3.00 PACK THE PIT! AND BEAT THE TROJANS Hurry Tickets are Selling Fasti Improvements were made to the weightroom three years ago. and use of the room has increas ed considerably, she says. "I haven’t figured out exactly what we are going to do. The choice is we have to have that person or we have to shut down the weightroom,’' Rice says, From her perspective. Rice believes the IFC was hesitant to approve an increase in funds because of a fear that the physical education department would abandon more programs and then ask’the students for more money in the future. James Randall. IFC chairman, says that “unfortunately, the In-, cidental Fee Committee doesn't have any more money than (the physical education department does).” .... .-. “So; we are real reluctant to just pick up what they chose not to because what, happens, next _ year if they, say .’we donT-want ■ to pay for this, either, a'hd this ...' and this,’" - Randall said “.Where-doea lt end?” *. •• - - But‘Rice- says the . physical " education departmeht is noMry-. . • ing 16 force students' io pay all .of -its* costs. Thte"tfcllege of. • Human Development- and Per '• forma nee paid $70,()(Mt bf RI.M»*> ^ total. toasjtfi" •budget, • which* 'amounted tp;$14S ,73 4 ” • «‘.Pgdau sodhe physical'jtd dc’a -* tion departmept=isrv'*t paying‘for• .*• t haf GTF, positYoiTdopsiv t. tnea n.j ••'* ..thir*.they •areV’dumnihg ’ that - .wirola, .(weight)> room ‘bn students.‘' * RicV- says*-/The, _I!K o~ department ^ |i 11 ^ >M went ’..onto, the election, ballot,, and. ; • Rice "says, students voted; fir Sp* .* prt»ye"funds.b.y\ the hndge’t»nisi* -to* only $5>jlwlV ,\an members of las't yeaf's . . .trank' and field team, and" two. / ! more, front lhis year's. have'seen “I’ortor ami fiiis'li!r.^ . o- . . . . ••’■"We're not. hi »l% habit,of recpnifnendifig otitsido help."'*; inosays,'V()ur'attitud?r is*'don't. „ fix the. ship if it doesn't heed fixiilg;'-titlt {be athletes. who . me. they, are very satisfied with-' the .results.*" • - • Fd Boyd. the wdijiun's > . gymnastics, coach. says all, of the; gymnasts’ use’ the Porter Foster' method lo some extent: "kayamlludy I urn- worked real closely With our kids." lie says.: .*. * . . - \ \ : • "We.feel very privileged to be able to work with the afhletes-." Porter say&: . •• •. The future rooks bright for Porter and Poster. They are in the process of. negotiating with KSPN to do psychological com mentary for the Boston Marathon. "We thought it would be interesting to talk about what's going on in the runner's head." Faster says. "For example, how they react to being passed by another runner or how they react to having a cramp." "We don't know if we'll get it. hut we're visualizing it." Porter says.