TYPING & WORD PROCESSING tn*a#*«ll**#f1*tlon». paper* editing. graphic*, law pap*)*. return**, t mtni mailing*. Grad Hch appravad Wordstjda* * Typescript* *0V 4*4 MM BRANDY «M 8044 4940 tin Word ProeuaaingSTyping ISplut.yaart e.petienco P»p#r». diasarlation* adding maa* mailing* Micro ca*atta transcription Pickup and dnlivety Call Carol* al 688 6678._ ' 4tt*ttn „ TYPINQ/EOITING . Call 9*»r« 588-0739 4066MUHF PRO TYPING/E DIIINCS ■ Quaranlaad Cloaa lo UO Gradual* - ttehool approvad JENNIE t.R. 486 HWJ ■■ ' . ’ 40*3:llWlt EXCELLENT TYPIST Graduate .< ho.,I approaad M yeorter pattern. Call Duru.4*4 1094. . ... 4958UH DEADLINES ALWAYS ME? IBM Elacl/ainic Wh**twrti*r.6 Bu1t\ ' . • 3MMI4 ... 4960UV9 •TIMS' tail' «Mh S (Dynamic! y ping Sarvical* ' TME.SIudanl.Spaciilial*/' • Bu».m#** PtoT#»»ion'*l» ' Wqrd Proc*»»ingrJ ypingu ' Complete'Photocopy Ca’ntdt Otak Editing'|mShy/*y*l*m«|' Pickup'8^0*1 wet y Ayarlalilt. ■ .Sri 'Block*' 'll. in. Y TYPE-RIGHT WORO PROCESSING** I OITING : H«»urrw >ao#!»,jTh«*a*,jQi«»aru' j, * lion*. Cii.aduel* School approval: . . ALLWORK-GUARANtfiO' SUSAN 486 1*73 : '-v , • I- * . ■ •* .. -rOWs'lln WORDS i4R” US / • Brandy 4*4*044 ShaW- Na* 8*3 7p96 duality", typing'word *-?p/aij# • V n g" 'R#P|ir*'. r#»^im*ji.»adlling', lap* I e«n»p r i p} ioOf*^ m.inyic r.r pI *•' inMO I'n «1 yprng Returnee Tr°an«crtpliont i Procaiking bi*k StprSga*' ■ •. Shade 346 4SJ0e»emng. . r .* > .•S$7j«ln .Word Pioca*»lng*(diting>Ra*pm**' . ' i ’ " ’ uali'mikjiiriiaod ” -Cfe.te lb U ol 0»Pam.'j44 7*7* . • • 6349 tin, WORD. PROCESSING 3J*rm paper* re*uo.**,. Ole «|i*M :ch*ck, 'u)<-ludi*d' JuAnn. RI.JAC.INK • 747>15S Ml M 117 - WORD PROCESSING/TYPING AMtirditiUi E .(allarir * Rulha'nn 344 0*3* 330 ryPINOltDlTING, T»rotV»».;>nal rail Cld»a lb u ■n.rT 66)6390 •„ .•: -• VjMl • WORO PROCESSING Tarm ;papar» lha*t» \ maOuSCrfpl,*.'.' 'niuiral • .cor rrt|i.. ><)*#£#'. •ir^iE. Il»li laOal* all. 'Opjin'daily.riT 306dU> . ° -0EITA AIRLINES ROUNOTRIP Standby , „ ticket‘Fly Anywhere-m continenial U S ' escludmg Hawaii 'Espirds AprtltBth '* 30 -74BB735. • V M - 2 S200. EASTERN AIRLINE Travel car . . titlpales-WHI selldorSITS' each Qian# BEBA2A3-BBEB. ' HAWAII SPRING BREAK. *380 Head ' '' ■' female Ip irevel with Lana 344 5813 3S Opportunities OPEN TOUR OWN BEAUTIFUL dis count shoe etore ladies Childrens Mens Nationally known brands "Jot dacha ‘Evans Plcona ‘9 West ‘Capetio ‘Amalfi ‘Nike ‘Old Mam Trotter ‘Zodiac ‘Naturallter ‘Famolare ‘Adidas ‘Converse ‘Puma ‘Andrew Qeller ‘Gloria Vanderbullt ‘Lit Claiborne and many moro *16 900 to *39.000 includes beginning inventory tralning lixtures grand opening promo lions and round trip air tare Call today Prestige Fashions SOI 329 2362 3 4 Help Wanted REPUBLICAN RUNNING FOR State Senate in Lake Oswego Need workers Spring Break Great espenence/good limes 638 9902 or 836 4030 V 3 U UNIVERSITY Of OREGON UPWARD SOUND Program summet positions Pari lima altclivai Insttuctors m aerobics. science. computer and Hour naliam (newspaper and yearbook), work study lulora in the above and nigh school academic aub|acta Juna 22 August IS. 1988 only *7hour lor SO houra final roclorai and t&fhour (CWSP lulora) Job ascriptions and applies liona availabla al Upward Bound IBS9 E ISIh t umid# OR -97403 Deadline March 21. 1986 Equal OppoflunilyfAl' Himaltve Action Employer 81113-7 STUDENT ACTIVITIES • EDITOR WANTED The.Oregon Dally Emerald is’tooking lor a hard working person io cover student, activities This Aaaociala Editorship re . quire# 30 40 houra per weak and la non workalqdy Application*' (please In. elude clipal and a-job -description are availabla. Iri Room’ 300 EMU .Deadline lor application#-is ;Mon Match i.0th,..by Spm The ODE-ls sn equal.opportunity, employer Woman and .minorities are .'oncouraoed‘lo apply ,°: * , •, ’ 3 IQ . photo Editor -: WANTEDV • The Origpn Daily Emarald.is looking lor , ‘a parson with.a bided background’.in , P h'.o l.o g r‘a p h y^ 16.- ctfo r.o i n a’l a • a*|ignrhenls lor a daily newspaper f« . penance" in- shooting and* datk’room, lafchnim/aa- a’ 'must0 Pbailion'ia' n6n , 'Workstudy Vid requires-about 40 hours, ' pet week ApplicAliona (please, aubrrirl *porll6lio),and'as |Ob’ description ate .■’available. in'Room 300 I MU Deadline . lorTjppiying.i* Moh March.tOth its.pm iy‘The* tmeraid.rs.an equal opportunity etnpjpyei' .Women end minorities' are. ^ e'ru ourigiid-In-apply *■ • 3.10 ’ - BLACK BUTT t RANCH . posdtSn.s open I(So summer ’1986 Post. ’. non# Vvatlable will include Lda^Gtiarda . JRecieation .Coordinators Sport .Shop Salej ^.Bicycle • Repair . f loot- Desk* Restaurant - Housekeeping ' Quasi • ■ Registration . Applications'terr'employ ^pienl "Black Suite Ranch Corpdraliorr Admin, yl r el ion-Ottice Bb« *000 Black •-Bona ReVich OR ir ’ UNIVERSITY Of OREGON SUMMER •’ENRICHMENT ‘Program- tor, TManldd ami-* Culled. "Students is seeking a . qualilred.Recraition Duectoi isaphets, • and .-doimijo/y colinselot f June' 2? August 9* Tha'Recieatirin Di/ietbr * .‘Inuktnave jjkpeiiince in.piitgtemming. pla’rrnrnq 'and 'supervision- -.teachers . ' muni have-'e.iJerliie tn a-kpecittc tub jecl r"and’ihe 'atim.ty Ito , laactc.giMad V suMWnlE- Salanua tot leac.hei'end direc • Kyi,, ere,’negotiable 1 OounselOtsMuSI •’ posses# an enihuayksm Io, work -with •young (Mopin ’ SMe*» .>•' >12Srwfc plot j loom, eng board ; Foi -apphoetion coh. ' tacf.’.Ot ' George '. Shepard , or Susan . -Chubb -Ejl-Ann«k; 888 3084 Applicsjien ne is April ;l 1 - ■ r Ctf 1.2/ i s COORDINATOR STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAM . 198ft H7 Supervisor „ stu Uenl’.mtern,* iri University reclaming pro ■ gram '-Osin alulla in organisation ’ end . communication ..(pp- l»" woi.k study, or uPber dniiaion’uiiatn. credit Apply in . uxunJTOOrogon Hall by i pm March 7 rEor-ihtormelion Randy Choy, 688.3201 I., .r.-th It 200 . jnmK COMMITTEE IN SOLIDARITY With Gen ■ ual Amencan People (C.ISCAPV is hu’mg ..-•Stiff, peison to’r coordinating volunteers, 5 10 hour# par week , SIOOS/OO -per month Previous com rhundy-bigani/mg enpertence laminar! ly . with . Central Amencan issues helpful Women end people ot color are encouraged’to apply Deadline March . rlOtfi Send'ieaume# to CISCAP 372 W 10th Eugene OR 97401 : .’ _3 7 RESPONSIBLE CO ED TO r - weekends with t-wo teenager) children Need- car and must cook Rilerences $20rday ’Call alter 8 pm 344 3877 1 7 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED ttOOrweek . or mote -lining-orders Send BASE’ to Vemcoi PQ. Bok 10994 Eugene OR i 97440’; , *■ -, >4 WANTEO CAMPUS REPRESEN TATIVEfc'lor beverage distributor Must .'be21 yearsql age EOC 880McKinley St 97402 • - 38 Roommates AVAILABLE NOW! Responsible female roommate wanted to share quiet 2 bedroom clot* lo campus Call «B«,i173 -■ M For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couplet arid' single parents, possibility ol iln medial* occupancy or place yourself on Mailing lis! Westmoreland furnished apartment 2 bedroom o1**ant • Spinach S Clwm llllad croittant Straiphl from 1b* ov*n 11 00 »m M F -t 308 00 881 E 13th SalurdayS'3 . '484 1868 Events Windsurfing Club Starting Interested? Come to meeting at EMU Rm. 108 Tuesday March 4 at 3:30 Sponsored by Club Sport* ; - , • ■ .8006>4 Pre-Law Student Assoc presents: Lewis and Clark College of Law 3:30 March 5 in 164 Oregon Hail 3-5 GOLDEN KEY Elation held Tuaoday .March 4 in 110 EMU al 3 30 0 1 - ; 3 «• National Geographic PHOTOGRAPHER RIC COOKE TWIN VISIONS . Multi media on Ladakh or the Himalayas and Molokai or Hawaii Tuesday March a 7 30 pm. ISO Geology; FREE Outdoor Program. • ’ 61223* Entertainment it lifr in hair < li;i|>l« rv Frl Sal 7 15 S 9 30pm Sun Bargain Matinaa 4pm Sun Thurt 8:30 8 8:50 Starts Friday; Always (But not forever) miner, rOciuui? Hot Fudge o ... Sundaes v. 7^ 990 EVERY TUESDAY 686 E. 13th 861 Villamaltp EMU Program Consulting Office proaantt a frea showing ol A , PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE Wad., March 5, 3:30pm. IMC Studio A Thurs,, March 6, 5:00pm. EMU Century Room A In this A3 minute video. Tom deters, coauthor ol "In Search" ol Fx cellence.*' ■ highlights the methods and accomplishments'of p new breed pi American leaders . * . For more into call Fran* at X40001 Personals ; PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O teleohorte hotline 24 hours 7 days Strictly, confidential Gail-6004454 . " . 3144:ttr PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free pre’gnancy testing Birthright .687.-8651 . •" v? .- '623.L PAST LIFETIME.' REGRESSIONS 520 Astrology. Chart readings S30 What is y&ur ■ Kakrrjic "destiny?.' Call -Tom 343 3000 , , • - I ■ 580etfr LAURA: l.toee"yog, BARRYT ,, . . '*4 INSIGHT Tp ACTION t’herapy' group' program: for . adult children of..: arcoh'oi/cs iPerson Reeoucci-Systemis * 464 9274 -3-14 FREE POSTERS AT ARTWORKS Call 466 0034 lot details" or visit. 291. E ' 5th Avenue. M Sat 106 pm Suh 12 Vpm ' '» V- ' 3-17 SEEKING CHRIS LEWIS MACEY. Have him .contact -tamily immediately via Jane. Hutchins A HP- 325 9th Streiet San■" Francisco'., i* 10G.'.Phone 415 626 2325 •VM DRUG DEPENDENCIES can'quickly lead0 to life-threatening medical..'probiems ... Help • j.s - available at .Horizon Recovery.Centef • Call pu.f Uptime' 34$9S0V.' . 6135 3 4 SHAPE For Spring Break Sunburns-damige. the. skijrand make •tor a very uncomfortable vacation. Condttioft.yoor skin tot the sun in pur relating sale Wolll'. European Sun beds Sun Shower is right Kent to campus SO it s- super ^convenient lot yout busy -class schedule 5UM5HOWER 495-2323 $74. E. 13th Up the stairs nem to Kinko's OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 am INTERESTED IN LENGTHENING the add/drop deadline7. The Student Senate will be meeting lo discuss possible, ete’nsions oi -.Current deadlines We regu.es! opinions ol students regarding proposals il In letested please attend We TA Sat night was great! ' Worth running for. Thanks. Delta Zeta To the yellow button bearers of - * . ' XO AXQ Thanks for the fun time Friday at the Greek Wheel! Have a great week! Love, A