H What makes Aletta '*'* Biersack special? See Page 8 Oregon Daily Emerald Tuesday, March 4, 198(1 „ 0 • Eugene, Oregon Volume 87, Number 110 Mayflower; Theater tow down before review By Kirsten Hoiin •-itW.tkfc Kawratd j ; •:,.r .Adeniol i t iori crew ordered-by. Sai r.ed He’act j.pneral Hospital - Be gaftXa a}_i ii gf:’dKev iow *. Btiarb, : hearmfc4 natcoula navi? rpsulted i n "« h e n g iba >n g ,;'\.>^...d«signntei[ifa'^t«Tdf(c;lHndAiAr-k4.v ; ''..“Jt’»;.Hke a .vjgilunl«k:M(WWin-' iiigr kh anif-ionigihgsnhinme :.'1\ before-they. had* a 'chghcii' for a t.ria'1, sailH lamleI My.• , Womans of'Hhe JEugehe‘His t oric Review^barti/.ST’rn'.1 angry we ■ wnreanuhaallqwed,tn do the pro oess.'thatvis set'up At the very . Ieast^wh ut yve|'; would have wanted* iato recojd fhebuUdjng - historically’ with yphotos, draw-, ihgs and artifacts,'."'-.;v;'t' •',! Hut b»k:a.u‘*e ’ Sac:red Heart '.alteady had a ifemdlifipn permit: > forCthe iijte. they legally were notrequired to wait for the - ' review; board'» decision ■•Feelings Kin deep on licith sides," said Alan Ycirdy. Sacred Heart Hospital spokesman * * Hut we want to get to the positive, not taking down the buildings, but putting up something that will hi! more valuable space in the long run.” Sacred Heart plans to build a Joint-venture laboratory at a cost of about $5 million on the site of the theater The laboratory would house the combined staff and equipment of Sacred Heart' si laboratory and; a.lab ' bpeftitod ' by.1 'Pathology V.Q6ri-" { :-..8u Ita ill'snbyts Idea tad '•in' .1 he t Oakway’MaH. •’ . & .'■■•Yordy; • Is.uncertain. when ■■■ demol i t ion -of t fin ;current- st rut-*. J i »re,W.111 be to in pinto a nrf whe n. ; V; pffns t'iu c t loln / oTThe new b»’ildiriH