National/International Aquino restores basic legal right MANILA, Philippines (AP) — President Corazon Aquino on Sunday abolished the govern ment's power to detain people without charge, a practice her ousted predecessor, used in an attempt to quell a growing com munist insurgency. She told" more than one niillion cheering Pilipinos at an . . outdoor'rally, that the practice Vvas."not warrant-nil" and had helped rather than hindered the • . guerrillas: . -...'*. • ' • • •’ Aquino also said Sunday that ' . ' all.kbut-’ fdur, jt>f* 484 •‘political* . “prisoners-, incarcerated under * . ’ Marcos .“have la-eif feleaaiid-or\ .. .’«re,.;n the.-pror.ess ’.of.' lining _ . released.''' anil.tin-, .remaining'-* . ^ . tines tj’w’i 11 "have-' their ’i:ase% •; -revievyeij this w.ei-k. ' • . - . 4 Thirfunr artejnse Marla.Si.siin. - • - - ' I?.,-, siiSJHx iiHl. '(tl-. being .the. . •o ’ l(ir-tner-' -leader iil. tlie delinked ftjommunlst dtartv.ofJt he..Ph'ilf|.» . '."•pities." idl'd tHree’irf lieis aj cu'sed.1 of roles in the insurgency. Top military officers objected to their being freed without fur ther investigation. Aquino has ruled out any at tempt to extradite Ferdinand Mateos, forced into exile Wednesday in a nearly, bloodless "people power1’ revolution, for any illegal acts committed during his 20 years ,as president. : But she said-o;i; Sunday that did 'not 'mean thaj those who committed- serious crimes dur ing" Ijis regime would escape punishment :', • '’Magnanimity'does riot mean ■ an 'ahseiic ;e. o‘l„s' just ice..' ’ the .'p res Ulent *sa id’..-’ \Vy e -art! gather 'ing’ e.v rdence’arul'wfl j set uj> the " governtntint .structure that will *irv tluisejwlio' Jjaye committed : g"ray«M:riines;.agBmst.the' people, / ■J.ikediuinaij'rights .finises and '•ste'aiiiigi’”’. V" V . .Ac|uVni^^n'agaih8l'5d«ih os in •• * r r f ": '. *• "5il~ Nicaraguan rebels ■'.'_ „ ih; the.Philipp ii test:.Sh'uIt.z Miy^''the'fdn.bsqf democracy were abb*. kj;r«lly cjrK«rii7.iV. cpm'fwti» for, atid oventu*liy win power peacefully, despite the flawed election. txx:ause if was,1, a pluralistic democratic political system." Aquino was proclaimed president last week by the military leaders who broke with Marcos and demanded he step down. "in Nicaragua, once the communist regime consolidates its power, the forces of democracy will have no such hope," the secretary continued, in remarks prepared for delivery to day to a Veterans of Foreign Wars audience. The State Depart ment released the text Sunday. Shu It* argued for congressional approval of the ad ministration's request for $100 million in aid to the Nic aragua rebel*, known as Contras. "Military' help for the democratic resistance will give the Nicaraguan communists an incentive to negotiate seriously." Shultz said, contending that Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government has !>een the principal obstacle to mediating ef forts by other laitin nations The administration is requesting $70 million in military aid for the CIA-organized Contras, and another $:t() million for logistical, non-lethal aid over an 18-month period the WEEKEND WONDER at THE PIZZA ANSWER!! 1432 Orchard • Eugene Call Us! 687-8600 THE SMASHER! Onion, Green Pepper, Pepperoni, Canadian Bacon, Mushrooms, Beef, Sausage, Thick Crust & Extra Cheese Specially Portioned For One Low price!! sm $8.25 m*. $10.25 l„ $12.25 PLUS FREE 32 OZ. POPS!! no othor coupon good with this otter. Otter good any timo ^ NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH ’ Coke, Diet Coke or Sprite •i Feb. 7 presidential election. The National Assembly, dominated by Marcos' New Society Movement party, declared him winner Feb. 15, although foreign observers cited massive-ballot fraud. ° New Society scheduled a meeting today at which it was expected .to/.nu 11 ify the assembly’s proclam at ion declaring Marcos the'winner. Monday Tuesday 664-forW Coupon Special 4-FOR-THE-PR1CE-OF-2 (4 People, 1 Hour, $10) On Monday and Tuesday we re offering our regular two-person price to groups of four. Bring in this ad, three friends and soak up the deal! ©nsen Call 345-9048 1883 Garden Ave. (off Franklin Blvd.) Eugene WE SAVE YOU MONEY OUR BEST PRICE EVER Konlca 110 or 126 12 Exp Color Print Film DISC FILM 15 EXP. Color Print film 110 - 126 24 EXP. Color Print Film 135-24 EXP. Color Print Film 135-36 EXP. Color Print t||m With Coupon Below M6X *23? Monica r Color Print ^ y ■ Wm *"a K 135/24- % COUPON KONICA FILM SALE ■ Our Beal Prices Ever ■ 110 or 126 B Color print Film 12 Exp . 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