SeH Sewice Cop'®* Happy H°ur iVi xH 8V* x 11 Mon.Frt. 5Pm' cV°,f n!v Sunday 860 E- 13^_ A« Day ktriko-v 344-7894 The Competition s Mad Birr we-REC^ Monday O^L •• ° •• ‘-t-rmPON— " *1.50 off MEDIOMMZZA --2£VCKTOWN Wg£L ■— ■* TRACK. — track TOWN pum 484-2799 4*42799 Actoo* bom ,hU«<0 1809 Franklin Blvd. World news Police report Palme’s assassin must have been shadowing him STOCKHOLM. Sweden (AF) — The man who killed Prime Minister Olof Palme apparently had him under surveillance for some time before he shot him with a powerful American made revolver, police said Sunday. Police Commissioner Mans Mnlmer told reporters that two bullets recovered at the scene of * the late Friday night shooting, a downtown sidewalk, were y fashioned from an unusual com bination of metals and may have been handmade. ° • Police said this cmdd make it harder to track down the source of the bullets. Sweden’s two'-day-old caretaker government mean while held its first session and discussed arrangements for the funeral. of Social Democratic leader Palme, set for March 15. Foreign Ministry spokesman l-ars Damn back said the funeral would be-closed to the public.’ but “many foreign guests,” would be invited.-Palme, 59, was serving his fourth term, as prime minister and °was-regard ed as a top Western Kuropean spokesman on disarmament and Socialist causes. ; • Social Minister Gertrud Sigurdsen said th«*rt» would l>e no official declaration of na tional mourning, for which Sweden has no precedent Sigurdsen, speaking with Swedish television after the two-hour government session.' said there was no need for an of* ficial declaration. “The spontaneous reaction of mourning, how people reacted. was correct.” she said. Palme was shot once in the back while walking with his wife, l.isbet, 55. after they at tended a movie, lie was pro nounced dead at 12:t)(> a m. Saturday, less than an hour later.. on a hospital operating • table. Mrs. Palme was grazed by a bullet and slightly wounded. « Police had said Saturday they “believed the assassin fired only • one bullet, but on Sunday they reported finding a. second bullet. They said one grazed Mrs,. Palme and the other-may have been the one that killed the • prime .minister. Holnter told a news con ference the couple decided on ; the .spur of the moment to-af-' tend the movie, leading police to believe the assassin must-' . have been keeping the prime minister under surveillance. "Everythin# indicates that tho perpetrator shadowed the (I’almes) to the movie theater, all the way front their home,” I lolmer said. „ « • Mol mer told Swedish " tolevlson Sunday tin?. bullets went .337-oalJber Magnum-pro fertile*. and that polit ebel laved they must have Item final .front an Aoierican-ritade.. Smith tfc-‘ Wesson revolver, a powerful handgun ; • . Police, Superiiftendprit'-. Rolf Fntdrikssbn . said:, police Had taken three ttieit i.nto custody for quest lout rig b^Su relay „ fttorii mg.hut had released «U having nothing ^do. with-the shooting * An anotlvriuVuiH caller to it news agent\ itt/I Andon claimed Saturifav that 'the assassination was carried our by a leftfst.'Vfest ‘ ('.erman. • terrorist gntlipj-' the ilolger Meins (&^ntaHdo One' member of the group was • killed •andtfiCe were extradited to- VVest. Oer.tnirttv. Jii: 1jr75 after taking fio.sta'ges'lit tire” West X a>r ritah' Kntbassy fn'-'Sfj{ckhoIftt One .Of t ha • f i ve.l ti t e. rd i oddf' fit juries'- ahd*tfie: others rdriiaimin prison.. * . J Great thinkers- come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats thc University. 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