Motor scooter owners to learn techniques in crash-avoidance By Michael Rivers (H 11*** fcmrmld Moped and motor scooter owners have a special oppor tunity to learn .crash-avoidance skills ,ih a one-day.' advanced . course taught at ' . Lane (’.ammun|iy :(College next Siuidav•'\ • • ' . registration* fee .IS • charged for thecourse>Vy hich is >" :orguni/o(l 'by ,IVd‘Freeman', a l.on g,t i me ’d r i v < ir1 s edit call ti n i n - ’ structure Ireeroa h ■antFseveral ■ • *.'■> other:''‘i'nKWrrcfot^r;WUI:;utertch:.;. • •.^s'tudhnts siii |?*-,’as nnikiiYg' • ■ tjuick^ jarie’,'cliiiiM;ps;aiHl’*cofr»K:t ■ V’ bratm'ii proceduHhf"<•*>: ~*V'. A ,^979e'"-(]aJ.iforhJa .study - of-; - " tnpre'; thatr Utitf; mdtorcyckv ac i idents- shoyvi'd ^that ■ r-idttrs , v .■■■■ paificked and. faffed to riSethfeir .brakes' 35.percent* of -the ft line,-. .. •Iheeniair^anl. dhe^caJjikse^.cpnsists.ird'nliree and. Jo-half hours"tif- classroom ipstructiitfp * ranch; 'ahoul .four - hours-i)f |!facftVa11>yporiton :i• .»r<* courses offered f<>F |»*4g(fuj6rs: Krjf^rnah said that a f*tudcftit .enrolling jo # begirt-' rwir scoubi** '’shirts -learning at ^ground' -zero:”’ It's a .15-huur ;• course. taught qv«ir a period <>f foUr. days. he said .with the t iim» aliiidsf evenly: divided: between classroomand ration' sessions. ITuv beginning course has a registration fee of $20. Instruction is very in dividualized. with one instruc tor for even m\ students, freeman said " There are 12 students per class in the beginn ing courses and. 18 students in each advanced Course. Beginn ingsludentsare.provided with a machine, helmet. textbook and instruction, while advanced students must provide their own machines. freeman said ll)4iK ,i < house or .t (Jorjn ran"^rrilivge for* private i I■ isscts. fort' iiiipi,miiili’<■ ••1 of lr0 jift*.'- bfv rii'Lii Kg; “v* I I i iHoii 'Wy-. - ' ”■ ' • '■ o 1 ..vv ■■1 Fees for- ad vaUried “aculliegi n- : >; i nfng i^ubiVfs:; -gfci ilSa rl|y< about SiV5 aliif:$ :-r«Vsv«£.; IV. Freeman said:' (tub die state ;; J picks up mnstot the l.ti). ■ he- I said As .ri/lcire-. r4iT)tisl'-- r prerug ister by calliqg.the jadujtt< education deqartnfdntr of the \ U:C Dim'nt’ciVvn. ' ('li.iiter at 720-2252 ;V One advanced begin- — ning course-will be taught each month beginning in April. 'Sunny university Sunny Service Foreign & Domestic Cars Specializing in Volvo and Volkswagen • Major s Minor Repairs « ASE Certified Technicians 1905 Agate St. • 344-0869 Just a few blocks from campus SPECIALS! ! MONDAY 31* off all fountain items K: M' K':> r • ' »•> 1 » • * TUESDAY $1.99 Banana Splits (reg. 12.70) WEDNESDAY 99* Sundaes! ! • 1365 Villard »•"'•• (Campus) ELSKIN-ROBBINS • 495 Coburg ICC CREAM STORE 1925 River Road • 2540 Willamette • 2540 Mohawk Blvd., Springfield Throbbing head? Quaking body? Has Monday dealt another crushing blow? Revive yourself with a well rounded meal from Domino’s Pizza. We’ll help smooth the wrinkles out of your day. Call Us! Eugene Nf£ uoCA 683-7325 ,H0N 1856 E. 13th Avenue 485-5675 2260 W. 18th Avenue 461 -0842 1580 North Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road Sheldon Plaza Hours: 4:30pm-1:00am Sun.-Thurs. 4:30pm-2:00am Fri. & Sat. Our drivers carry less than $20.00. Limited delivery areas. *1986 Domino * Pizia. Inc. monday ! madness I Get a 12” 2 item pizza tor only $5.9*! Good Mondays only. i One coupon per pizza. I Expires 3-31-86 Fast, Free Delivery'" f Good at listed locations. Num