Letters Keep free rent Not long ago, the Emerald came out in support of denying . OSPIR6. rent-free status’Jn° the EMU. Unfortunately, • the Emerald muddled the issues'on ..which it based its opinion.- / •• h’irst, the .Emerald 'implied, that OSI’IKU. yvas shirking from its- accountability .hy' .snVwiking -- its funding -onto the^.ballot v •; without- gathering tho;requisite % . ■ student signatures\‘/Vsif‘expos-'-. . - ing the., qrgahjj'.atton ' tb; -the' _• • scrutiny7.' of ;4^;d^-,^tudenisv • ♦ ; wasn’t enough! .'Neyertfuiless.-V t )Sl^lKti;vy'il l«othorr HjVtriiit n'rvK' • to"pla{:«rit*;hinding;onil^-BajldV ' . dhVss p rtng. ‘d rid bed,' it _wii I Iseek.' . the .approval/'of’solera) .thbu ■; sand'frnort;^students ;tiiaji; rte •* . V -qulntd tp?^ji* <■.; • - ;-.'S»H:oivdtliiV'Eineral'd eohfus: ed the issue of;t Im TJrbgqiYStatb Public Interest. Resell rcHUrmip add theOregon Student I’IKtI in ahattemptto make OSiMKC. ap- . V pear less accountable to students - T]ie Clregon State I’lktl rtins a canvass, which students often v participate in, .and uses the money to' supplement the ac tivities of; students on campus The Oregon Student IMR(.; iictfie legal organ i/.at ion which receives S.Tper student, per term of your incidental fees Because OSi’lkC has expanded greatly in recent years, it is very lucky to have a supplemental iiicoiiie. which is more efficient than Iwke sales Because of OSPIRCI’s struc ture, students have an oppor tunity to be involved in a wider v.tiielv <>t consumer. utility anil envmminental issues l lus dues not detract from OSPIRfl’s responsibility to students. it enhance* it ospiru is ii stu dent group, accessible to all of you Your student group should I mi allowed to keep its rent-free status in the EMU. Carol Benedick International Studies Truly sorry It never ceases to amaze me where the pathetically paranoid discover manifestations of the evil that haunts them so ("For men only") Initially I was struck by the banality of the complaint. So what if Sports Illustrated enters to individuals of the male per suasion. As I read on. however, the seemingly benign remarks began to foster, soon progress ing into the incoherent rumbl ings of a virulent delusion. Allegedly, somehow females were getting tricked into buying this magazine. False advertis ing. betrayal of an unspoken Dint Sum lunch And Trv Us *2.25 For Dinner CHINA BLUE Restaurant 879 E. 13th. 343-2832 trust — something must ac count for the absence of equal time, n fair share for women's ■sports. • Blit oven more troubling, the species, 'once .snared, lost all , .perception of identity (ap -paroritly.'.the •'.y.ictiriis bi .bra.in-. Washing pc- vciodoicSee.Dnke. '; ^.IhMinesbur.ylVribj’jnfifpl tbiijgs . .tookln'l- eyeftscMj the nidnipula- - ..’t'iott/ thef'sexism.v ' ; ’ y> . V Wit hoot ,. be.i jig jtbo* presu m p . . tuniij^r'migh’t I. suggest an alter •na t jye ' -Sxpla.niit ion i I lender deierminants «l,p .not aflip.t the ■ ^Fapajb*!t’y/' t«iappreeiaIe, t lie; ath(atIc explbifsbra Larry Bird, a "I’ete'KpiirfpfaRufrigeratur anil' ' Shis;team.. the ('hifiago' Bears. ' ■ . . ;; As for line annual issue, pf ' . • *•*ptMognpH^V well'.':swim j "suits' s'iiine difference —; rtiaybe? ‘--.just maybe;^qpf afOletjsdafcreed does riotfeel threatening by the artful photography. In any event I'm truly sorry for those whose fears of sexual extinction compel them to uncompromis ing narcissism [ have.but one suggestion for ■. those believing “to suffer the slings and arrows Of outrageous fortune" when perusing Sports Illustrated Don’t! Instead, just relish in the mindless dribble of ybur Seventeen. Or have you graduated to Mademoiselle? Thomas Brooke Student System’s faults Quoted fmm the' letter to the editor ''FaliM! statement” (ODE. I eh 14); "It's a pity the media tend to ha ns on the negative aspei.ts of Greek life and not on all the positive events that take place. Hut that's life at the II of I find it funny that Miss Hastings and Mr. White (they m a k e sure to id on ti f y themselves as Greeks) fail to mention any of the positive events of the Greek system. Are them any? ('.an you know what life at the University is really like when your Greek system greatly limits your experience? Do you make friends by being in a house, or does the house make your friends for you? I)o you join a house so you can meet people like you. or do you do it so you can ostracize yourself into false lv believing you're better than a majority of this campus? Where has the liberal reputa tion of this campus gone? Does anyone have any opinions? Will anyone sav anything worth while about anything of im portance? Where has this new right-wing ami pro-Reagan sen timent cor in; from-!' Will it be necessary to have SI )1 just to protect a bunch of people who never wont’to pollegn thanks to , the Gramm-Kudman Act? •. . It is muy opinion these ques-“ t io°hs • have. SOMETHING to do wjth the -(’.reek..system arnj .its laiilts :The t;ri'ek system does •rnoro V^d’- f%'’yfveryot* ^th'«.n jtood. in its- present'.' form, Nio. cKa.nce.. '.:dyde." don't -try ~,io; "fool yoprself-• ■' '•- r.. >. ’* *-’!L * /. •' Miri am •> ' Independent 5Sf» Pants down • . ,• A-fvjf a-*. •**£♦/ it: s.' -Tqiri^V^ispky,>ijale«(<:.<:rarjif« v, • ,of dls to'jrtjqn»(Ol }E/Feb.-i 7j.are minisi:ti 1ea hi 1 -Jri00 inwips ■“ in daily turn rations. • /. • • r*v4.v>4 t ‘:?T:K+' •* -.v.*v %'.. There vvas no need for me to ; refer to the article's statement about the effectivimess of Soviet air power becausiettH'e Gommen- <.. tator has/correctly; referred to it in the past. :l quoted the article fairly, and l challenge anyone who questions this to gb to the Commentator office add see for themselves. The reason for all this furor is that my Afghan commentary caught the Commentators ideologues with their pants down. They grossly misrepresented the Afghan war. and they know it Their coverage was ridiculous — there was no mention of the well-documenteid and numerous rebel atrocities or of the til).(KM) Afghan Communists who are doing the bulk of the fighting nie Cdmmentator's coverage w'as so one-sided that it made one think the Russians were fighting against themselves. No one has challenged my well-documented contentions that the Afghan resistance is ex tremely reactionary and that the Communists are indeed preferable to the khomeinist rebels, which was the entire point of my commentary Incredibly, in the Commen tator's severs I-thousand-word commentary, none of this was mentioned even once! Neither have they attempted to defend their casualty figure of "more than a million." Indeed, the closest attributed statistic they've since used is 100.000 to 200.000 So who is accusing whom of "distortion?" (ilenn Sacks English Bl VINO'S 1! SPAGHETTI =1 HOUSE K Introducing . . . FREE Delivery Service! * •free delivery with a minimum order Also offering • Full dinner menu • White or whole wheat crust • Limited delivery area 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon - Fri. 11 00 - Midnight Sat 5:00-1 00 a m. Sun. 5:00-11 00 p.m. — Weefkend Wear Rugby Shirts 1.00% heavy wt. cotton. W.V5 M< Intmli , ^ .. f . .. . . Large shipment just arrived ; * from the factory. Rugby Pants 100% Cotton*, by CaAtrbury, R,v /wi 24.95 Rugby Shorts lOQS Gorton by CanO'bory. WH Sat. icUGENEl ATHLETC Stin. 11-V N!oil,-'l l.urs. 9:30-6:30 • Fri. 9:30-9 *♦4 W: Broadway • Eugene. OR • 343-1288 Eugene Downtown ffifl SPRING BREAK! For Spring vacation! For great savings - buy packages! • for example - 30 Tans for $62.95 AT ONLY $2.10 pen Oregon West Check "everypa'ge oTTticTErne raT(T i for money-saving coupons. j