word processing r.im p«p.,« hmhtm, tic sptii cntck mciuoto JoAnu « JAC INK. 747 7196 HFM11/ WOAO PAOCESSINaffVPINO Allonltblt Enctlltnl Auttwnn *44 04*4 *10 TTPINQ/tOITINO ProIntiontT Tut clOM 10 U Ot O 683 #380 3-11 ' JIM S ELECTRONICS . ' .8H«t,0 REPAIR . ’ . *4S7XV'plt> . M i mi ’ MtinOty tfi>u PfMJiySt'm. # jjm SdKmliy St* m I P ’m ■ . •" ;■ : ; J146MFM Books *. ' o , ' too 000 BOOKS IN STOCK .• ' All Selling «M*. 0*1 Ml puces •Te*1bonk*vCltitNoiosvMega.-ina» u«t> books/bougmt aScTsoio SMITH TAMILV BOOKSTORE ' 768 f salt Jlh ■; ... ■ ' * ■ 49/3 lln Bicycles MAVrvOUM BICYCLE IR.shape lor sp. in®’ Tune ups |i? special OoyOutind ' • If. aillicull to- commute at h.ight? Qondngd *'^,n,r C*"'PU* C*cl# Snap " Cars & Cycles I* II Iru* you con Buy Jeepi to* M4 through the.U S'government'’ Get the lotto today*'Troll I It? 74? 114? 1 .1 ' 6V14 •••■';. M Travel • ' OEADLINE EXTENDED BY POPULAR DEMAND SKI SUN VALLEY During Spring Brook SAVE S38 I240 Ely lo tho Sun 4 Fun EMU CAMPUS TRAVEL CTR BOSS tin Help Wanted OUTDOOR GROUP LEADERS t ugerie based river outfitter needs mature nvoi guides Rolling.skills prelered Bui will consider. Apprenticeships Good group and people skill* required white Leaders PO Bo* 7771 Eugona OR 9/401. 33 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON UPWARD BOUND Program summer positions Part time electives , initruciors In . , aetolMc* science compular, and Hour naliam (newspaper and yearbook). • work study tutors in the above and high .school' academic subjects June 22 Augusl .18 1906 only IThour lor SO hours llnslruclors) and IVhour (CWSP tutors) Jot) demotions and applies lions available ai Upward' Bound IBS# E" I5lh Eugene OR 97403 Deadline March 21. 1986 Equal Opportunity/Al firmative Ae I urn I mployer - ■ 6111:3.7 LOOKING FOR THE BEST part lime |ob around’’ Vertoranlnon veterans the Naval Reserve has many In tereating pari time fobs available in Eugene New Reserve Gl Bill Higher pay bonuses possible Call Jack icolleci) 342 7606 _ 6126 3 3 STUDENT ACTIVITIES EDITOR WANTED The Oregon Dolly Emerald is looking lor a hard working person lo cover student activities This Associate Editorship re quires 30 40 hours per week and Is non. worksludy Applications (please in elude clips) and a |ob description ar« •nailable In Room 300 EMU Deodlme lor applications Is Mon March 10th by 6 pm The ODE Is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 310 REPUBLICAN RUNNING FOR St It* In Lah# Oswago Nwt workers SS-**.yaiar-sm tint#* 036 990? EXCELLENT INCOME FOR p'jumZ hom# aeaembly work Fm Into call* 004 041-9003 Eat 0807 3.3 THE WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM at tha University ot Of agon it a taking can didates Intaratlad in latching tha following tuntmtf waakand workshops Official application form* and comptata Instruction* may ba oblamad by writing Of .calling tha Women ( Studies Olfica. U O* O. Eugene OR 97403. 603086 5529 • Com plait application* mutt raiach us . no lalat lhan. 4 pm Friday; April 4- Tha (alary wiiljba WOO par workshop WST. 408. ,A*lan American Wpmen July 11 12 Liya* and.history of woman' trpnf -lh* -many ..Asian Amarican,;. • communities WST 406' Netty* Amarican Woman "Aug-1 2 -.Histofica) and eoniemporsfy' analysis ..ot; Naliva Amarican' woman ' arid that! rota*;- ’ ■ e*' . -VW-AOSVRaprbducliva Right* Aug 69- Multicultural approfch 10 raptoduc : ;.tiya iMua*And'c parianc'a in shooting arid darkroom le< hniijua* a' mu I :Po*ltH>n 1* non wortistudy and ' requires about 40 hour* pe* weak’ AppUcalioh* (please submit porilonoi. and ;a |tib description are avertable- in> Room 300 t MU ' Deadline tor applying is Mdn Mari.fi’idth at -5i pm Ilia Emerald Us. an equal opportunity ampldintr .'.Wowi'amJ minorities are enroVaged-to qpply /-' ' >10 BLACK BUTTE RANCH Corp poiitl'on*'opari.lcjf , summer 1966 Post '■ Irdn*.availapt* will include Lda Ouard* Rixreat.ibn Coordinators Sport Shop Sal##;,'. Bicycle Repair . Front Desk Restaurant. Housekeeping Quasi Registration Application* lor employ menl . Black Bulie Ranch Corporation Adminisifation Office Bo* 8000 Black ButfaRanctt'QR; 97709 311 GOVERNMENT JOBS *fsdbo0soodoryr pdssibi# aii oc cupaiion* Call 1S0S0879000 Esf ■' MWd-- 0.:;.vt '■■■ ' MW .i^NtR CAMP JOBB lor men and women , at’Hidden valley Camp inter viewing Tuesday Mareh l i See Emmett in JL0 Otlic'e IM I Agele foi appoint manl'-f j'; .- .' S3 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SUMMER ENRICHMENT Program lot Talented end Oitteg Student* 1* seeking a quei'lied Recreation Dlfeclof tear.he'* and dOrjTilldry, counselors June 22 August 9 The Recreation Director mull hive espanenceIn" programming planning and supervision Teacher* must have espartl'aa in a specific sub tact and the ability to teach gifted students Salaries tor learner and direr. IOI ere negotiable Counselor* must possess ah enthusiasm to wort with young people Salary is *t26rwk ptus ropm and board For application con tact Dr George Shepeid 01 Susan Chubb. Eq Ann*. 086 3084 Application deadline re April 11 6127 3 6 COORDINATOR STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAM lUHBHr Supervisor slu darit interns in University recruiting pro grem Gem skills In orgeni/olion and communication fob 11 work study or uppet division intern credit Apply m room 270 Oregon HatTby 0 pm March 7 For information Randy Choy 686 3201 Iii m m 11 200 61303-7 COMMITTEE IN SOLIOARITV With Can Irai American People iCISCAP) is hiring a stall parson lor coordinating volunteers 5 10 hours per week $1001200 pel month Pievious com munity organising espeuence temiliari ty with Central American issuas heiptui Woman end people ot color are encouraged to apply Deadline March 10th Sand resumes to CISC.AP 372 W 10th Eugene OR 97401 3 7 RESPONSIBLE CO CO TO study some weekends with two teenayod children Need car and must cook Raterancs* $?0rday Call alter 8 pm 344 3877 3-7 Roommates HFNomr.KS park vVh<> wants to »har« baautltul house with 3 Europeans 3434)358 33 For Rem UO FAMILY MOUSING married couples and.singia parents possibility ot im mediate occupancy or place your sell on wailing Hal Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom $t44rmis. 1 bedroom St 15/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $12p/mo Future openings enpected all areas Contact UO Nous mg Dept MB 4277 4942 Itn ■ END SKI HOUSE. Thiee bedroom tut ly furnished spa sauna sleeps 8 IhMKX) per day 389 1835 _Y;3-7, FURNISHED LAROE 1/2 bedroom . am pus 1245/1325 No pels 4B5 2823 6433:ttn NEWER QUADS, locally owned ’ Mot It 'rom campus $1S9/mo utilities in eluded 1868 Harris, manager apt 4 342-4261 • ■ 5843 tin CLUB MILL 1255 Mill Street 2 bedroom apis. 5 blocks to U ol O Fur nished or unfurnished, some fireplaces, healed outdoor pool Laundry, balconies, dishwashers, disposals, parking, garage Free cable TV 1350 1390 call Ken Shulman 345 4322, Charles Ellis Realty Property Manage menl 6097 tin ROOM IN HOME. 2 Mock* Irom cam pu* $210 include* laundry. ullMias. phone. prlvala yard and garden Available Immediately 345 2258 _2 28 Furnished House Very nice. 3 bedroom 1 v» from campus Availabl* spring end summer term* Contact Jim (Main) X47f5; X4725. 484 9059 .-3-4 ROOM IN ATTRACTIVE B E Eugen* home laundry and kitchen iaciilt** low rent in exchange lor occasional babysitting *60 female 485 1232 eve ■ •• .V3-6. FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM lor aprmg term lota'pl storage apac.e and a amali aundeck, .Two -block* ;drom campus .*256 .per month' /Take ovdr.'contract 8838627 :‘Vr'.'i-T QUIET V coMtsVr'LiVNiciv In /m* sotfthWf ttyhltlfBsj^jtiful ?1. and * 2 tMMjrpom Vl«w. r©«fiift ■ pool 'f«P\ rtiofT);rl*uni)ry ■;.Clot«.to..qiity,rbu* fp^ark Apt» ' 1710; Nor fhvitWTBtvd 1|4^65S3y->; e.mVt Quads CAMPUSCCd.Ort quads Ju*( on* btock'lrom the library '.V * Now renlihg lor.WIhletTsrm'. Private-; refrigerator; and ‘ ’o 'bath' from $189 Bob" or Kelly; ftai'tA'Ider no 21.' 344 57.13?,. Birlg.managed by SI Ciau Properties - .' *' .5882 tin ■ • v :*v, .. s' .■ Dorm Contracts TREE CASE'OE^B'EER lo'irhbev'er 6uys my dorm cohlraet -Call' Roy 485.9706 eve* '.3-7 V A. - . Food & Drink NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS. continental BREAKFAST S1 r jo 10 oo featuring Cr«»i*>rW ciaam chaaae patiry and cdtlaar at taa MONDAY'FRIDAY t:n.i \i $ FALL CREEK BAKERY ftfWWWWWUWVWW M F >306 00 t" Ml £ T3th Saturday S:3 _^_ 484-168$ El'(VEXES i FALL CREBjK BAKERY IWWVVVWUWVWWAI NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with Us! TODAY’S MENU: • Nam A Clmu tiltad croitaanl • Poppy Saab crolatant with Ricotta Hare Cliaaaa • Broccoli A Fata Chaaaa croiaaant Straight form lha orin 11.00 am i M F T JOB 00 Ml E I3lh I Saturday 8-3_48* IBS? Events Windsurfing Club Starting Interested? Come to meeting at EMU Rm. 108 Tuesday March 4 at 3:30 Sponaorad by Club Sports 8008:3-4 Pre-Law Student Assoc presents: Lewis and Clark College of Law 3:30 March 5 in 164 Oregon Hall 35 QOLOEN KEY Election held Tueedey March 4 In 110 EMU a! 3 30 34 INTERESTED IN being Involved In I he YWCA? Campus meeting, everyone invited March 4. 3.30-4 30. ■ 18th and Alder, or call 6884439 6120:33 Entertainment Join Sir Lucius O'Tnggsi Lydia Languish. the famous Mrs Malapcop. and thsir friends ss lh«y Iumbte thsir way through loss in Sheridans THE RIVALS This hilarious comedy features eaag derated body lorms constructed by Gregory Robbins, termer costumer with Sesame Street and The Muppet Show and costume designs by the award winning Alerandta B Bonds February 28, March 1, 6-8, 14, 15 Robinson Theatre 8 pm Tickets 15 50 14*50 and only 13 50 tor UO students Cell 686 4191 tor reservations Presented by University Theatre 61083-3 • THE BIJOU : E 13th 6SS 74SS FREE POPCORN TUESOAV .» lift* in f«mr rlt;t|»l«*r» Starts Friday One Week Only Fit Set 7:15 « 9:30pm Sun Bargain Matinaa 4pm Sun Thurs 6 30 4 9:50 spoilt Admission Show*: Fri * S*l at 9 30 Son 1 Mon. MMO. Too*, thru Thur»: al 9:15 From Franca, don't mi** Ihi* hip. »oducti*e tachnopoo Ihriliar._ M VS1-Q1& Students wfl.O. *3 SO All Show* Mon *3.00 Joshua Then and Now Show*: Fit • Sat. 7:1 Spm Sun. 4 Mon. S:4Spm Too*, thru Thor*. TOOpm Sunday matinaa 4:00pm "An Fxhllaratlng comedy adapted by Mordecai ( The Apprenticeship of Doddy Kravifr”) Rlchler from hi* novel of the same name Joshua (James Wood's) looks back' on his life In * a series of- rapid fife flashbacks that sparkle With wittily shared obser TONIGHT Come see the Craig Sorseth Show Relax with fine easy-listening Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline. 24 hour's- 7 days Strictly confidential Calf 686-4468. 144 tin FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright 687-8651 3162 M WANTED Quality women's and men s clothing Make extra money FAST ft SECOND THOUGHTS 72*0 V* E 13th For appointment call 343-1312 114 Mon Sat 3744 M Learn to Sky Dive Weekly Instruction at Discount Pnces Call 484 -9866 HFMtfn INSIGHT TO ACTION. A support and therapy group program for adult children of alcoholics Person Resource Systems 484 9274 3-14 BE A SOCIOLOGY PEER ADVISOR Sociology is currently accepting ap plications for Spring term Pick up yours at 709 PLC Applications due March 7 For more info call X$012 0001 3 3 PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS S20 Astrology chart raadlngs $30 What It your Karmic destiny? 343 3009 Call Tom SSOBtfn LAURA: I lova you BARRV 49 INTERESTED IN SUMMER EMPLOY MENT? Information now available at the Job Location and Development Office. 151.1 Agate Street, X3214 • -<■ .. ' , 6128:3-3 ALL THOSE INTERESTED in playing men> Club Sports i'1- ■.' SOCCER There will be a meeting outside of the Club Sports Offie^ Friday Feb -28 at 4 pm: •:• ••• 6124:2-28 HELO OVER! BRONZE GOD SPECIAL! Buy a 10-sessioo . package at our regular price,and receive 3 sessions - FREE! OR buy .a 20-sessioh package at our regular price ana receive 5 sessions-FREE! • • ' ; . Otter expires 314/86 One oiler per customer SumShower 485 2323 / . 874 E. 13th Up the stairs next to Kinko's OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 am WEEKENDS 8 am Episcopal Campus Ministries Tuesday Evening Eucharist 5 30 Service. Koinonia. Center. 1414 Kincaid Street Supper and discus sion group following Everyone welcome .. ' '■ • FREE POSTERS AT ARTWORKS Call 485-0034 for details or visit’291 f. 5th Avenue M Sal 1.0-6 pm. Sun 12-5 pm . • - • . 3-17 JOEY: Think spring break I’m psyched; pina coladas. hot tubs, LA. Its 86 there! Tan City. Mickey ___ 3-3 Gamma Phi We had fun during live in. We gave you hell. We took the snowerheads Love, your Pledges -3-3 LIZ WOLFE (everyone s best friendVis 21 beeknose today We love you K*E*K _3-3 USA MAC KLIN Happy 20th to you dear seester Let s rendez vous in Eoropa1 Lucca Lucca! 33 CONFUCIUS SAY: If the white lines on your road to suc cess are cut from cocaine, you’ll pro bably never get to your true destina tion Call Horizon Recovery Center at 345 9505 We can help 6129 3-3 Birthday I Beat m Laurie Rickson Gayle Matley by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY MP PAY HOUGH pay mp yd irniNP. <9 o surprise srevte ' ONNE/t'S ON THE A TABLE ' I L£T I ~ANP A MSEtf IN THR0U6H