More than 1,000 start the Great Peace March l.OS ANGEI.ES (AP) — More than 1,000 people walked out of town Sunday on the second day of the 3.235-mile Great Peace March for nuclear disarmament after a City Hall sen doff by Mayor Tom Bradley and a night camping out in tents The marchers spent the first night of the coast-to-coast hike in tents in a parking lot at California State Umversitv la»s Angeles, before setting out on Sunday's 16-mile leg to the Santa Fe Bam recreation Irwiiidale.; "We had a real warm reception here," Kimberly Salerno'. 25. of the San Francisco Bay area, said Sunday. "I'm curious to see if people up the road in Barstpw applaud us or throw tomatoes at us." ' .• V Late Sunday,'the marchers, se.t in Irwindale, walking'about about eight hours to reach the Santa Fe Bam. recreation area beneath the foothills of.'-the San Gabriel - Mountains. *• . /. . •' . . " "It's terrific,” spokeswoman Carol Kinsey said of the walkers’ mood. "They’re tired./I think a lot of people are realizing that .15 miles every day is.tough’." ' . . ' • A few people had dropped out and there were some sore • feet, but all in all it had been.a good*day!s walk, she said: • .. • The route will take the march sponsored by. PRO-Peace through 37 cities and 15 states to Washington, D.C., in the next eight and a half months. The procession is scheduled to ' • reach Las Vegas. Nev., March 22:'Denver-on May 21; .Des Moines. Iowa, July 16; Pittsburgh-on -Sept. .25, and Washington on Nov. 14. PROPeace organizers had secured campsite insurance or waivers through tonight and worked Sunday to obtain camp site and walking insurance for the rest of the way. Kinsey said. ' The California Department of Transportation and some Cities along the march route wouldn't grant parade or other permits without $5 million insurance coverage. Et al. MEETINGS The ASUO Constitution Court is meeting to day at 6 p.m. in Room 337 EMU to hoar "Droesr.en v. The Oregon Daily Emerald.*’ LECTl) RESAVOR KSHOPS/K11.MS Resolving conflict without violence, u i response to the nuclear crisis and all wars, is tht? topic of a free presentation tonight from 7 to 8:45 p.m. in the Eugene Public Library. Sponsored by the Beyond War movement. •‘The Peace Process and the Nobel Prize"'is the topic of a lecture today at t: to in the EMU Fbrujn Room/ Irwin Abrams, professor of bi,story at Antioch University. is the guestspeaker..; ' Voice your concerns about federal financial aid cuts this week by participating in ‘•‘ v Aid Awareness Week.'1 Information-tables mid.a letter-writing drive will be.held throughout; tlie; ;wi*k in'the EMU lobby. .Sponsored by A SIX). \ A resume workshop' will be held today in, ;; .Room 12 Hendricks• Hall from 1:3b to.3.'p/m, / Sponsored by Cajeer Planning and Placement..... , •. • '. ' • ”•. ' • . . MISCELLANEOUS Attention outstanding student leaders: On turion Award information sheets are available Ihv information booths; in Oregon Hall. ihe EMU, the. Main Library and in Root# 202 Johnson Hall. Ap •\ plications are due March 14 by'5. pirn.' ' The EMU Craft Center's family album show ,; will be open to the public March 8.-16 in Room ’ 167 EMU- ' . The HOLIDAY. PROJECT organization is looking for volunteers to spend time.fhisEastpr .' (March ;30) wit.H those. in hutsing homes and' hospitals.. Persons' interested in participating should call 687-9055 or 344-1112. . ■ Sociology Peer Advising is accepting ap plications for Spring term. Pick’ up an upplica-' lion at Room 7(i<» PLC and return by Friday. INTERVIEWS Submit bids lor campus interviews Monday through Wednesday each week in Room 244 Hen dricks Hull. Sign-up space is,still available for the following recruiters:.’. • Today: Cittbedk (foreign nationals lor mgml . associate); ..Port.- Angelos Public • Schools• (olein r e a d i n g / a a c . social ;-rt u. d i e-s f:s o c . ' .librarian'K-.12/Spec Educf/othor considered). •'V..' March 4: ■ Hatfello.OsI VV. Laboratories. Vlcdtpjjuter-relaipd jipsitionsj; • First, interstate -Bank. (MHAjs. ~. 'spm:iali//' program);, '■tMSrtjb; Inc. (sales rep.).■";• V .' .• •• ' •*• •• ■ v • • •.. .• <•• fc „o - V •- \ i *•* ,' ° o# • [March 5T First' interstate.'Bank .(hache|br.\^-'.:' "spw:iiftizev.. i; v-.°M«rch Bj-^Amterlcan (Graduate School of lhtor- , 'ujiopl saltts) jm.Rborn" r liPrfllT.EMU. • “* V r*.* •** ’’ * V ‘ . . V.t / 7:'’ JfturnSiigbs. Corporal jbn(.(accpuht represent at i v&)Me m ore x (Corporation (financial aiialyst/acii'ouiitant ) '• ’■ ‘ / - - ! iAe,fbr.subinittinjg Kt a Is to t he Emerald frOiiVdesk y KMT f-Su jte 300,- is niam I he day5 before I in hi icat ii >n fvt. a lse nclj rtg ujHin’spi|ce availability' Events 'with a donation or admission-Thjirge wiilnot b«>,t;onsidered Events occurring [nearest.ihe publication date, and campus-oriented events. wil}: be given .'priority."..' •• v CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing arrangement has been established For billing ar rangements. please call SM-4343 or stop by the Emerald Classified office 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word for the first day and 1* cents per word for con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is *1.70 for the first insertion and (140 tor eon 9-POINT