I Gymnasts get ninth-straight win By Dean ('.onnor Of Ihr tmrrrtlri Thu Oregon gymnastics team continued its winning ways Saturday by scoring a team scoring record of 177.75 to defnat Boise State University (171.95) and Spokane Community College (100.35) in a non-conference tri-meet in Cerlinger. Annex. With the two victories the Ducks are now 10-7 and a step closer to their goal to hi; one of the six teams who qualify for the NCAA Western Regional* in April. 1leading into Saturday 's meet Orngon. was unofficially in. seventh place in team sedringaverage (1:74 (HI) behmdbnth Boise State and the (Iniyersify‘of.’Califprijia. ■ ' • • • *;Th|s ’was..our. best ’meet of ’the. season '‘ / . Oregon. coin h ftd Boyd sai«|. "Not (rtily did we ■ ’. 'defeat Boise,State whiim we lost lu earlier in the sifason.ibufWeraisod’aur team, scori ng'average, ’ .V j?ofthe.sec?ondvl(me'Jin.less tharra.weekthe •Docks.dfdrke/tbeirjdwniVeaiiistoring, record*and .:*.'• added another record „iiCt he •uneven •llars-.with a * * • . scToni'of 44,i2(CoPt^''gVtt. |i'H)ked’'nearly-1 unbeatable as they!h£>k°iffree tiu(«&four events fmm"BSl) and •swept alldottr.-fntni S(’(:rOregdn had five gym-° - <3 tgis.*s:with al.l aE<»und^s< dres'aiaive :iil *45’= ■ fY«csjiniat».°Ni« ky'TiimV Itul'hhVf-way' for the’" ‘ Ducks as sli\ 'vvorce_a( li di the fpur eyenfs'a'tHl ’idok ■ >Rhrt iii'tljwilfe^n^i^tl'iM^JafJj'"' ■ • "Kden. who„was'hol»l)h;tTwith a sprained ankle, set a per •‘sonal higfiifor.the.’,ear in.the uneven bars, scoring • a (MS^She jnisseo breaking her High all-around V. • score this season by due lentil of a point . s * * • # ‘v -* ’» ' . . • ' . ^ . •" • o': « * . f .. •;' Tetim,captain- igmise Can ia came ‘hrough with her.finest.jierfi^niance of the seasdii as she *fcoreda35.'50 and'tonk secondin the all-around, . • ‘ •* ’ ‘ ' '• 1. ■ •' . *!'• »• ••• „ ■ y / ' ».°V V°»’ v V’’’ ..' Shu-Shing , -tin ' Team capta iji Qepjse Garcia helped the Ducks to their niiitli-stfiiifiht• victdry Saturday as she sborerl ii 33.50'iivth'e a) l-arouiui.competition. swimmers finish third By JefT I.ut/ky ' . ^ *. • (M ttx.iy-wnM Thing* Ft urAed-. out pretty / ; * milch a* fhfdK*n«:o swlm ' mihg 'cha'mipion*h‘ipa in Portland,', as Oregon finished third'belli ml theUniversity of . • (ialifomnt and the University of •; Washington, t; Nationally-Tanked Cad finish ; C . ed with 1.858 jaunts. followed by Washington with t..14 land Oregon with 041 Washington State University finished in fourth with 7fi:t, followed by Oregon Slate University in fifth with 600. San Jose Stale University had 594 points and; Fresno State Univer sity finished last with 552 points Kvan with the Ducks third place showing, coach Dan Cade wash.'! totally pleased • ‘.‘Some people didn't do as yvel) as we had hoped." Cade said. ‘We didn't gel anyone in to the Nt‘A As ■ ! Ifut despite tins disappoint ment.-the team diii reasonably , well ; • ;\ '■ "Ouf. team goal was realized by placing thin! in the Nor I’ac's." Cole said. " The feet that nobody made the NUAA's put a damper on things, but it still was a successful season." The meet started off well for the Ducks as they trailed Washington 4IO-:t7ti fur second p——CLIP COUPON——f j 1 FREE Soda plus j -ICC OFF ■ I v any slice I I 11:30 Midnight, Mon Frt I 3:30 • Midnight, Weekends I 1211 Alder on Campus I 6869598 Sys New York Pizza I coupon expires 3/5/86 '—CLIP COUPON place alttir this first day. ('al was well in front with 746 after the first day: The Ducks day was highlighted by three events r the 5Q0-ya rd freest y In, one meter diving. and the 800-yard freest vie relay. In the 500-yard freestyle, two Ducks finished among the top four, as junior Gwen Koedel placed third with a time of 4:58.01 and senior Rahctte ilrundage placed fourth with a tfine of 5 00 5*1. In tli<' diving competition, junior !.ori Van Meter finished in fourth with 804.2 points, while freshman Beth Newell finished fifth with a score of 829.2 In the 800-freestvle relay, the team of Brundagn. Koedel. and sophomores GeeCee Wharton and Patricia Ixirys lowered their own record for the third time this year, and the second time in a week, from 7:47.29 to 7:41.78. good for third place. On Friday Berkeley and Washington started to pull away from the field as the Bears moved out to nearly a 500-point lead over the Huskies 1877-800. Oregon was in third with 095. For the Ducks, there were still highlights on the day. The 200-yard freestyle relay team of Wharton, sophomore Kristen Read, and freshmen Heather llockett and Linda Mason . finished two seconds tiehiiHiCalwith a 1:3ft.03 for se cond'place. In the 400-yard individual medley Brundage finished in fifth with a 4:33.4ft, and in three-rtieter diving,' Van Meter finished in fourth with 351.5S points On Saturday < 'al put the finishing touches to the NprPac ( hatnpionship. while the Ducks settled for third. The main highlight on the day for the Ducks was a fourth place finish by Roedel in the I(i50-vard freestyle with a time of 17:04 4H. followed by team mate Brundage with a 17:15.16, Before the meet. Cob had stated that bethought Bruoua^e and Roedel would have a chance at qualifying for the NCAA's along with the 200-yard freestyle relay team, hut things did not work out that way. “Nobody was really close enough to the times needed to talk about," Cole said "I haven't figured out yet what the problem was." Winning the meet it sell was something that never entered the Duck's minds seriously though. Ca| came in ranked in the top to in the country, and Washington had already beaten the Ducks twice this year. iiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiTmiiiiuiiiiiminin mince rOCKmr^ Welcome Back <^ YOGURT DELITE Now available at Prince Pucklers Mih tw Hdvottl • Hh| Willamette Sun Thur* - Mon Thuts open Ml 11 00 p m 00 *> 00 I n & S*t | n & Sat til 12.00 p m 1000 9 00 Sun 2 CIO S 00 "X/OUX/O Owners Preventive Maintenance Special FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1050 OIL CHANGE 4 cyl. includes oil Located at 12th & Main in Springfield ^ *'*,er Call 726-1808 for appointment ALL WORK GUARANTEED AlpJnelmport / /Service^ The VOLVO Specialists p I COUPON! 1 I 4-HOUR PHOTO j I MATTE or GLOSSY PAPER ★ NO LIMIT Most films in before 10:00 am - ready by 2:00 pm 35mm 126 110 Develop and Print C 41 I I I I ★ FILM SPECIAL * Kodak VR 100 Film 135 - 24 Exp. 2 ROLLS FOR S5 12 Exp. Prints..95 I 24 Exp. Prints S3.95 I 36 Exp. Prints S5.95 REPRINTS.5 FOR $1 I I Coupon must be presented wnen film is brought in. 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