Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1986, Page 12, Image 12

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*1.25 BETWEEN 2 AND 4 PM
by Sterling Seagrave
.In ttwsriveling controversial bestseller I hat is*
fascinating readers and critics across, trie coun , .
try. journalist Sterling Seagrave gives tbe fi/sl •
' behind me-scenes account ol me powerful
Soong family Founded by a Chines# runaway.. •
' who grew up in America arid’returned home to
matte his fortune printing and selling Bibles. ' .*
there amazing Soong dynasty included three „ •
daughters — ode married lo H M hung prin
cipal banker of the Chinese republican cause,
one married to Sun Vat-sen, leader of the '
Chinese revolution against the Manchu dynasty,
and the third the wife of Generalissimo Chteng
Kai-shek His three sons included the notorious. '.
T V Soong. the economic wizard o.t Chiang s ■ ■
rise to power' and at' various times Chtang's.
foreign minister and premier, whose influence
over FDR and Hanry Luce changed the course of- .
American, act ions and policies in Asia
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Women fall, but retain lead
By i'.api Lynn
Of th« Kmmld
The Oregon women’s basket hall team slip
pod to 5)-2 in the NorPac Conference, suffering a
71-ti8 loss to Fresno State University on the road
Saturday, hut remained deadlocked with the
University of Washington atop the conference
standings thanks to California’s Ht'»-78 upset vie-,
tory over the Huskies across the state in Berkeley.
. .Only the conference champion receives an I
automatic hid to the .NCAA Tournament, '
although subsequent teams are eligible for at-:
.large berths. Washington’s loss to the Bears may.
have ail but assured the. Ducks, 20-7-overall,, of
the sole automatic-berth, since CaFis lower rn4he
NorPac standings than FSl'J and-, .the final-tie
bre,iking system may come, down to tlie strength *
of schedule. - . . ° • ’ •' •
The Ducks shot am icy 20. t> pert ent in.-the
first-half, enabling.the Bulldogs. 21-li overall arid-’ "
K-4 in inference play, to estahlislfcoht'rol of the 1
game and claim a :t:t-28.advantage at the0hlilf. " :
•’ While Oregon's shots- failed-to* find ' the •“
bucket',.TSU managed to connect oq 42 percent df
ifs field goal Sttnmpts. ■ .* *
' —•We just didn't play-welh!.’-Oregon’coac h o
Elwih He'irty said. ‘ We shot poorly in the first
? half, and dur defense wirs lacking too.
. "*':FSU’played very well..buH felt tbatpu'r.tyvo c.
point-guards (Carol I)rtjuet:a'nd/I'aihm.y-Ri.chard) '
-would have made the d i ffe re nee', Haftiy ■ said’
.* DrO.uet and Richard have berth been sidelined
forithe season-with knee Injuries. ,:
•'••They .{FSUl jrad guards that'basically icon
-trolled the .tempo of the game;" Heiny said. "f. •
think - that -with'.' their (Droiiet and Richard) •
presence. wo could have rattled their guards."
Oregon battled back in the second half but to
no avail.
"Wo wore ablt* to scorn and come within two
points or tit* the gtuno in the second half..hut we
were unabre to stop them on defense,”- Hoiny.
.said/;' "• ' V- •••” V : .
The .last tie w.as - notched at t»H• with 23. V. •
second* remaining in the contest. .Wendy Miirtell,
one.of FSUV guard's. hit tvJp‘free,throws with’six
‘seconds, lefttuall.butsubmerge the Ducks" Jyipes. ' .
tvtarlelj finished .tht\gain<V;with IHpujnJs, .while " ' ,
four other Bplidog players- hit double figures .as..’ ...
Well','" •• o y\ y- - ' .
.The Duc ks wjere. I**d- by forward Amvl’et"
terst'u.” wlui had*a very gtrod^amts accurtHifg lp:.„ "
I jeihy' .Betters'll.-pour,ed-‘ in 17 points Tor: the/,
night, oil seven of nine from-the field and/lhrec ot
four-fnmioth«»'frecT|hjhojw line/tie,spite.jdaving pt.iv" .
. Iv .six"-ininote’s /of. the. first" half beca,usepf'.fuul
frouble." --•
• .«J4eTny; also'‘noted "»the pjay td.iupipr»'gWrd*
leuri i-anderholm ii’i.lhe set:oncThalf after tc.ilow
• staii in® the .first - halt . Lmderhblm * scored .1-1
. points, gfablied a ieam htgh nine rebounds! tlisli
ed '-out thrift; assists ‘andeccmfiscatiid .nve' steals..
against the Bulldog's o 'j; • J
.(hiht Neumann was the only other Oregon
player to reac.hTlouble figure's wit IT 12 poinfstni
.! he alight ‘".v
\ Qtegon will conclude .'its regular sea spiv
when ii luis'ts itj-srate-nvafOregon State.Onivetsl*
tv Wednesday at Me ArthOx Court. ■',/ ••"T; '.T •
4 The’ Ducks easily upended The Beavers-.ln
•. "Corvallis earlier this season: 72-47v ' -
Wrestlers fifth as Harter wins
Pullman. Wash. — T h e
Oregon wrestling team finished
fifth, in 'the Pacific-It) Con-,
fercnce wrestling tournament
•Sunday on", the. • Washington
State University campus -
" The. Ducks came away with
three NCAA qualifiers arid one
cb,n fer'enci! c h a rh p i o h
177-pourid Scott,Harter.; joining
Harter in Iowa. City.’ Iowa for. the
NCAA tournament will be
'•118-pound Roberto Pejayo. and
134-pound Clenri Jarrett, Both
Pelayo and jarirett will make the
trip.on the strength of second
:p|jH;e conference finishes
The ArizonaState University
•Sun Devils won the meet with
86.'5 points', to outdistance .the
Oregon State-University
Heavers wholinished with HO. 5
The Ducks lost out i n a close
hat tie for third place in theflve
teuin meet, finishing with 45
points, compared to 4»i 5 for
, Stanford University anil 45.25
Book Views
New Selected Poems
by Howard Moss
Each'new book by Howard Moss represents a deeper
"knowledge, a deeper comprehension of the world we live in
‘'New Selected Poems " cdllects.the best pbems.'trom all of
Moss's prpvipus publications and this new volume enhances the
"wholeness", so eminent in his singular volumes
/, -* Primarily an urban poet. Moss has a keen eye for the nature
and movements ( he "feel'1) of New York City with numerous
poems originating from all over the eastern United States A
solid, addictive music generates from each line For instance, .
•"At.-Thebale”— 1 •; •
A* the cat* at an outdoor Uhl# •
Fronting tha laaf of th« puppa! show*
We corns lo sip a bit of brandy
And watch the faptdly descending evening
Violinists scrape the how 61 air
Arguments begin, and tinISh soon
As It philosophy were running a feate
Where nothing Is served but old Idea*
Tensed against the wine-soaked washing
, Ot the sky the trees, erect themseVes '
In the last small oblivion ot lights I ' . ■
? : i Talk grows animated someone screams..
This passes these days, tor tha Bohemian
' „ • Stitt, the knees ot two bright things
Are touching Everyone's lost the theme
Whet Is the mind compared to It.
" To feeling's theatre always in llamas,
' .... On the stage Me eging. ludicrous opere
Still lalrttfy heard among the rulne?
For much too long Howard Moss has been overlooked as a
major American poet His poetry is easily among the most elite
of the past four decades A quiet insistence governs his observa
tions and emotions. New Selected Poems" is a valuable volume
of writing that I will return to again and again
-Reviewed by Kerry Paul May
Available in the General Book Dept.
S 10.95 paperback
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13th A Kincaid
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SAT 10 00-3 00
Supports (M 4331
for.WSU. ;V\:\.
The Ducks have btien led ail
year by 1 larterand/Siiindaywas
no different as the’senior, who
set. an all-time single season
Oregon Vvih mark last year,
dominated the field to avenge
his second place: conference
finish hi 1 ‘*Hr*
Harter "beat QSU’s Chris
McCownn |« :i in a technical
fall in the first round, and then
got bis . second c'oiisjicutiye
technical fall bydtyposihg'hf
VVSU's Tini Kymani’7-2 In the
• finals; Harter didn't hayp it
quite so easy as he beat, ASU's
. John X»i ritHer .4-1 .: ■ • ■
Pelayo started Oregon off in
the first weight classof* the
evening by reaching the finals
.in a weight class fjis coach Hon
Kiriley called Vvery iefugh/’
Pelayo earned his first trip to
the NCAA tournament by
lieating OSU's ScotCoIfnnd 4-2
in overtime, before toeing in.the
final, ' 15-4, to ASU's )im
Lefebvre. ..
larrett, the Pan-10 champion
last year at 12b won hissecond
straight NCAA trip by lieating
ASU's (derm McMinn in the
semi-final, and then lost to
Stanford's Jeff Hradloy, ti-4.
Ttil Prrpi'j'ion Sptciilitti
S«Ht mi
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