CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT: All ads must be paid lor in advance unless a bitting arrangement has been established For billing a> rangements. please call SA64343 or stop by the Emerald Classilted oflice. 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word lor the first day and 14 cents per word lor con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-arard minimum charge is $1.70 lor the first insertion and Si 40 tor con sacuttve insertions 9 POINT (SI,'line) 12-POINT (SI 25lline) 18 POINT (Si SVime) 24 POINT (SI mime) BOX BORDER Sl.25Mey DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: S5 40/inch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 2S« DEADLINES LINE AOS: >2 noon the day before publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AOS: 12 noon two days before publication The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September-June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August) ERRORS: The Oregon Oaily Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect ' advertising insertion: The OOE's liability for typographical er rots incorrect insertions or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges concerning portion of space reflecting the error Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value ot the advertise men! will be adtusted Errors resulting from unclear Insertion order or hand wntiog win not be compensated Please note clearly ail instructions on ad form If your ad appears incorrectly call •M-4343 before 12 noon for correction in the neit day s issue It is the adver user 's responsibility to check an ad lor errors on the day it is scheduled to appear For Sale CAMERA: MASSELBLAD SCO CM, like new, *1350 pro! dry mount press *395 large contact printer *65 rwsc lights, darkroom equip Call Sam 485-6100 2 28 ROOM DT RIP UNITED AIRLINE Ticket anywhere m US S30CVBO 484 002! 228 INTERVIEW1 DANIEL HECHTER SUIT. 3-prece blue 38R never worn $200 Also Nunn-Bush black loafers never won *40 »V»M 485-3151 2 28 1988 HONDA SPREE Won in contest never used Best oiler 146 7596 2 28 AAWAI ELECTRIC PIANO. Lis! *2800 best over *750 takes really Dan 745 7596 2-28 ROSSMMOL 207cm FPCemp Skis with Tyroha 360R bind *140 Blotter 4845879 eves Completely tuned 2 28 LAST CHANCE! Pr# CBS Fender Musicmasfer bass Ofig custom finish Can Skip 344 9651 *200 33 TAKAMINE C132S CLASSICAL Guitar wtth hardshell case *195 Jim 345 8831 __rn LA-EOGENF ONE WAY Air ticket March 30 X75 0BG 34208399 3-4 Buy & Sell THE BUY t SELL CENTER 6uy»Se>t*Trede Musical instruments, stereo tools. Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. HFM9184 Instruction MARTIAL ARTS, Beginning class tor women Starts March 3 Monday and Thurs 5-7 pm Contact Amaton Rung Fu School 345- 6490 2 28 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistic* specialist IBM Coer Set Grad approv eel Neat campus 344-0759 <961 ttn Won! Processing^! ypmg 15 plus yews experience Papers, dissertations, editing, mass mailings Micro casette transcription Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688 3983 <938 ttn TYPING/EDITING Can Sara 686 0739 <965 MUHF WORD PROCESSING TAC Professional Typing Sendee Theses/Dissertations. - Legal Law Review. Resumes, Graduate SchoolAp proved S1 25 OS Cyndi 687 9326 __<9«F. PRO TYPtNOICOITING. , Guaranteed' Close to CIO Graduate school approved JENNIFER <85 3883 <963 UWF CAROLYN'S QUALITY TYPING Graduate approved, specialising in ail typing needs Call Carolyn Sherrel anytime 344 7231 , •_<97»HF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 6 EDITING Resumes. Papers Theses. OrsseiT* . 'lions. Graduate School approved ALL WOAK'GUARANTEEO , SUSAN <85-1473 ° •_„ 5686. ttn WOM> PROCESSING, C*sk storage Debra 345-0356 anytime 5815 KF TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Thesesldissertation* papers editing.. . graphics law papers, ‘esumes i mass mailings Grad 'Sch approved WordStyle* ( Typescripts CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 404 6044 . _■ 4948: tin ■ WORDS “R” US Brandy 4849044 Shaw Nee 0437994 Quality typmg/word processing Papers, resumes, editing, tape transcriptions: manuscripts, theseafdissertalions Grad School app • vd IBM compatible 57t0 ttn Typing Resumes Transcriptions . Word Processing Disk Storage 5AK ACTi-i nveninm Jrtwtlw dWj^OdU, OvwHtryr ,__ 5970 tin Word Processing«Edlling• SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE . 788 East 13tl> 4973 tin . Bicycles PARKING HASSLES? No! irherv you • buy tbis - reliable easy lo maintain moped tor *200 Call 3427012 lp» details • . . 2-2B HAVE YOUR BICYCLE IN.-mape lor spr mg' Tune-ups *12 special. Do you find it difficult lo commute ai .night? Gen/iightJtVinst Campus Cycle Shop 34V7380 3-3 Cars St Cycles 1M3 NISSAN SENTRA. While * speed * lots n>We* AM FM.-stereo. .sscelteni condition *4300 344 2421 487 8087 _‘ _-MB. tin VESPA PEDAL START Moped *200 good condition '8638743 ' 2 28 M!0 BS GREY HONDA LX. 4 dr Only done TWO miles auto Showroom condi ' bon Call -Patrick 3439379 . 2 28 •O CELICA OT. COUPE, Silvsr t owner 5 speed, stereo good conduiori *4 top Call 344 8488_ _ 2 28 ttn MAZDA *28 Ready clean lour door with all the ertras *2680 3436763 7 28 Auto Repair FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY ■ FOR STUDENTS 4 FACULTY • west side FOREIGN AUTP O Maintenance and Repair 1060‘VV. 3rd • . • 484 4930 • • o o • . * Help Wanted AIRLINE HIRING BOOM' *t4*3t»000' . Stewardesses . isservattonistsLCail lor guide, -cassette- newsservice <916) 944 4444 x"UAWt7B ' 2 28 ASSISTANT COORDINATOR FOR HIGH SCHOOL Visitation Program1 Position mvoive.s„'contactmg local high sehcwis,organising yiiiialions'lo these high schools "and enlisting cotleg# students to visit these high schools As . . an assistant you'will, gain valuable.e> penance In management end public relations skills Available Tor work-study or upper division internship credit Pick up and returrv application to Informa lion- Booth first Moor Oregon .Hail.', Deadline is S pm Friday. Fef> 28 Direct any questions to -Korl Miller,, High School' Visitation Coordinator at 686 3201. during the otMce hour* of Monday and Wednesday 2 3P4 ,30 or Tuesday 1130-100- 60792 28 COORDINATOR NEEDED FOR Simian I Speakers Bureau Poemon involve* coordinating University student* with grade schools, nursing homes, and ser vice clubs lor speaking engagements As a coordinator, you can gain valuable e«penance In public and community relations Availabl* lor work study or upper division internship credit Pick up and return applications lo the Ad' missions counter on the second floor ol Oregon Hall Deadline Is 6 pm Friday. Feb 28 Direct any Question* lo Angie. Student Speakers Bureau Coordinator, at 886 3201 6062:2 28 OUTDOOR GROUP LEADERS. Eugene based river outfitter needs mature river guides Ratting skills pretered but will consider apprenticeships Good group and peopfe skills .required Write Leaders PO. Boy 27/h Eugene OR >2401 . • . >3 . HOUSE PERSON NEEDED m sorority Cat! 34341643 , ' • V 2-26 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON UPWARO BOUND Program summer " position* Part time elective* instructors in aerobics, science, computet, and hour nalism -(newspaper and yearbook): work study tutor*-in the above and high school academic’ sub|ects June 22 August -16. 1866 only I/hour for. 50 hours tin*trueto*i)“and ■SSthour .(CWSP . tutors) Job decoptiori* and appiici lions availabl* at Upward Bound 1660 E 15th, Eugene OR 92403' Deadline ■ March 21. 1986 Equal OpportunllylAf imitative Action Emptover *• .Bill s'/ REPUBLICAN RUNNING FOR State Senate in l ake Oswego .Need workers - Spring Break .Great espenence/good. limes. 6369802’orB3S4Q30 V3>H need Extra ss$ Must' be' willing Wariend *5 mtnule bruiting-mission" David *65 4620.- 2.28. -r*—. * ... ... ' J’ LOOKING FOR THE BEST Pad lima •tob m town?; TharNaval’Reserve is- • now actively .seeking "17 34 year old* lor part time " positions ^available in . Eugerie "Bonuses; 'Reserve.. G1 Bill now available •’Call’ Jaek/342 2806- . .. . . ■' : 61162 26 Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE"* WANTED! to' SMn 3 bedroom • house near ' Amazon .pathway *133/tiio. no pats - Call * 343-2B26 - - • . "* • • ROOMMATE WANTED TO Shari bouse ona mil* from University We»nefdrye< .included call 345-3022 3 2* MATURE FEMALE STUOENT warned to share' spacious beautiful apart mam Non smokyr 2 I arm commitment »!4»mo 344 9522 altar 6 pm 2 28 Faft Rent UO FAMILY HOUSINO. married couple* and single parents. possibility at Mn madiala occupancy or Plata youraall on wailing Hat Waalmoraland furnished apartmant 2 bedroom *144/mo 1 bedroom $1tVmo Amazon unlumished 2 badroom JtZOmo Fulura openings aapaclad. all araaa Contact UO Houa ’ *2fi Q*P< ■ 806 4227 4842 tin - EUGENE MANOR TWO BEDROOM A STUDIO High naa living at il bast Naar cam put 484-2441 . __8386 tin BEND SKI HOUSE, Three badroom tot ‘ ly lurmanad spa sauna sleeps 8 16SS100 par d», W9 1835 V 1 / FURNISHED LAROE U3 badroom. cam put 8245*323 No pal* 4832823 __ 8433 I In NEWER OUADS Locally onroad to • Mock trom campus JlMimo utilities in Ciudad 1866 Harris manager apt 4 342 4261 S843 tin ■ ~ CLUB MiLL 1255 Mill SI real 2 badroom apt* 5 blocks to U ol O Fur niched or unfurnished soma llraplacas. baatad outdoor pool Laundry, balconies, dtshwaah#**, disposals parking, garaga Fraa cable TV 83501390 call Kan SKulman 345 4322 Cbariaa EW* Really Property Manage men( _ 8097 Hn ROOM IN HOME. 2 blocks from cam pus $210 include* laundry utilities pltona, private yard and garden Available immediately 345 2238 2 28 Furnished House Very nice. 3 bedroom 1 v» Irom campus Avertable spring and summar I arms Contact Jim iMathi X4715. X4723 ■484 9059 __ _■ 3-4 QUIET COUNTRV LIVING' m th« aouthwaal hill* Beautiful 1 and 2 badroom apt* with «iaw. laanis pool, rac room, laundry Clot* to city bua llna Proapact pParh Apia 1210 Nor thvtaw Blvd 464 6663 0119 3 2 UNOER NEW MANAQIMENT ttOOOSIDE MANOR 1110 HARRIS Furniahad quad* now aval at obi* with aharad bath or private bath utihtiaa Bard covarad parking and laundry lacllltia* available IOEAL CAMPUS LOCATION PROM S1SS Manager* no 138 34« 2*51 Ban not I Managamani Co- . 1143 Oak SI Suda 300 • 4866991 • ■ seesiiin ■ Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Now fOnMng tor Winter Term Pnyote refrigerator and v» both, from *189 Bob or Ketty 1544 Alder nojt; . 344 sna •= Bldg managed by St Cli» Proper! lei . * . MW ttn Dorm Contracts FAEECA&E Of BECK to whoeVdr buy*', ’my dorm contract’.Coll Boy. 4839/08 #«••* ■■■ • :»7 , Lost a Found .LO Campus masting. avaryona inyilad March 4. 3 JO 4 30 18th *nd Aldar. or call MM4M __ 61IO-9-3 THE SEARCH Work (hop Astrology a<4 Counsaltng will (Mr halo Saturday and Su.idly March 8 and # in IT# (duea lion from (0 am lo 4 pm Thta workshop will Inlroduca astrology as a Iharapaullc tool and its applications in I ha liald ol counsallng and I ha procasa ol tharapy Thara Is a SIS laa To raglslar call Susan Daarborn Jackson al 34401T8 to raglslar #121 2 2# Attention Econ Majors! Don't Hunk that exam PROTEST AID TO THE CONTRAS Rally and Damonatratlon ********** Friday Fab 28 Fadaral SulkMnfl 7th ft Pml Si ********** The umvwaiiy community mwli at 12 70 at 13m am) Kincaid man pm eaada to Fadaral Building C antral Amartcan Raaponaa Nalwork wtm National Geographic PHOTOGRAPHER RIC COOKE TWIN VISIONS Multi-madia cm ladakh 61. lha Himalayas and Molokai, ot Hawaii Tuaaday Match 4- 7 30 pm ISO Oaology IHfC Outdoor Program MS 4365___612234 Entertainment Maximum Minimalism TREY GUNN Dva at Tha Baanary 14th S Aldar Tonight 4 30 pm 2-28 Doonesbury (VAX THEREDBE $o*)U LOTS OF Zfutp ***'" KRASY 51. BUT miSA\P IHAPN7 BEEN TOR TURED, THAT ID MADE BUT, 56*0?' JESUS,1 TOP mO CAN FALL YOU, YOU HAVE ASLEEP IN THE TO SUSP IN MIDDLE OF THE SHIFTS! THERE DAY* AREN'T ENOUGH BEDS TOGO BY GARRY TRUDEAU ZZL- WTHI5C0UN TRY JUST TO I GET RICH! I CANT rrsCRAZV SLEEP TURN HOW DID WITHOUT ON THE JUU0I6LE TY. SLASEYER \ GET A GREEN CARP* skym<;ht refectory ITALIAN BEEF OK VEGETARIAN cai./.one Onl> M.*5 ,St ii* huhI hrrf m »1ntehtntM " tilt iMf.urr/ln ihrrw mm ntmhn*nn\ tUiiiit m a fM.n Owl I MluMhtrrO nlrti Ioniato unu t Open every tvrninn 5-IOpm f«»r Coffee & hi«trif» COME OS I P! I i« ,ili fi.» iIhimI •»» !«•* .iIhio IhcT Ml VI«iim !>• K