Sports_ Landerholm: leader for Ducks My t*api Lynn Of !t»« Km«r«M The Oregon women's basket baii team has enjoyed the lux ury of being blessed with an ar ray of depth and balance this season. Fortunately, the team has not had to rely on the talents of one individual to put the points on the board or pull down the re bounds. The Ducks have, in deed. competed as a "team." But one individual continues to light up the soorelioard and delight Oregon fans with her all-around athletic ability and her sense as a clutch player.- . o. junior Lauri Landerholm is a • • threat in every aspect of the game to. her opponents, At . • f>.fpot to, from tlj.e wing pbsi .. . . tlon.'Laudefholm scores/ .re ”1|°M»unds'. dishes out assists,.con v fiscatbs steals".' a jeaderon • ''rtfie* court-. One can easily sav • •; thaf'sHe does -it all in the game • bf ba.sketbilV.. . *£ £. ; ’ * • V;; Ha n d er In > I m i s a very cdin •; v.^piet^' p layer She can do " everything and her stats reflect ■ • dhaj,',' Oregon ‘"coach Klwin ; lieiny said.''."She Ivas been the one we°vpgpne to. when we've needed the points, and she has been consistent almost throughout the stjason.’' When lieiny says that l^inderhoiiu's stats reflect her versatility/ .he may be making an understatement. banderhplm is the teams' leading scorer; averaging 16r3 points per game. She has scored in double figures in 24 of the . ■ ’ V / . .V ' Ducks': 26 games and . has poured in 20 or more points on eight of those occasions. These figures have allowed, her to vault into the seventh spot on Oregon's all-time scoring list with 1.183 points in her career thus far. ;'■■■ As if scoring isn't.enough in dication of l.andorholm'8 con trihufion to the team, she also leads the team in assists (107) and steals (02) tier career total of 4 t:t assists is only 30 shy of the all-time Oregon assist record held by All-American I lev Smith. Uinderholm is also third on tile team in rebounding this year, averaging 0.0 caroms per contest. Only Gabi Neumann and Amy Pedersen, both 0-foot 4. are outrebotinding her In conference games alone. Landerholm tops the entire team with 0.3 rebounds per game.' •; ; Her exceptional statistics may very' well be the result of Oregon s new intense. wnicn assistant coach Dave f.ipp in troduced to the team this season. ' • : ' ■ "We put the offense in know ing that we had a player like I.anderholm" Heiny . said. "The offense is designed for a player with her skills and . she has gotten very good shots riff it. in1 fact they, compliment each other," ;■ ••• ,' ;••. •;; - ' landerholm herself is' quick :t oh the floor- exercise to pace the Docks fo an all-iime high score.of /7li:Q5 Thursday night. «. . Ducks defeat Seattle The Oregon gymiias.tics team a school-scoring .record Thursday, night as if defeated Seattle Pacific University-by the score of j7t»;tt5-f.7!y*.3.5:-iif(’.er lifcgfer- Annex.