.CAMPUS AREAv Hah TaiSau Perm Special ^30.00 IFinJ out what’s happening Read the Emerald THIS WEEKEND ONLY $|50 OFF large or giant pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good Fri Frt 2t. Sat Mar 1 w*i Sim Mar 2. IMC OMIT Not vdM altli any otter oft6f*Ote cowoo par orter m COUPON *i World news Reagan pursues militarist course, according to Tass MOSCOW (AP) — The of ficial news agency Tass today accused President Reagan of us ing anti-Soviet slander and "cnnfmntationist rhetoric" to justify his request for a $;i2(t billion defense budget. "At a time when the Com munist Party of the Soviet I inion from the rostrum of its i£7th Party Congress is appeal ing t(* reason and conscience of all mankind in the name of ending the arms race... Washington has openly pro claimed the intention of going ahead with its militarist course." Tass said. On Wednesday night. Reagan said it would la* ."reckless, dangerous and wrong" for Con gress to cut his requested defense budget, saying that "could fatally compromise our negotiation position" in arms reduction talks with the Soviet Union. Another Tass commentary said Washington does not think .it needs bettor international relations, and that Reagan islry ing to take an unacceptable,ap-‘ preach to the issue of missiles in l'iuro|ac Aquino expected to free hundreds of prisoners MANII.A. Philippines (AP) — President Corazon Aquino's Cabinet officers took over their posts Thursday and Aquino ordered all departments to preserve their records because of reports that some had been destroyed by sup* imrters of the deposed Ferdinand Marcos. The new government said hundreds of political prisoners held by the fallen Marcos regime probably would be freed next week. Thirty-nine prisoners were ordered set free Thursday., but by nightfall only one actually had gqne home, said Arr mandn Malay, head of a prisoner .families'• group ailed Kapatid |Brother). .* • All 39 prisoners wore taken from jaUs to special;centers. • . however, and had emotional reunions with relatives while; *. . bureaucrats dealt with the documents . .* . ■ ' . . ■_ • *.** . Officials said mprel.tH.an,-5tM) people.were iii\|ni| pd';... assorted political charges.;whep.-JFerdinand -F,•.Marcos ended 20. years’,of rlijeljc'llio Phiitppirtus' and .fled .life country Wednesday; in VIi'.'St -Air Fem e plane. He how-is m Hawaii. *•' ' •V •* - ■Phijjpdliibibf thd,iq>«:|i|l.|i;S.. 'tinvoy, spent-P /,'houts^ • with'A"quino on Thursday**A. s'ttt)oemenhfn>m he’r office saiti-V. 'Habib tfxlended' '•'the warmest* greetings of-thosi.deiijKnnald' “ .Keegan.it-ii'd tho-Amerjcan'ppople'.'* • *.*•; ° . ENTER THE High Life. WIN# FINALS 2° £ — ■ ' JSmt . ■ ■..M • • ’ ; ■ - ■ UJ You could win f10,000 plus a trip for four to . ,r the College Basketball Finals! • s 1 • . • Grand Prize: ■ : ’ 110,000 plus a trip for four to the College Basketball Semi-Finals . • arid FinalsMarch 29^31 In Dallas.fX. •. ° • 5 First;Prizes:’ .. ' v: . 11,000 plus a Giant Screen TV to catch all the play-off action;. : . r t&y* ■ v ■ - , - - • /ft f. ■ m - ^ . ■v 25 Second Prizes: VHS Video Recorder/Player 1,000 Third Prizes: ; Official Al McGuire Sports Bag High Life. 1*1 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM (PLEASE HAND PRINT) NAME. ADORESS (NoPO BomsPleasei HOW TO ENTER lb he eligible to wta a prize you mutt complete this entry term and mail te: MHL “Win the Finals" Mil •Mr, Nil CITY . STATE. ZIP. Here 's How lb Enter OFFICIAL RULES >” NO PURCHASE NECESSARY address and indicate the section telephone! JtfiE. Yes. 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VA, WV, and wherever prohibited by law ' 1 On ah official entry form or plain piece otT jt 5"!paper hand print your name and at tow and seat number appearing on Al McGuires ticket to trie Coltege Basketball finals Please sots the section, row end sesMewfeef-appesrlae "xi.ALMeSelfe's ticks* sen be fesnd *» specially designed Miller High Lite "Win the Finals' sweepstake* disci, vs at your participating Miller High Lite retailer H you cannot find the special Miller High Lite WmThe Finals Sweepstakes number, send a sell addressea stemped envelope to Seal Number Request. PO Bo* 4We: ^fair NE.68009 . Limit one request per envelope Requests must be received by. Feb 28 1986 Residents of the state of WA only need not afti* postage to fhew self addressed envelope :'s" i,. ’ 2 Marl your entry in a hand-addressed .envelope no larger than .41%* * Vh“ (*10 envelope) to Miller High Life Win the Finals Sweepstakes. 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WV. and wherever prohibited by law Limit one prize per family Taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of prizewinners AH federal, state and local laws and regulations apply The odds of winning a prize depend upon the number ot eligible entries received No substitution of prizes is permitted Prizewinners wiH be obkaated to sign and return an affidavit of eligibility within 5 days ot notification In the event ol noncompliance within this time period, an alternate winner wHl be selected 5 Grand Prizewinners and traveling companions must be ol legal drinking age in the state ol Tesas and must agree to return and depart on dates specified by the sponsor Any prizes returned to the sponsor or to the 0 L Blair Corporation as undefcverabte will be awarded to an alternate winner AH prizes writ be awarded The approximate retail values ol the puzes are as loHows Grand Prize-$14,000 First Prize-13 000 ea . Second Prize—$350 ea Third Pnze-$6 50 ea 6 for a list ol Winners List. F vizewmners. send a separate, sell addressed stamped envelope to Miller High Lite Win the Finals 0 Bo* 4950. Blair. NE 66009 Ci 1986 Beer Brewed by Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee. Wl