Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1986, Page 3A, Image 3

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    ASUO plans awareness week
on proposed financial aid cuts
Hy Linda Hahn
Of Ihy Km mo Id
The ASUO will sponsor a
Financial Aiti Awareness Week
beginning Monday to inform
students of proposed-cuts in the
1tlH7 education budget and to
encourage a student write-in
campaign to lobby against those
cuts': The event will be held
simultaneously :- at the seven
. • other colleges and universities
-• . in the .'Oregon State-System of
Higher Education.
- ASIJO members will, set up a
■ . • table in the. KMJ f. lobby. Monday
; •••.through Thursday from It) H:hV;
u*. V. •. ■ t q. 2'-p -. m,;/saidI’Oebja jU»sit e r,
v . ASl)Q "state affairs "coordinator
. ' :■ Stamped ' .postcards: w i;H..bfe
7 ~V ' a vail a b i e fprsl ud en t s vyhp want
■ < to'.wrife tb therr repre&entat iyes
*,-• ; . prior fq'the-budget.vote:' 77
v> ' ; can have 'an impact . oh. what’
7 their represcnlatives, Hocide is
l- by wirttIhg.,Ietters7‘and.lnudiing
1‘ ^ they:as/students;'will feeLwheri
j-- ’ the biidg'et'is'i iit .sj id‘Sherry
Z-: '■ n---i-^—;—
Oesor, director of the Oregon
Student Igibby (OSL).
President Reagan's proposed
budget would slush federal stu
dent aid by about $2 billion
below the current uppropria
• tions. according fo figures from
an OSL newsletter. Nationally, •"
more than 1.3 million students
would be eliminated from:
T- federal*'financial aid programs..
'* The proposals, include redu'cv
ingthePell‘Grant program by
‘ more than $ 182; mi I Hon;..’Reagan
• p.mposes combining theXIoflege
•W(irk>St.udy J;.and VSKOG ' pro
grams arid reducing. funding.by.
55V percent'. The* State Student
Incentive Grant- Program would
.’bit completely eliminated.
; - Keuga'n qlsO.would make ma
jor changes in the Guaranteed
Student'Loan program. Current
ly. the federal government pays
8 percent interest on the loan
while students are In college,
but-under Reagan s new plan.
: students Would be responsible
for puving most of the interest
on their loans while they still
ASUO sponsors raffle
An ASUO Campus. Co-op- Drawing raffle to benefit lhi:
ASUO Project Saferideand Non-Profit Food Store will take
place Monday rickets will be sold for$l at the ASUO Office,
the University Bookstore arid the EMU Main Desk, said
Michael Easton. ASUO.fundraising coordinator
The first prize includes two nights for two at the Inn at
the Seventh Mountain ski lodge and two days skiing at
Mount Bachelor Other prizes include a $150 textbook credit
at the University Bookstore, four one-hour sessions at Onsen
Hot Tubs, brunch for two In the Encore Room at the Eugene
Milton and two nights for two at the Portland Marriot Hotel.
Raffle drawings will la* held April 4 at the EMU Beer
wore in school.
All of these proposals must
first lx» approved by Congress
before going into effect. Kester
said. It is at this level where
students cap affect changes in
the final version adopted by
; ■ "Congress isn't happy with
Reagans proposed budget
hither, " she added. .
The ASUO will stress three
points that other Oregon
schools also will stress in their
letter-writing campaign. Kester
said. First, because education
spending did not cause the
deficit, students shouldn't have
to bear the weight of the cuts,
she said.
.Second, education is an in
vestment in the future and
society as a whole, and cuts will
affect everyone. Finally. Kester
noted that proposed program
reductions and changes in
financial aid will hamper access
to higher education for some
“If the proposed cuts go
through, they will hurt women
and minorities more because
they are poor," Kester said.
Kester expects thousands of
Oregon students to sent! letters
to representatives in
Washington. DC. She hopes
that a large number of letters
will carry some weight for the
ASUO delegation when it at
tends a Spring lobbying Con
ference in the nation's capital
from March 14-18.
Along with workshops, the
ASUO twill lobby the Oregon
representatives concerning pro
posed financial aid cuts.
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