A FEW TIPS FOR COPING WITH TEST ANXI I'.TY As you can |u«u, the best tip lor coping with test anxiety Is to attend classes and keep up with asslitnaients and reading throughout the ter*. How ever , If you've 1st things get behind, here are soaie essentials to get you through finals! 1) Try not to poll "all night era" ss you wind tip draining energy and perhaps depleting aenta! resources at test tine. A good nights sleep can be your best bet. 2) When you do study, allow yourself to feel confident that you are absorbing Informa tion you will be able to retain and draw upon when necessary. After all, you are an Intelligent human belngl 1) Hake sure you have eaten a well balanced seal or snack before a test. And remem ber: too much protein or too large a meal can leave you feeling dull and tired. Too much sugar or caffeine can make you too Jittery to think straight. A) Take some time Just before your test to calm yourself. Test anxiety can be great ly reduced (and brain function enhanced) by taking a few moments to breathe slow ly and deeply. Surround yourself with a mental Image of quiet confidence as you breathe In refreshing oxygen and breathe out tension. Clve yourself a silent sug gestion such as, "I an calm and In con trol. I am refreshed and alert. I an ready to do well on this test." Remember, BE POSITIVE! Now, CO FOR IT I Foncy Prescott St reus Management Peer Health Advisor HOW NOT TO HANDLE STRESS "Let'* go have a drink and relax." How often do wc hear thia on caapusT Thera'a no denying college students lead atraaaful llvea. There are the preaaurea of aldteras and finals, of aonegi, of Beating new people and the un known future after college. So, all around ua people are uaing alcohol to relax, to party, to forget and to have a good tlac. Unfortunately, alcohol la not the beat way to relax and gat rid of that atreaa. Al cohol actually adda atreaa to your body. It makes the liver work harder, acta aa a depre ssant on your alnd and can be toxic when taken In large quantities or alxed with other druga. So be aware that drinking doesn't nece ssarily aean relaxlngl Soae delicious non-alcoholic drinks: 8 or. glass filled with Ice Add 3/4 diet 7 UP splash of orange juice Perrier and a slice of line Kingsbury non-alcoholic beer Pam Trapp Substance Abuse Peer Health Advisor MANAGING STRESS TO MANAGE YOUR GRADES All article in the Journal of College Student Peraonnel haa aoet Interesting Implications (or low-ai hlcvtng college students. John M. Wllllaaa and Ttmaaa W. Decker studied a group o( freahaan and soplmaorea who were on acadeailc probation. Williams and Decker found that combining stress reduction techniques with tine aanageaent and goal setting significantly reduced stress, and also la proved tha students' CPAs. Students with low CPAa have been shown to wi pe r 1 anra wire anxiety than high-achieving students. Wllliaas and Decker believed that it was important to address this anxiety with a nuaber of techniques. Thus they split students into two groups In thnlr study: those who would racelva only goal setting and tiae aanageaent training, and those who would receive goal setting, tins aanageaent and also stress reduction training. The results of the study era interesting. The stress reduction group experienced lees stress at the end of a IS week aaaeeter than those who only received goal setting and tiae aanageaent training. The stress reduction group had an in crease In their average CPA froa s pretraining 1.01 to a followup 2.01. The group receiving only tiae aanageaent and goal setting Increased froa a pre training 1.1) to a followup 1.32. The stress re duction group's CPA average Increase froa a D to a C nay have been cauaed by other factors. However, it alght be valuable for students struggling with low grades to learn soae stress aanageaent tech niques along with goal setting and tiae aanageaent. Nik* Classlar Straa* Manageaent Paer Health Advisor ccMPOHurrs or prop** breath im 1. 2. 3. h. 5. btaphragswit lc Sa»oth- no Jcrka or Irregularities Constant- no pause* between Inhalation and exhalations exhalations are longer than Inhalations- ?:1 Posture Is straight and roml'ort able 6. Regular rhythai T. beep 9. Blow 9- HI lent 10. Centle