(5 Stress and Nutrition ~~^i~ P Streaa cone* ip many forma and many waya, but their tffMti ara atlll the eaae on our bodlea. iniltt;, overwork, inadequate alaep or diet pronpt loan of appetite, poor nutrient abeorptlon, dtar rhwa and dehydration. A11 theae atreao factoia act aa "nutrition robbera" by deaandlng lncreaaed nutritional requireaente, eapec tally in the fora of vitealaa. H< v ore copea with thla initial "eneak attack" can ctaate additional nutritional deflclencleei I Booking: Sacking can deplata our bodlea of certain nutrianta. For eaaaple, atudlea have ahown that Vltaain C blood levela are algntficantly reduced li heavy eaokere. Alcohol: Alcohol aay Interfere with the body'a a Ibillty to utlllta Tltaaina B , B , and folic arid. The problea la coaplirated further berauae heavy drinkera uaually do not eat food of good nutri tional value. Procoeacd Poodq: When tlmea gat tough, the etm pleet way to grab a quick seal uy not bo the boat. Proceeeed foode are often larking In nu tritional quality, their natural vitamin con tenta conalderably reduced and alao containing addltlvea of queetlonable aafety. What can you doT Be aware of your atreaa level and your reactlona to It. I.earn a variety of atreaa management technlquea to cope with different typea of atreaa you are aubjeeted to and develop aome creative approachee to nutri tion that will autt your Individual needa. Peer health advlaora and the Health Educa tion Center can help you with theaa akllla ard tc keep youraelf from being nutritionally rob bed. At this point In the quarter, Boat of us feel tlkr all ue really want to do la head for Mexico for ) Booths. Hldteraa are over, thank goodneaa, but fInala are )uat around the corner. Streaa can take lta toll on ua, both aentally and phyaically. It'a eaay to get run down, catch t lie bug t list'a been going around and end up In bed. However, one of the beat precautlona you ran take to prevent lllneea and exhaustion Is to eat s satisfying and balanced diet. Winter's a good tlae to Indulge yourself In thick, hot aoupa, hoaebaked breads, or nutritious snacks. We do tend to need a few acre calories In the winter, ao allow youraelf an extra serving or nibble. Rreakfast la considered by far the aost im portant aeal of the day by nutrltlonlat a, but we all know It's the easiest to aklp. The recipe below aay halp you atart the day out with a novel but nutritious aeal that's easier to face early In the Burning than eggs and toaat and auch quicker to grab when you're late to clasa and need to run I DATE CASHEW COOKIES flour baking soda S c. wheat gem 1 c. oat flakes 2 cups pitted chopped dates or date pieces 1*1 c. orange Juice 1 t. cinnamon 3 T. oil c 3 T. melted butter or marg. It 2 T. vanilla 2 egg* S t. salt (optional) 1 c. chopped cashews or finely grated orange peel walnuts (1 orange) Preheat oven to 330*. Place dates In blender with orange Juice, oil, butter, vanilla, eggs, salt and cinnamon. Blend until dates are fairly well chop ped: a few big pieces are fine. In a bowl stir together flour, sods, wheat getm, oats, cashews, and orange peel. Combine with mixture and drop by spoonfuls onto cookie she* Bake for 12 - 13 minutes. Makes 3 to 4 dor. Enjoy. Kate Schuyler Nutrition Peer Health Advisor A STRESS rrre sF.Cr’C 1 handful of friends A squeeze of hunor A rew drops of silence An armload of hugs 1 ’‘ableapoon of snlles 1 Cups of lee;> breathing A pinch of a nap A shake of laughter A smattering of kisses. Mix well. Serve anytime. Nadine Moore Nutrition Peer Health Advisor