Positive Attitude If It scene to you that your Ufa haa Wcoae one big "atreaa factor Y", Instead of attending to only the negative aspects of school, uae selective awareness to focus on the positive aide! The opportunity to learn new things, aieet new people, prepare for a future you are looking for ward to and an opportunity to find out how capable you really are, are soae positive thoughts that can occupy your alnd, rather than how difficult It all la. Also, take advantage of the wore upbeat and pleasing csaipus surroundings and opportunities that exist. There are things around our csaipus that. If you were aware about, could sake the tlae you spend here a lot aore pleasant. For exaaple: 1) Visit the beautiful, serene University Muaeua of Art (open noon - 5 pa, Wed. - Sun.) or the Museua of Natural His tory (open noon - 3 pa, Ttiea. - Sat.). 2) Attend a recital or concert at the Fkjalc school (call 686-3761 for tlaes). 3) Go said puddle Juaplng. It's free and recently, very easy to do. 6) Walk by the Student Health Center and enjoy the first signs of spring In the blossoalng cherry trees. Cheryl Brown Serena Management Peer Health Advisor Peer Health Advisers can help you to learn effective techniques to manage your stress. Call: 686-44S6 lor an appointment—NO FEE Lifestyle Planning Program University of Oregon Student Health Center Stress Management Books HIHO AS H£AU», MIWQ AS SLATES OollsHc Approach to Preventing Strni Disorders Kenneth ». Pelletier. Ph.D. Pelletier writes on* of the best books describing the connection between stress, health and healing. It's four major sections Include: 1) source* of stress; 2) guidelines for evaluating one's own stress levels; 3) profiles of various disease-prone personalities; 4) a practical section concerned with the prevention of stress-related diseases through such techniques as meditation and biofeedback. This book discusses how people can create a satisfying life and help prevent sickness by doing some thing positive about their own health. feSMStwerkt fcy 0. Balotl Lawrence and Lewis Harrison Tha Lawranca/Harn* mat saga system Includes •*er 25 of tha most popular massage methods jfrom around tha world. Included are techniques to alleviate tension, aches and pains, self message, massage as a beauty aid, and massage for nutrition, exercise and health. These two books are available for two-week check eut at the Health Education Center In the Student Health Center. Our hours winter term ere: Mon. 8:30 -3:30 Tues. 8:3 -2:30 Wed. 9:30 -4:30 Thurs. 9:30 -2:30 Prl. 8:30 -2:30