Ae SrvcAawted ijA/oU & Tanning Salon TANNING 45 SESSIONS FOR s100 $25°° 47 West 29th, H§8f»e FOR FULL SET OF ACRYLIC NAILS 343-2094 • 8:30-8 N-F. 8-3 Sit. ^ 342-8111 Introducing . . . FREE Delivery Service! * •free delivery with a minimum order Also offering • Full dinner menu • White or whole wheat crust • Limited delivery area 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon - Fri 11.00 - Midnight ' Sat 5:00-1 00 a m.. r--r—) 1905 Agate St. • 344-0869 f~ ' I Just a few blocks from campus ■■ MORE Stats Power' IMPROVED File Handling Reporting! The Enhanced end Expended biatisocai Kao IBM PC/XT/ATs SPSS/PC* am»in«» • torn THE For naaity 20 y*M «• ram ' DM fnaart rarai r>m>> wnfcarna vdtwvt Al net mc>oprcdudi maw am larauw and wyjM uwp area, photographer- la.-on Horens/iein Through March.H . ■ • ; ' Vi" .: * ’ lame Community College: ' -lead1 Haul" sculpture by Robert Gtbncy ami Frank Pox. Through March 14 New Zone Gallery: "New Works - Drawings ami Paintings" by Hob DeVine. March 1-27. Reception Salur day at 7:30 pm Maude Kerns Art Center Works by Jean Blackburn Through March 21 Keystone Calc: Urban art. by lee Read. Through March 8. McDonald Frame Shop and Gallery: "Writing with Pictures" illustrations by Robin Mivhal Koont/ Through . - February . .* ’ . Hull'Center Lobby : "Chariots bl'Cob . or" canvasses and prints by Jeanne . ■ Cnpidia Through March 28 '.'Art by ■ Women" Through March'3 h Willamette Science -ami .Technology ..: • ■’Ccntcr:"jupiicrand JtaMowis'i travel . ing exHibnioii from tbs' Smithsonian ;• ','Computers -arid Ihe.CreaHvtf Process" .Through- March -JO?, v anisiis ’ hands-.dh.,.' ' exhibits"'-^lus‘'pia'nelarium shows am. .’ Sajiirday and Sunday.- "'W.inter.Skies i al - ■.■I p nt wild:.''lorejn tbe- Sky'’ a mftlti. . . media show .on Halhfy.'s comet. uf t p'm" ttnivcrsily^ Muesupr fit Natural. -•History ''^a-turri.. Hiilory Photographs'- by ^ Ashley®' Foster Through March 2V "Indian Haskgtry ol ihe Oregon‘Country"Continuity .of. Culltpv Indian’ .md.Metis the Northern WiMklfands itml 'Plums, ■ .-"GcologK'. Hi dory: d! (Xici:on and . ."Stiine and' Boric Sculpture Irdni lhc ^ Columbia’ River',' Ihr'ough June 14 "Thiimas Condon. Father ot.'Orcgon : Geology'.' Through June - ' . <■ Compiled by Bob Webb 686-lNH) Tapfc 65l Rounder ^°n>'nucc* ^rotn pia^e 7B drank to some degree. No one ready had any grounds for convincing the others not to drink." Reece described the density of Tyler's right hand technique as resembling that of McCoy Tyner, the jazz pianist, "He {Tyler) was simjjiy one of the best blues pianists living.”' Tyler was "kind of a fanatic" about his ex tensive record collection, said Reece. Tyler was also a dedicated collector of antique neckties, "Rich kept twopianosin his one-room .apart-. • men!,” said Reece. "He’d been playing silent movie- musk: for a pizza parlor recently,, and he had gotten credit for a couple of movie scores." Several hundred musicians and friends gather at Portland's Pine'''/StieeV;:Theatre on February Iff, to say and play their '.last''respects to Richard. Tyler. "The good do die young.”; mourn odReece, ' . . ‘ 'The blues — is sin aching ol'.hard disease, like consumption, killing me by degrees ” By William Homans •COUPON COUPON '1 One FREE Pair of Earrings* PLUS TWO WEST 13th & Alder (above the Glen wood) 'From Special Soiree lion ol Earring* 1 coupon per cuslomer'Offer good thru 3/I0/S6/ ■COUPON :«SK»BK%M£XMS»nCMCMBKMUBXS»%%MU»MCK!»V MB The Town Quacker Announces The University of Oregon Housing Department is. now accepting applications for the position of , ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ASSISTANT QUALIFICATIONS: A strong interest and some ex patience in housing management: the ability to relate well with a wide variety of people of various ages, ne tionalities and backgrounds: the ability to work well under pressure and during long, irregular hours of service: a broad knowledge of the University of Oregon and the Eugene community: some ex perience with automated office equipment EMPLOYMENT PERIOD: Part lime work (15-20 hours per week) dur ing Spring term. March 31 June 13. 1986 Full time work June 14 Sept 12, 1986 REIMBURSEMENT: Spring term: »4 12 per hour Summer term $ 1.427 room and board credit and ♦ 1,440 as a cash stipend APPLICATIONS: And complete job description are available at the front desk of the Housing Office. Walton Hall, Due no later than noon. Thursday. March 6. 1986 Interviews will be conducted the week of March 10. and selection should occur March 17, 1986. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Greg Harris. Conference Manager, University Housing. 686 4277 Aft I -*.J«I OppoMunify A»»im.«tive Act son I mptoyrr / tailor's rune: The Friday Edition ’ is the Emerald ’s Weekly entertainment supple ment published, each: Fridas except during finals *‘eek and vacations. ‘ : ■ ' -6- \ ' ' . ' * • . Editor...Sheila Landry Copy.Editor...Mike Sims • Cover Photo.....,:.;;, Maria Corvallis • r •t v Production KaraObcrst Ph<«o;Tjech..Ross Martin DON'T FORGET SUNDAYS Pasta Special Fresh spinach at efg ikm4I« with matt, clam, at matlnata sauce and •attic bread ALL YOU CAN EAT s3.25 (Dtuiny Roam Only) ■ai Chicago Style Plata.and moral 192 I. Broadway • 349-4114 tor carry-out or dallvary ’dr" NK1 N(i* X Nff)* DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP