DON T MISS THIS WEEK S ■ GREAT SPECIAL! ■ SYS PIZZA I FREE DELIVERY AND STORE m TAKE OUT COUPON ■ Order any size pizza, choice of regular or Extra o Thick Crust or Deep Dish Sicilian and Receive 8 s2.00 OFF any size pizza 3 PLUS 2 FREE LARGE SOFT DRINKS z i i i COUPON GOOD FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY STORE HOURS: 11:30 ■ Midnight Monday - Friday 3:30pm Midnight Saturday A Sunday DELIVERY HOURS: 5pm ■ Midnight Monday - Sunday 1211 Alder on Campus • 686*9598 I I I ■ Z o CL 3 ■ I g i °$39 Quality eyewear need not be expensive | SINGLE VISION PRESCRIPTION LENSES AND FRAMES • Choose from a specialty selected group ot Mnn frames • FT-25-28 Bifocals $20 Extra • Extra charge lor powers EYE EXAMS.*32, Complete! Price includes eye exam, care kit, and all dispensing fees S V spherical only EXTENDED , WEAR CONTACTS *149 KSZM Dr. Dan Caldwell. Optometrist Santa Clara Square 689-1115 ; ormedy located at Fred-Meyerj w * J The Survival Center Presents: iSdlori in .‘Jeremiah Johnson” Saturday March 1 7:00 & 9:00 pm 177 Lawrence Adults $2 Children $1 beautifully photographed wilderness scenery and a great adventure story CALENDAR For the Week of Feb. 28-March 6 FILM FRIDAY, 2-28 "Shadow of a Doubt" ISO PLC 7 and 9 p.m. $2 and $1. "Doonesbury Animation Festival" 150 Geology 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $2 and SI. Cinema 7: "Joshua Then and Now" 7:15 and 9:40 p.m. $4 general. S3.50 students. SATURDAY, 3-1 "Jeremiah Johnson" 177 Lawrence 7 and 9 p.m. S2 and SI. "Le Samourai" 180 PLC 7 and 9 p.m. S2 and $1. “ Cinema 7: (Sec Friday's listing) SUNDAY. 3-2 "House of Bamboo” and "Crimson Kimono" 180 PLC. 6 p.m. SI.50. Cinema 7: "Joshua Then and Now" 4 p.m S3 6:45 and 9 p m S4 general, S3.50 students MONDAY, 3-3 Cinema 7: "Joshua Then and Now-' 6:45 and 9 p.m S3. TUESDAY, 3-4 Cinema 7: "Joshua Then and Now" 8 p.m. S4 general. S3.50 students. WEDNESDAY, 3-5 "Knife in the Water” 150 Geology. 7 p m. S2 and SI Cinema 7: (Sec Tuesday's listing) THURSDAY, 36 Cinema 7: (See Tuesday's listing) MUSIC FRIDAY, 2-28 10th Annual Close Scholarship Com petition. Beall Concert Hall 6 p.m. Call 686-5678 for further info . Rank and File, country rock. Condon School Auditorium 8 p.m. S5 advance. $6 day of show. Advance tickets available at F.MU Main Desk. Earth Riycr Records. Everybody's Records, and Face the Music l.arkin. contemporary flutist The WOW Hall. Community Center for the Performing Arts. 8lh Ave. and Lincoln , r St. Doors open at 8 p m. S7 advance. $8 day of show. Advance tickets available at EMU Main Desk. Balladcer Music. Cat's Meow. House of Records. Everybody's Records. Literary Lion, and the WOW Hall office Call 687-2746 for further info. Taylor's: Uoyd Jones .Struggle. 9 p m IQ. Guido's: Top 40 music with KPNW disc jockey Steve Hills. 10 p m, SI. Lone Star Fanatics 9 p m. Cover SATURDAY, J-l Northwest Regional Conference of the American Harp Society School of Music Call 343 6306 or 484 2426 for further info 10th Annual Close Scholarship Com petition All day. (Sec Friday's listing) . The Whiskey Creek String Band Rcu nion. Wuegrass and country music The WOW Hall. Community Center for the Performing Arts, 8lh Ave. and Lincoln St. Doors open at 9 p.m. $4, Call 687-2746 for further info. -‘ . . Oregon Mo/art Players, with featured guest soloist Jeff Bradetich. double bass Soreng Theatre 8:30 p.m $9. $7. and $6 Call 687-3000 for-reservations and further info • ° • At Hirt: Silva Hall. Hull Center 8 p.m $13 50. $13 50; and $9 50-. Call 687-5000 for rescrvaliiHis and'further info. • • • V Taylor'*: (Sec Friday's.listing) Guido's: s;and trios ami harps in combination w ith other instrument* and voice. "1:30 p.nt- S3 general. S2..50 students’ and senior citizen*. Performance- :by Willy Postman, harpist, with..the Trondheim Symphony 4 p m; - $5 general. $4 students and senior 'citizens Both events arc in Beall Concert Hall . • . , Performance by Susan St John, soprano Gcrhngcr Alumni Uiunge. 4 p.m, Free. Taylor’*: The View. 9 p.m $1. Butic Tavern: Blue* Jam. 9 p m. 30 cent* MONDAY. 3-3 University Women’» Chorus ami the University Men's Chorus. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m Free Eugene Symphony Guild’s Lunch and Listening Series Studio I, Hull Center. 11:43 a m -1 p m. Cali 687 9487 for further info. ’ Taylor's Blues Jam 9 p m 30 cents TUESDAY, 3-4 Eugene Symphony Guild's Lunch and ' Listening Sene* (See Monday 's listing) Taylor's Rock Jam 9 p m: $1 WEDNESDAY. 3-5 . The University Smfonietta Beall Con cert Hall. 8 p in Free Taylor's Magic Swaiiand TheDukes ■ 9 p m SI. ' • • ■ ' THURSDAY. 3-4 Faculty Artist Series Duo. piano . rccilal with Victor Sfctnhardt .and Dean • Kramer Beall Concert Hall 8 p m Free -'0. for. University, student*. S3 general, $f other student* and’senior-citucnsC' . " • ' Fugcnc Yixilh Symphony-''Strings ■ Hull. CenterLd&by ■ f2l.5p m Free . Don’ Carlos and The •.Freedom '• ■.-Fighters, Irian Jamaica The WOW Hall’, Community Center for Ihe Perfiw '.. . mmg Arts. 8th Ave and Lincoln Si ’ Doors open, at 9 p m $5-50 advance. .. V* 30. day -\»f show- Advanc e ’ tickets 'available at EMU Main Desk. Battadcer Music . Hduae of-RecbnJs. Cal's Meow. Literary Lidn'. and lUr WOW Hall of ■ Ike Cali 687-2746 lor further info Taylor's Thc Vtew, 9 p’m $1. THEATER “ "Strange Smew by-Steve. Metcalfe Arena Theatre.- Villard-Hall Feb 28. March 1.6’, 7, and 8 8 p m'$2 50. Call 686 4191’ for .reservations ^»hcl further info "The Rival*” by Richard Brinsley Sheridan Robinson Theatre. Villard Hall Feb 28, March I, 6-8. [3-15 8 pm S3 50 for University students. $3 50 general. $4 50 for other students and senior citi/ciis Call 686-4191 for reservations and further info "M> Fair.Lady" by. Alan Jay l-crner and Frederick laicwe South Eugene High School Auditorium Feb 28. March I. 7. and 8 8pm $6 adults. S3 students, senior ciurcns, and children under 12 Call 342-2616 for further info "Visit to a Small Planet" by Gore Vidal Willamette Theatre Feb 28. and March L 8 p m. S3 50 general. $2 50 student* and senior citizens. - Call 689-0731 for further mfo "March Through the Northwest" puppets, mime and storytelling. Soreng .’ Thcalre. Hult Center. Saturday only; 10 a m $3.50. Call '687-5000 for reserva tions-and further info. "Bedtime for Frances" and "A Baby o ■ Continued on Page NR ^German AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA Reliable service 'or your 0/|0 OQ*IO 20?*> Franklin Blvd foreign car sine* 1963 OMfc*fc«7 I b Eugene Ore 97403 BIG SELECTION USED COLOR TV’S $49.00 and Up DEKA Electronics 390 W. 12th • 342-2488 WEDNESDAY is LADIES NIGHT 0mB* ^ at the LONE*STAR ALL DRINKS $loo' 8:30 to 12:00 160 South rath Street TUESDAY 15 LADIES MIGHT at the IMTERMATIOMAL M \ ALL DRIMK5 ! $loo 8 X) to 12 00 at the V*> Inn I QATtVWAY 15 I __I BMBM -fY m PMiLidrf CHINESE RESTAURANT Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th 11 00 7:00. FSa 11:00 4:3C Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4:30 10 00 F Sa 5:00 10:30 1275 Aider Street • 6S3-8886