High Quality COPIES 3^ Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 All Day * Every Day Collating Binding UO Students: Tell Your Friends Who Are Not Now Attending the UO... They don't have to be admitted students to attend the UQ this spring The University of Oregon Community Education Pro gram opens regular University courses to area residents . who are not admitted UO students Community education students can register for up to seven credits per term at reduced tuition No admission" requirements Credits earned may be applied toward degree programs. Community education registration for spring term classes is March 11-15. Classes begin April 2. For a free brochure call 686-5614. IS" University COMMUNITY EDUCATION PBOGKAM of OREGON GRAPHIC SERVICES □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Suite 300 Oregon Doily Emerald 686-4581 □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Resumes ^ Typesetting Layout ^ Design is Photowork You name it, we do it with the quality you want at a price you can afford. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a Students receive 10% discount □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a Open: 10-5 Monday - Friday 48 hour turnaround time From a backyard garage... to the Sunset Strip \ ‘ ^ ♦'ll *v r? m' -■ %»'#&&. cl. *P h«P»r * Phil * deciding to give it a some choosy Vox ir y Standdls juat happen to be "the boys door." and they take the Pandora* out for a wild night on the Sunset Strip where they’re discovered by big lime record producer ferry Mogul, who likes their looks and give* them a big record deal That night the Stands) Is teach them “Dirty Water." and “Good Guys Don’t Wear White’’ in preparation for the Pandoras' national television debut that Friday night on “Hullabaloo.” With the first lip-synched words of their new smash hit “We're the New Generation.” the studio au dience starts gyrating in their mini-skirts and bellbottoms while doing the Monkey, the Swim and the Pony. It's “Pandora-monium” as “New Generation” goes to the top of the charts one week later. The Los Angeles-based Pandoras’ lineup: Paula Pierce, writer, guitarist and lead singer: Melanie Vammen, keyboardist and backup vocals; him Shattuck. bass player: Karen Hiankfield. drummer. The real story (as told by Melanie): "I got in the hand cause Paula liked the way I looked I didn’t even know how to play! A year before I joined the band I'd see Paula in dub* and she was having problems with the original band She'd come up and go 'don't you play an instrumentf and I'm all no. I don't ’cause I'm all scared and I'm going "I can't do this ' I can’t see myself being in a band and then finally I saw her at the Music Machine in Santa Monica and I said "Yeah. I can play chords on a keyboard. And she says YeahfYwahi’T’ The Pandoras' "lets Do Kight ” {“Thar* out happy song.” Melanie says) boiled down to the essentia Itc "Allll right... oooh good IVahh! I, t- i ’ s do right, it's alright, alright . oooh .,good lot '$ do right bahv oh it's alright, uaahh do right, do good, do right, do good oooh all rightit ooh good ” Inspirational. 10 Magazine sort a stuff, huh-* Ye>. you too can Ik- a 10-year-old hangabout who likes the eampiest of thrift store threads and the grooviest of mid-lotjQs garage punk anthems and ^ from that - You Can Become A Star? Our real story begins in tP8:i with one Paula Pierre, an LA connoisseur of the crude, rude snarl of I lie circa-I*»W* punk explosion that sprang up in every other garage and basement in teenage Mid-America. Only two years after forming the original Pandoras jwbo self-destructed In a bon fire of fishnet stocking dissension). Pierr e was able to form a new and improved Pandoras The .Ufrf mar ‘i I new group signed with Rhino Records, ■ label that specialises in novelty records and '60s re-issues The Pandoras' big break came when a major label, Capitol, agreed to handle U S, distribution for their new record. "Stop , Pretending," Another true story by Melanie: "l was driv ing down Sunset Boulevard and l go ‘whoaht’ There's this giant painting billboard of the band up ©n the Tower nest to Arcadia ( Records ) and l didn't even know it was there! And then I go in record stores and thtre’s our posters and stuff Rhino's putting up so much money and so much promotion for us. It’s like.. great!” Promotion or not, it's obvious that Pierce has done her research Often, the Mings are exercises in mixing and matching your ‘HO* favorites: One song starts with the "I'm Not Your Stepping Stone” riff, then lift* the “You Really Got Me” melody line and then, amigod. it's beck into Stone” for the chorus Sometimes, the song reference is on the tip of one's tongue but you can't place it: "l thought for sure that was the rhythm from Time Won t Let Me' but then they went into that other bit , - ” Pierce's vocals snarl authentically, adding a guttural "wah!” scream at appropriate tunctures. The guitar and organ bludgeon out chunks of I three chord variations The effect is a bit hollow sometimes, but for those who treasure this kind of sound this is a necessary document of updated^ garage music. The Pandoras might perform a nat row genre of music but it's a genre that rocks Pierre's lyrics are a takeoff on the typical gender-togendcr complaining of most mk garage-punk lyrics But here it's transposed finally we’re able to hear the woman putting the k • . I s fc ! man in his place after all these years Melanie fills us in about one song, "The Wav It s Gonna He" "That 's tunny because I was just talking to Paula about her lyrics That song was written about someone she was going out with and she said I can go out with whoever I want and you can't and that's the way it’s gonna be ” Other than ‘this engaging, modern twist, don't expect anything remotely uvant garde almut llie Pandoras. Hut then again, who wants to be ar ty on a Saturday night? Sometimes it's fun just to ^ groove on a group that has mastered a form, limited though it might he 'Tin not Liberal e or anything: I'm not a real ty fantastic player.” Melanie says, "hut I’ve come a long way from two years ago " The Pandoras wilt perform Saturday night at Max $ Tavern. 550 E. 13th Ave , following the Surf Trio, which opens the evening at 9.00 Ad mission is $2 “* A: h The GO GOs may be tong gone but the LA based Pandoras are prancing ahead with their garage-punk sound which they will be performing tomor row night at Max's. Pictured below from left are: Kim Shattuck (bass,) Paula Pierce (guitar,) Karen Blankheld (drums,) Melanie Vammen (organ.) T—T i» »' f.™r ZOO ZOO'i natural foods restaurant collective £44*47*4 4S4 Willamette st. Wed. • Frl. 7 a.m. ■ 9 p.m. Closed Monday & Tuesday ■"■•“•■CLIP COUPON— 1 FREE Soda plus 4C0 OFF any slice) I 11:30 ■ Midnight, Mon. - Fri. 3:30 Midnight, Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus 6869598 Sy's New York Pizza LEOTARDS WARM-UPS ACCESSORIES Jem Marketplace West 3131 W. 11th • 683 8543 (n0*l to Pt0t 1 Import*> Mon Frl 10 8 Sal 10*8 • Sun 12-5 .. Coupon expires 3/6/86 2445 Nilydrd bt 342 2206 1810 Chamber*, bt 34V0485 Eugene. Oregon 97405 On any 1/3 pound Jamie's Burger WAKE UP to (resh. hot collee. tea and a lull breakfast ■menu during our new Corning hours OPEN AT 8:30 BOOK and TEA Open 8 30 6 'daily • 10 -*f>'Suh :> .y on lhf> southo.ist corrk*r of campus-< 1646 C. W * 344 3422 • The Town Quacker Announces TheiUniversity of Oregon Housing Department is,, now accepting applications-for .the position of QIRLS STATE LIAISON QUALIFICATIONS: Previous experience with a girls or boys state,program, a Strong interest'and ;• some-experiencewjth.housing management; the . ability tp relate well.with a wide variety of people; the ability.to w.ork ’well, under pressure; a broad '.kno‘wledge‘of the ^diversity of Oregon; some ex perience With automated office'ecjuiprnent; the ability to complete tasks in an unstructured work environment. . EMPLOYMENT PERIOD: Part time work, beginning April I. 1986 and running through the Oregon Girls State Conference. July 6 12, 1986. Flexihie .work schedule averaging 4-8 hours per week Near full time employment front July I15, 1986 REIMBURSEMENT: 54 12 per hour Room and board provided dur ing;the Oregon Gifts State Conference. ; APPLICATIONS: And complete job descriptions are available at the .front desk of the Housing Office. Walton Hall. Due no later than noon. Monday. March 10/1986, Interviews will be conducted March .13 and 14.'Final selection should occur March 17. 1986 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Greg Harris. Conference Manager. University Housing. 686 4277 An I qua! Opportuney%***a«n»sanHeusaBBBn IS □ Ear Piercing Designers □ Earrings Galore □ Designer Jewelry □ Art Wear Bright Bracelets □ Fabulous Neckwear D Gifts for Her □ Two West Cosmetics □ 14 kt Gold [ I Pins □ Gifts for Him □ Class Pins □ Broaches □ Two West Skin Care □ Rings □ Beads & Bangles □ Bags □ Brief Cases [ Self • Rewards □ Hot Cards FUN FASHION PRICE All in one