World news Soldiers confront mutinous security forces, civilians t.AIKO, pi (AP) — Soldiers In .the capital and three other cities Wednesday buttled disgruntled si'i imlv lore trs end . i.ivilla'iis who set fire to holds aid nightclub's. looted- shops and Stormed a prison to free : -Islamic extremists: ■ 1 Unofficial kpurti*#.' speak iog • on iiimiitioij dunonvmih told y . t he Associated Press dial fn l‘oinpleltv. reports .Indicated there :b»d-’' |jeni|."scores ' of • deaths."* .-and hundreds , of ■ .injured-•' : ' . • ' IH nightfall; ‘journalists- hi .various' perWud Cairo reported' Hull most of the rioting , had ceased. and only occasional hursts of automatic tiro, wore hoard. Thu' notion .began -whop con' m I i|»ls from a Coni nil Security liirco (.iijiip.iiiiar.ttVj! pyramids*, protested. :/alsn rumors1 that their.' terni' cif service; was .to Iki extended. fruit) three years, to. ' tour, the official Middle Hast News A||eii( \ said • , *. Soldiers patrolled ih armored, cars to enforce a. curfew .that look effect at 4 Kd-uealmn Minister' Mattsour Hussein .said all st.hoots would.In- dosed to . dav and universities "would-re-.. main closodinddfinitely.. . . • Hundreds of foreign tourists stayinj^ (it hotels near the Croat Pyramids, where the rioting . Tuesday flight, took ivluge in other hotels or tteiirfiv. ■ private homes. Others weje evacuated to downtown < lairo • • No A'meru^ns Were, reported •' injured full (r,l;'rpj»«:h Kmlinssy i oJlH.'iiiL- said three..•i' ., / tourists Werehospi.l,tli/rd .with iniuoi 'injuries' suffered '.in V-. stampede' a*' panicked guests • tried 1«i flee the, |nlie Vide I Intel when‘rioters set. iiinv fire, One llrilish 'tourist.. Patrick . Jewels.iwas quitted liv the Itltt! to *forget the past ’ MANILA. Philippines (AP) - Coraxon Aquino Mid Wednesday she wU! seek a cease-fire with communist guerrillas but not the extradition of Ferdinand Marcos, who was driven into exile by her 'people power*' revolt. Selvador Laurel, the new vice president, announced plans few a general political amnes ty and Mid the insurgents are sot truly com munists, but people Marcos forced Into fighting Government television announced that a military committee was preparing a list of snti Marcos political prisoners to be freed today, which it Mid might include about 50 percent of those held. Aquino, who blames Marcos for the assassination of her husband. Benigno, in 1083. told a newt conference **! have said 1 can be magnanimous in victory. 1 would like to •how by example that the sooner we can forget our hurt, then the easier it will be for our coun try to start rebuilding from the mins left us." She also announced her Cabinet appoint ments at the newt conference, and said Laurel will serve as prime minister end foreign minister American helicopters took Marcos, who had ruled this 7, lOOisland archipelago for two decades, to Clark Air Base on Tuesday night. He ami his party were flown to Hawaii by the U.S. Air Force after a stop in Guam. Aquino met with 11 members of the Mar cos government Wednesday, including Prime Minister Cesar Virata, and asked them to stay on until her appointees receive National Assembly approval. She also included some Marcos men in her new government. "Let’s forget the pest." she said. Jury imposes death penalty in local case ALBANY (AP)— A. jury decided Wednes day. that Jeffery S. Wanner should l>e the first person sentenced to die in Oregon since the state's voters re established capital punish men! in 1 *1H4. The Linn County. jury deliberated less than 'two', hours before answering yes to three ques tions necessary for an execution to lac ordered. Wagner. 25. showed no emotion as the tury's decision was revealed, but asked Circuit lodge William lacwis to sentence him im mediately..'-The judge declined and set formal sentencing for 10 a.m. Friday. “This is a sad time for all of us that we have to participate in trials of this nature." O'w is told the jurors Deputy District Attorney kirk Kngdahl. who prusttcuteri the case. said. “The jury rendered a verdict true and justice was served" Wagner pleaded guilty to aggravated murder.admitting he killtscl |eri A. Koenig. 2:\. mi her apartment. il«»r i>ody whs found liliw 17. !; ' Aggravated murder is the only crime in Oregon for which a jury is impaneled In decide on the sentence Under state law. if the jurors agreed unanimously that Wagner killed kpenig deliberately and without reasonable provoca tion. and that he's a continuing threat to socie ty. l-ewis must sentence Wagner to death by lethal injection. The sentence automatically would lie appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court. It any juror had dissented, the sentence would be life in prison, Wagner, who represented himself, offered no defense Wednesday after prosecutors presented their case. Saving only. "The defense rests," he made no opening statement and called no witnesses. Reagan lobbies for his military budget WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Keagan. trying to reverse dwindling support for his defense buildup, said Wednes day it would lie reckless, dangerous and wrong" for Con gress to reduce his $320 billion military budget request. Congress already hus "under cut our negotiators" at the Geneva arms talks by banning tests of anti-satellite weapons and unilaterally giving the Soviets "a concession they could not win at the bargaining table," the president said. In a bluntly-worded address prepared for national broadcast front the Oval Office, Keegan said to cut defense now is "not cheap (and) it's not safe." lie said it would be "backsliding of the most ir Orogon Daily kmerald responsible kind.” "just as we are sitting down at the bargaining table with the Soviet Union, lot's not throw America's trump card away." Reagan said. In a brief reference to the ouster of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and his replacement byCoruzon Aquino his first public statement on the switch — Reagan applauded the ‘‘remarkable restraint shown by both sides to prevent bloodshed during these last tense days.” "Our hearts and hands are with President Aquino and her new government as they set out to meet the challenges ahead,” he said. "Today, the Filipino people celebrate the triumph of democracy, and the world celebrates with them.” Keagan. defending his ad ministration against charges of wasteful and sometimes fraudulent defense spending, said Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger "should lie praised, not pilloried, for cleaning the skeletons out of the closet.” f "“■“===! I CVVX/C Creative j JI U 3 Salon PERNS * 19.95 long hair extra • good thru 3/28/86 § 1122 Alder • 485 8597 ★ COPIES ★ Krazy Kata Try Us! 884 Eaet 13th at. .is saving his hold near the pyramids was sot on fire and looted bv mobs. ' '"KveryHodv was leaving their rtKMtw