REPLACEMENT SOFT CONTACT LENSES liplm Last, Damaged, or Discolored Loasos at a m. _-a»- -* » A. ?-?_S rmCTKWl Of nWr V/INfHw CMtJ “Daily Wear Lenses •Anmd •American Hydron •Aosort •Bauscn & tomb •Obasoft •Ourason $41.Sip* ’ Tieteri I » BaoSsch 8 lomb ! Natural Tints • Qbasott Colors *63.97 pair * •AO Sort con •Bauscn & Lomb •CooperVision •CSIT •Ourasott 3 *Genevs4 •Hydrocurve *57/pr $45/pr $67/pr $97/pr SS7Vpr $55/pr $75 pr IF'rOUR BRAND IS NOT LISTEO •HERE SEND A COPY OF. YOUR PRESCRIPTION and we, will .SEMO.yQU A.QUQTL L. Ml is Ifet •n§in*l (Kltf| FOLLOW THESE i EASY STEP S 1 Acquee now complete contact lera preacfbtor 2 Complete the order Below 3 Make c*teck money order or complete crecM card rtormakin payer BletoCLS nt «Endoeename adorns4pnone number wrtn order S Mak an tntormainn to Conlncl Loos Supplyi Inc. 30450 Carter U. OeveHeW, Ohie 441 39 216/248-2417 Contact Lana Suppliers lur 25 years " uo • TeMfcrl T atari 2.00 (Peraonai Check* mutt Be cleared prior to aNpmeni) •We arii k##f m3 ettnittiie aa I •te*. at iSt lamet erriertd art m am ■literary aari rtariy la 14 _m Applications for library committee due by March 7 - IV«>,jIh interested in serving on tf committee to develop an expansion plan for the Eugene Public i.ibrary may obtain an application at t ha c11y ■ ' manager's office. Deadline for completed applications he. • March 7. „■ Eugene Mayor Brian Oblti will appoint the ll' to • 13*member Future of Our library Committee to develop a * • ' building and financing plan.for ‘ a new of expanded 1 ibrary • . . , Among the issues the. com mittee will consider arts future - „V library location. spacer heeds .for' . various' library .func tions., and V financ ing options: . .The cpmniittee s^work is^ ev’ |HH:ted Id'take ai least. lH mbn . •’ ths.'Duriiig the first six months-; .the group will hold a communi ty forum to hear citizen ddeax and concerns about, the project: ami will ' also compile! a preliminary report outlining building.- parking and site ac-"_ cessibilitv needs After public hearing and council-review of the report, the .Committee-' will begin, more detailed- analysts of possible’: library sites; . building, con figuration end financing alter; natives . . .'. .-. • Applications can tie obtained •in the- city . manager's 'office. . Kooui i«>:. c 11\ Hall, or by cell* v , ihg 0*17-5010 MEETINGS \ Interna Iional Studies Association meets today in Room <108 PIX: betwedn'4 and 6 p-m . 'C, . Circle K Service. Club meets tonight at 7 in Riibm 202 EMU. '•..A one-hour PJ/OT club organizational meeting will be* held, today in Rrtom 164’Oregon. Hall at S p...m‘. Asklepiads meets today .'at 6:30 p.m. in„R6om B-99 next to • the Science Library ..Officer can didates will be introduced. ’ • Riverfront Review Special Subcommittee meets today at 1:30 p.m. in the Johnson Hall . conference room to discuss the * north campus plan. The Career Planning & Place ment Office will hold an orien tation meeting today 2:30. in Room 237 Hendricks Hall. PRSSA meets today at 3:30 in' the Allen Hall Seminar Room. .' A career assessment program group meeting will be held to day at 2 in Room 237 Hendricks Hall. LECTURES/WORKSHOPS “Interpreting the French Revolutionis the topic of a . lecture tonight fet 8 in that Getl*, . inger ‘Lounge by ’ Lynn. Hunt. • professor of history. University of‘California. Berkeley. •“Watching Spring Flowers.'' is the topic of a lecture today ait 4*30 p ro.-at the Museum of ‘Natural History. Biologist Dave Wagner is the guest speaker . Alpha lambda Delta Honor ■Society will have a study break .-(with movies) tonight at 8 in :Sweetser Lounge \ > \ ■ A. workshop on internships will be held today at 2:30 in.° Room 12 Hendricks Hall. Spon- ■ sored by Career Planning & Placement. . The Outdoor Program; is showing a film, ibout whitewater kayaking in South' America tonight at 7:30 .in • Room 150 Geology, MISCELLANEOUS The Oregon Public Employee Union is serving “pay equity cake” today in the EMU lobby. Come find out about com parable worth and sign a peti tion to the Legislature. The underlared/p re-major peer advisers are accepting'ap plications for spring'term. Ap plicafipns are available in Kwmi 164 Oregon Mali. Deadline is" ; Friday. ■ INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inier view* Monday through Wednesday each week in. Room 244 Hendricks Mall. Sign-up space is still available for the following recruiters: ; Today: Copeland Cumber Yards.. Trie.' (mgrnt. trainee); State. Farm Insurance ' Co. (minority internship with GPA -. 2.8).- ... • . ..’..Friday: Public interest Research Groups (campaign ; coor/political writers/office v ragrs .l . - . - March 3: Citibank (foreign nationals for mgrnt. associate); Port Angeles Public Schools (elem. reading/sec. social studies/sec. librarian/K-12/Spec Educ./other considered). March 4: Battelle; . N.W. laboratories (computer-related positions); First Interstate Hank (MBA's specialized training program);. Marco, Inc. '(sale** rt’P j ’■ March 5: First Interstate Bank (bachelor's specialized Irain ing program); tlrtiv. of Min nesdta. Hospital A .Health (.art* Admin: (graduateschool) gmiup meeting. ~ -12:30 p.*m.. Room 1 io.'EMU. March #: American Graduate School of International Manage ment; The Gap Stores. (|r. sect with GPA 3.0); Pfizer, Inc, (pharmaceutical sales) group • meeting — March!:>. 0:30 p.m.. Room 110-111. EMU.' . .. March 7: Burroughs (i»fpo»* tion (account representative); Memornx Corporation (financial analyst/accountant). . I headline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite 300. is noon the day before publication. Et als are run only once, depending upon space availability. F’vents with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events occurring nearest the publica tion date, and campus-oriented events, will be given priority. Owners Preventive Maintenance Special FREE SAFETY INSPECTION *1050 OIL CHANGE 4 cyl. includes oil Located at 12th & Main in Springfield Call 726-1808 for appointment ALL WORK GUARANTEED & filter $1 off any pizza! nun« _ phone _ (Expiree March 31, 19M) 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene One coupon per pizza. Willamette Sports Center NOW OPEN • New & Re< ondi tinned Bicycles • Complete Repair Service • Skateboards & Clothing 2705 Willamette Eugene, OR 345-4979