with the purchase of any pastry get your first cup of coffee or tea free during our new HAPPY HOURS 3 - 6PM DAILY BOOK and TEA op«f> 8 30 - 6 dairy • to • 5 Sunday on ifto southeast cotnat ot campus 1646 E. 1tth • 344-3422 $rvcAavUecl d/ai/ A Tanning Salon TANNING 45 SESSIONS FOR MOO FOR FULL SET OF ACRYLIC NAILS $25°° 47 WkI 2911. Ei|«n • 343-2094 • 0:30-8 *-F. 8-3 Sit. f COME IN OCT OF THE RAIN SPECIAL ^ BAKLAVA <$> with y ' GREEK COFFEE *1.25 BETWEEN 2 AND 4 PM AT poppi/ GREEK TAVERN.A OFFER GOOD THROUGH MAR. 31! r Letters Moving image l wonder how "pro-ehoicers" would react if, before one could get an abortion, an ultrasound would be required. After all, wouldn't a woman be better able to make that “choice" after she saw what the baby really looked like? During the first trimester, an ultrasound, at eight weeks after conception, allows one to see the child's body. head, and movement of the legs and arms. Sound waves are used, instead of X-rays, to view the baby and movement as it occurs. I've personally witnessed ultrasounds, so please don't ac cuse me of relying on "right-to life propaganda." Also, anyone who’s ever seen Lennart Nilssons book. "A Child is Born,” knows just how developed the child in the. womb really is. Tbe book con-., tains photographs of the un bom's developmental process ■ throughout pregnancy. Even a i six-year-old could .identify a "fetus” as a” human baby .' . - ' * . Nilsson’s • book .isn't , a . publication'of Ri’ght-to-dfe, nor., was ultrasounds creation some sort' .Of conspiracy of -the . organization. But actual photographs of developing children, or ultrasound views into the womb, certainly show that we're not dealing with a mere "blob of cell tissue.” lori Parkman Elmira Canine menace I would like to respond in support of Robert Halverson's lettor (ODE. Feb. 3). "Canine crime." Mr. Halverson. I agree with you. Not only are there city or dinances against free running dogs,. but campus regulation 571-50-025 prohibits dogs on campus unless they are on a leash under the owner's con- - Hoi. This means on a leash in ; - the owner's hand, not just tied. ' up. Should the animal injure or damage. in any way, persona or property, the owner can be sued and the injured party can collect sizable sums. Judges and juries have recent ly had the propensity to award large damage and punitive awards against dog owners for not controlling their pet Per sons having been scarred for life or who have undergone treat ment for rabies because of careless pet owners are tired of this menace to our health and welfare, not to mention the climate of fear loose animals produce for us on campus. . “ Please keep your dog off cain pus dr on a leash til your „ control. I".-.; . Robert C. Banr.ee .• University Library Letters Policy * > The Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing fair comment on topics of interest to the University community. . ° . ’ . ■ ‘ ' ,v . Letters to the editor must be limited to 250 words, typed. s> signed and the.identification oftbe writef'must be'verified when the letter is turned in. Hie Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style. Ixttters to the editor should be turned into the Emerald-office. Suite 300, EMU.. OregonDaily -Emerald The • Oregon - Daily Emerald is published Monday i through Friday except'during exam'week and vacations - -by the-Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing, Co. at the University of Oregon, Eugenie. Oregon,.97403 ... 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