Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1986, Page 8A, Image 8

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    Exchanges, other programs
open for the disabled abroad
Adjacent To Campus On FranklfeBIxd.
jJwiSiBee. 32»lb.
2 Liter Bottles
Squirt, Mug Root
Beer & Sunkist
8 - Packs of
16 oz. Bottles
♦ dep.
• Up to 512K internal memory — 8 meg
• Mouse or Keyboard controlled — letting
you choose to use symbols instead of
complicated commands or strange codes
• 3 custom VLSI chips — giving the Amiga ■
unparalled graphics with up to 4,096 colors
available - • : ■
• Multi-tasking — no other computer can do
4 or 5 things at once in separate windows ■
• Custom sound chips — allowing you to ■
write your own music in 4 channel stereo
• Built-in voice synthesis — allowing your
computer to speak any message you
desire in either female or male voice
• IBM compatabiiity — can be expanded to '
run IBM PC software
• Open architecture — allows you to plugin
your home stereo; hook into your VCR and
record pictures on disc; even laser disc
technology in the future. Amiga is the last
computer you'll have to buy.
"The Amiga is a very exciting product Its combined
capabilities in speed, memory access, multi tasking,
sound synthesis, color graphics and video syn
chronization. represent a breakthrough In
technology that puts the Amiga a generation ahead
of tts competition.
Egil Juliansan. Chairman
Future Computing. Inc
Delta Village Mall
(near Valley River Center
Neat to El Torito)
Open: M-Sat 10-S, Sun 12-5
in Eugene
AMIGA Financing Available
By Kirsten Bolin
Of Itw Knwruld
International travel and the disabled will be the subject of a lec
ture today by a representative from a worldwide organization
created to axpand and improve the international travel oppor
tunities of disabled persons ° ..
Mary Boomer, from Mobility International U.S.A.; will discuss
upcoming travel exchanges and other organization activities dur
ing her lecture at 3:30 p.rn. in the EMU Forum Room. The discus
sion is sponsored by the University International Studies
Association. - , .
Mobility International was established in England in .1973 to
help address barriers disabled people encounter when they travel, •
says Dianna Rodgers, of Mobility International's.U.S.- chapter ...
located in Eugene.. ..
The Eugene chapter, the only ope in.the United States, was
established in. -1?»B 1. and Mobility. International -.has chapter’s'
located in.countries around the, world..> . ; "
. The Eugene chapter was established after some local residents .
became interested -in the organizat ion and learned the l United States
did not have a national chapter. Rodgers says. . ^
Mobility International members learn .about travel oppor-.,
(unities through the organization's- newsletter The publication
contains ,valuable information for .disabled, travelers.-..such, as
listings of wheelchair accessible hotels In,.various countries and .
, “news of tours planned.for disabled’persons, she says-.'.' /! •
The organization is.currently, looking'fbr-people interested in'
participating in exchanges with Costa Rica, July 30 through August
.-28. and with'England, late-june»through»mid-july, sho says. '
Costa Ricans coming to°the United States fur the exchange will
' be placed in jobs at various local'organizations. she-says Possible
places of employment .include .the sight: rehabilitation center-at
Sacred Heart, hospital and the pool at Easter Seals School. “ ...
last-summer, 12 teenagers from :England caihe to Eugene
through Mobility International and. worked-withthe.US. Forest
. ..Service.in making a.local campground .wheelchair'accessible, she'
. ’says.”-- ‘c .:.V,V '-'-V.' : v’
• .For'more Information, call Mobility-International U S A , at
.343-1284 .