OUTDOOR (MOW LEADERS. Eugana t ssad ftvar oultlttaf nwdt malum nvar outdo* Railing (kill* pialarad but will coniMjai appranticathipa Good group and paopla skills mquimd Wrila, laadsra PO Bo. 7771 Eugana OR 97401______ 13 0 6 V C R N M INI JOBS EtS OOOIftOOOO/y* poaaibla All oc eupaltona Call I 606-687-6000 Em R0642 MW HOUSE PERSON NEEDED in' aororlTy Call 3430643 V 7 78 LOOKINO EON THE BEST PnrMimT KHj around" Tha Naval % vans now has mora 16 ollor man avut baton Flndoul how Ihs Naw Rosatva 01 Bnl can maka a big dant in I ha coal of lul lion' wfula you have an a.cailani part lima tob Cafl Jaek/347 78066110 2 26 UNIVERSITY OP OREGON UPWARD *OUN0 Program summet positions , Pari lima aiaclivas, instructors in aairobtct acianca.-cdmpulat and hour naltam (nawspapar and. yaarboofcl. • work atudy lulora in tha abova kind high school acadamic aub|acla juna ■ 22 August 16. .1966 only I (hour lor SO hours imslrucioral and ISrhour ICWSP . tutors) Job dacnptlona and applies •- (ton* availabls at upward Bound ISS9 E IMh Eugane OR 97403 Daadlma . March ?1 .1986 Equal OpportunrtylAI • lirmaliva Action Tmproyar 6111 3 7 • ' PART TM6E POSITION Opan at .atari lumbar yard Apply in paraon at Sana A .Sava .Plywood Hwy 99 and Baltllna 1 ugana • 777 REPUBLICAN RUNNING TOR '■ SahAiam.La*a Otwpgg Naao workars Silling Siaak Gram'. aapanancargdod 1 , lunas 636 990? or 636 4030 V 3 II NEED EXTRA $$$ .. Musi, ba willing To- inland 46 riunuta • - brisling sasston Oavid 465 4970 7 26 Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE . WANTED lo Ehara. 3 bedroom' house n»a> Amazon • parkway . lt.33.mo no., pais Call • •34,3782* , • • •••». * ■ - ROOMMATE WANTED TO sKaia.houaa on# mg# horn UnivaiWy Wa.hardlyar. • irieiodad call, 346 1072 -v ; ;-v 2 28 For Rent 00 f AMU V HOUSING mWiid cpufttoV potattHltly'oT irri< • • medijle.occuparK y ot.'place youfMltbn "waning list WesimbitHindv lurntshed •■’ apartment 2,'bedroorn*;f t44ftno''..i • .. .' twlioofli 11 IVmo 'Amuw unturniahed f b*moom't420imd-'>utur#',op*rt'ing* ; expected m area* ‘CdntacT UO Hdu* ■hg 0**• ;mu(i» ,? steep*.' 8 *64 *100 pet day JB9 MU4 . . V.3? FURNISHED LAROf -H? iwVt.oom cam Bo* *244r*324 No. pel* 464?6?1 • ■ / ■ ■ • . :■ .. ■ 6»33lln NEWER QUADS Locally g»wl ‘. •Owen Irpmcampu* *t49rmo ultlitiat m .. tluded '866 Ham** manager apt 4 342*4261 " ' • > ■ ' ' MM] tin • xil»mnI "•• 1J96 MW.Strawt ■3 bedroom apt*. 4 Worn to U ol O Eu> m*h*d or unlurmshed tom* tireptace* heate.d outdoor pool teu.ndty batcome* dishwashers disposal* parking garage Fraa cabin TV *3501390 call Kan Shutman 344 41?? Chart** Em* Ha ally Property M*n*g* mam *097 tin t URNISHID STUDIO UNIT near mutrt building Water garbage haat included *180 Reietence* Rerdgawood Apt* 688 4769 6103 tin HILYARD QUADS Wall maintained unit available for immediated move-in. New matress, nice kitchens on-site mgr. $155/mo rent plus deposit $50 cash rebate for move in before Feb 15. Call Jay 485-6120 after 3 pm or visit no 24, 1750 Hilyard. 6044 tin UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WOODSIOE MANOR 1S10 HARRIS Furmahed quad* now a«aralabl* with abated bath or private bath Ulilitl** per l unrated periling and laundry lacilldet available !0C CL C'JRPUS LOCATION FROM t14S Manager* no 139 344 2647 Bennett Management Co 1143 Oak St Suite 300 4846991 4666 tin Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Jutl on* block from (ho library Now rooting lor Winter Term Private rolngoralor and W bain Irom 1189 Bob or Kelly. 1544 Alder no 21 344-5/13 Bldg managed by St Clair Properties 5882 tin Dorm Contracts FREE CASE OF BEER 10 whoever buy* my dorm contract Call Roy 485 9/06 ova* XT Lost & Found REWARD FOR RETURN OF SHOE BAG. with shoes boat in vicinity Agate and 15111 81 /48 Z0?2_2 28 Food it Dunk El'GEXrs I FALL CREEK BAKERY NOT TO UO BOOMTOftF Your Broad ft Bu*i?r... PlWMlt *'M< Mm M haflaa Marti Mw«t|i ft Thursday WMnftM *Mda«u «MmM ivlNmM: W«4. Frt HSSasHm'teEH y Chadah Friday Avatlabia In rolft and elastic loavat M l 7 30-600 HIE «3th Saturday S3 4ft« 1M2 Et’CiEXFS FALL CREEK BAKERY paammiuiflmiiiiiuvm NEXT TO UO SOOKSTOMC Have Lunch or a Light Maal with Us! TODAY S MENU: • Mam ft Chaasa fitted croissant • Poppy ftoad croissant wtfft Alcolta Marti Chaasa • Broccoli ft Fata Chaasa croissant Straight form ths ovan 1100 am W 7 30400 8ft I E 13th Saturday S3. *84 t«#j. X Events WEDNESDAY BEER GARDEN EMU Dining Room 4:00-7:00 . . Wltb ARMS AKIMBO •' “Cajun Ska” - Food tnd allnnultn B***fog« nMlabl* • 10 R*quli»d WEDNESDAY BEER GARDEN ’ 60S? ? Windsurfing Club Starting Interested? Come to meeting at EMU Rm. 108 Tuesday March 4 at 3:30 Sponnorud by Club Sport* 6006 3-4 Hilton Obenzinger a Jewish peace activist talks on Middle East Tonight 7:30 pm Room 167 EMU ___ei 12 2-ae U.S. Foreign Policy in the Mid-East Terrorism and Israel’s “Iron Fist” Feb 26th 7:30 pm Room 167 EMU 226 PUBLIC LECTURE OklOOIltMfO M (Switterland) Jam** M Klttloaon Ohio SIX* Unlvoralty In Room Ml PIC on Thtatedoy. February 27 •I 1:30 pm 6I0722B X-Country Skiing A :iiicu»»ion on equipment tiolTn no tiypolheimte prevention and philotaph covered on Wednesday Feb it el 7 30 pm Sponsored by the 0 ol O Out door Program For more information call MS-4369 6100? 76 DON’T MISS THE DEBATE Phyllis Schlafly vs Sarah Weddington FEB 27 8 PM MacArthur Court Student* t3r advance S4tday ol chow Oeneral SS/advance tS/day of show Available at EMU Mam Ooek ing Impaired Entertainment I lamia Siliu'iilla Vnuela \N inkier Manfiirvilie »on Iritiia SI IEEH MADNESS / .i1nh>nhinir% . J tuurtn\ i/inihti tff tit hni' I nu inttntftft flltuit Ihttrru Nint» I ,H>nr> la Sun Thur* «4S • *00 NEXT JALMLMAUL JaM Sir Lucius O'Trtgger. Lydia 1 fftlVtOtfS Jy|^^ lialaaaaa - — a — 1 — — ^ — — — aa^ WWgpfDp. WW tngl» tnVfiOg M IHw lnaakla yhaU ... *4..n1 t — yaeeW^^^SSP lag^ysv mawy Vfw Vv^pv aWwa vvs THE RIVALS Hus niiarxdjt comedy features e«ag 8naiad body forma constructed by regory Robbins. format, costumer wlilt Sesame Street and The Muppet Show and costume designs by the award winning Alevandra B Bonds February 28, . March 1, 6-8, ■ : 14,15, . ■’• Robinson Theatre , 8 pm Tickets ti X .tfiO and only S3 X •Or UO .'students Call 6864191 lor esefvatiotis Presented by University Theslre' • 610«3a M ' *lam.Resnai.s modernist study ot the sensual love allatnbalween a French actress.and a Japanese architect'in . the F illiea enplores I hi scars tell By I he war and the Bomb .4 ' • 1 7pm only .150 Geology Admission only $1 BIJOU LATE NITE 1 H*M ovar by popular damand W» STILL don't know why Thursday 11:15 $2 Fri Sat Midnight $2.50 IMMntty Theatre Second 8mm STRANGE SNOW The tender story of a Vtet Nam vet s ttijuggle to go on living February 20-22, 27,28 & March 1, 6, 7, 8 ARENA THEATRE (Viilard Hall) 8 PM AM tickets only tl SO eat*' Cat! 30'\Whal is.* your Karmic de'slmy'’ Call’. Tom'. '34G3P09 % • " • ; ' 5898tin . LAURA. I love you BAI^V ... 4~9 ARE YOU SERIOUS . ABOUT YOUR : MUSIC? Gurjat . piano ; bass’lessons .. ,-John Sharkey . 344'5530''over ‘ 10 ’yrs • leaching eipenente . All .styles* - all ages • • . •••, 6083 2 28’ - .GUESS WHAT?5 •. The Undeclared/Fremator peer adivs^ojs -. are now accepting application's'tor Spr ' ■ mg' term Applications are avwlabte.nn - • ,164'Oregon Hall .Deadline is Feb'28lh, Don! miss out! • >6085:2 28 ' BY THE SEA on the sandy shore. Heavy . ram fust outside the'door-WArm inside' by the dancing blare Grandmother Was away the boys did play " Peggy 'Ltee Yoko Ono wiehnies and buns Pe|Say Coco live loreyet , ..... ;*■ 2H6’ ~ ■ ’ < *• > ■ . *‘ INSIGHT TO ACTION. A.sopport and therapy group* program -fdr • adult* children of atcohol.ics° Pe.rson -° Resource^System^. 464 9274..’*••■ 3 14 Anne Drips Vou re »d far away I miss you . ... Love.’DAVE* ‘ ■ °. . .. •• ;r • o V ■ 2 26 PSYCH MAJOR/MINOR Spring Internships Develop: /skills »n . counsetmmg and personnel manage, ment Check 221 hendricks (10-5). Tor. ’ details . • ■ . . ; '6104 2 26 POLSCi MAJOR/MINOR Spring Internships with the City of Eugene and Springfield Chedk 221 Hendricks Hall tor details 6104 2 26 SPRING INTERNSHIPS Arts and Science nriajors/mmors Writing Research Sales Prdmolion. . Arts Council Sacred Hearth, Conven lion Bureau. Downtown Association. Stretch and Sew check 221 Hendncks Hall for details * 610ft 2 26 SHERI ROBBINS TERI SIMPSON IS BACK CALL HER! 343 4 U4 ______ ' 2 26 ECON MAJORS/MINORS Spring Internships analysts, policy development, real estate research market research sales Check 221 Hen ducks (105) tor details 6105 2 26 GET THE JUMP ON SUMMER JOBS! Drop by the Job Location and Development Othce lor information 1511 A gale Slreel X3214 6093 2 26 DOES THE PARTY END lor you about the same time the co caine starts to run ogt? In more ways than one. maybe you re gelling near the end ol the line Horizon Recovery Center can help Call 345 9505 _ 6113 2 26 INTERESTED IN LENGTHENING THE Add/Drop deadlines7 The Student Senate will be meeting to discuss possible means of extending the cur rent add/drop deadline The Senate will meet today at 1 30 at Room 167 ol the EMU If you have ideas of ques lions, you are encouraged to attend ___6086:2-26 Congratulations Alpha Chi Omega Rush Counselors YA STUDS! ’ _226 Congratulations AZ Deanna Diehl on your engagement to Andy Marshall Love, your sisters ' _226 ALL NATURAL. SAFE and legal stimulant No caffeine Money back guarantee Cheryl 726-6945 2 28 ALL NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS. Safe, ef fective. confidential Money back gurantee Cheryl 7266945 2 28 CYCLING TEAM Meeting' tonight 7 30. Check EMU for Room number Please come 2 26 HAS ANYONE SEEN JAY WHEELER? • Diane H •. ' . •' . 226 • MIKE FINLEY How could I ever forget? ' ■ „ _2 26 SEX DWARF ‘ A rebel & his bike waaiht much?! ■* . .__226 ‘ RUBY You re the absolute best looking for Hardy Boy's'number01 Watch out for those crazy ornamentsiz Eternally. NEECER 2 26 Kip Isiw Beware of the Karate Knomes and men wearing white jackets. Ibida! 2 26 BARB ROGERS: What is this I hear ’ could it be your birthday7 Happy 20th C.C: . • ’ 2 26 Newman Center Roman (:atholtr• < Community M thel’nl verst ry of Oregon Worship with u, Weekdays SISpm Sundays 900 am 11 00am 7 30pm HELD OVER! BRONZE GOD SPECIAL! Buy a 10-session package at our regular price and receive 3 sessions FREE! OR buy a 20-session package at our regular price and receive 5 sessions-FREE! Oiler expires 3/4166 On# otter per customer SumShower 4652323 874 E. 13th Up the stairs ne>t to Kinko's OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 em _WEEKENOS 8 am_ BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed see any am r twafep T1MIP YHRMNT5, lHOt£ HMEK5. \