Et al. MEETINGS The cycling team meets tonight at 7:30. Check EMU board for room details. Supporters of the Palestinian human rights meets tonight in Century Room D. EMU at 5:30. Men’s Network — gay men's discussion group — meets tonight at 7:30 at 1414 Kincaid St. Alpha Kappa Psi meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 330 Gilbert Hall. Oregon Rationalist Association will have a general meeting tonight at 7 in Century Room F, EMU. LECTURES/WORKSHOPS/FILMS A one-hour PT/OT club organizational meeting will Im; held today and Thursday in Room lti4 Oregon Hall at 5 Everyone welcome. An interviewing skills workshop will be held to day from 1:30 lo 3 p.m. in Hendricks Hall, “Islam and the Palestinian Problem'* is the topic of a lecture tonight at 7 in Room 123 Science I by Omar Al-Sobani. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stomp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT; AII ads must be pax) tor m advance unless a billing arrangement bas been established For billing ar rangements. please call 6864343 or stop by the Emerald Classified office 300 EMU RATES; 17 cents per word for the first day and 14 cents per word tor con secutne days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is SI.70 tor the first insertion and S1 40 for con secutive insertions 9-POINT (Stttine) 12-POINT fSf 2Sdine> 18 POINT (Si 50fline) 24 POINT ist nn met BOX BORDER S1.2Sfday For Sale OUEEN SIZE WATERSED with head board 1 Vr years old Brooke 342 8392 _ M6 2 AOUNOTAM PLANE tickets Eug-LA S158 each Leave 3Q2 return 3179 Call 342 3944 eves2 26 CAMERA: KASSEL M AO S00 CM. like new $1350. prol dry mount press. $395 large contact printer $65 misc lights darkroom equip Call Sam 485-6100 2 26 ROUNOTRtP UNITED AIRLINE Tickat anywhere m US SSOOrBO 484 0021 228 MTERVKW! DANIEL HECHTER SWT. 3p«ece blue 38R never worn S200 Also Nunn Bush Mack loafers, never worn S40 9VrM 4853151_ 2 28 NN HONDA SPACE. Won M contest never used Best oiler 748 7596 2-28 KAWAM ELECTRIC PIANO. List S2800 best over S750 takas really Dan 7487596 _ 226 ROSSMMOL 287cm FPCeMp Skis with Tyrolia 360ft bind S140 Blotter 484 5679 eves Completely tuned 2 28 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST; Statistical specialist IBM Con Sal Grad approv ad Near campus 344-0756 4961 Itn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/ditsertaliona, papers, editing. graphic; law papers, resumes. & mass mailings. Grad Sch approved Wordstyies • Typescripts CINOY 464-5454 BRANDY 464-6044 4940ifn WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED 5 blocks to UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 485-3883 4962 MWH Word Precessing/Typing: <5 plus years eiperience Papers dissertations editing mass mailings Micro casette transcription Pickup and delivery Call Caroieat 688 6578 4938 tin GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Seine mo III Call Mina between 9 a m and 10 pm at 343-2823 or 7269824 . 4956 MW PRO TYPINGSDITtNG Guaranteed Close to UO Graduate school approved JENNIFER 485 3883 •4963 UWF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 6 EDITING Resumes. Papers Theses, Dissert a lions; Graduate School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 4661423 . _ _ 56» itn WORDS “R” US Brandy 4646044 Shaw Nee 463 70*6 Quality typing/word processing. Papers resumes, editing tape transcriptions manuscripts., theses/dtssertalions Grad -School app vd IBM compatible 5710 tin DEADUNES ALWAYS IKY IBM Electronic Wheelwriter 5 Ruth . *• • 3455614 4969 UW 256 East t8th (Dynamic Typing Service) THE Student Specialists/ Business Professionals Word Processmg/Typtng Complete Photocopy Center Disk Editing (many systems) Pickup 6 Delivery AyanatMe Sra Blocks Irom Campus Typing Hesumvs Transcription* Word Processing 0'S* Storage Shelta. M5 4S3C evenings __ _ S9TO tin Word Procaasing*Editing*Resume» Fast*Accurato»Olsk storage Ctoaa to Uol O-Pam.346 7629 __' 6349 ttn (0 CENTS PEN PAGE Baste typtrigaar Vice Call Ken 342 6M2 2 28 WORD PROCESSING Term papers resumes etc Spell check included JoAnn al JAC ]NK 747 71MMFM 317 TERM PAPERS TYPCO. 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THE TVPEO WORD Experienced Iasi eltietent Reasonable rales 3430601 evenings. __., • • BOWlWF CAROLS PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. 3432269 "95 pm Evenings and weekendsby appt 6109 UWH TYPING/EDITING "Rrolessiopal last' close to M O' -P 6636390 311 Photography PENT AX KIOOO CAMERA out In' Stan dard tens close-up telephoto lens tiller Hash bag good condrtrorv19S 666 70M Books 100.000 BOOKSIN STOCK. . i All Selling 40-60% otl'list prices •T««tbooks*Ciili Note»*Magairn*s USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO * SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. 766 East 11th . ._ Auto Repair FREE PtCK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUDENTS & FACULTY ivest side FOREIGN AUTO O Maintenance and Repair HWlvit3rt •/.... 484-4930 Bicycles MEN'S 10 SPEED, with book rack Good condition 344 7.198 -2 36 SECOND /TV NATURE V* BICYCLES “ •NWMki Cycle Pro Sakai Deafer •Full Uno BMX Cruiser •Reconditioned Bikes Our ■ Speciality • Eiporl Repairs .-• • •Free Appraisal* ‘ . .• •Custom Buildups- • .‘Frame Repair 446 E .1310 BUY«SELL*TRAOE Cars a Cycles 76 RABBIT 2dr 4>P SS5Q OBO .343 J82U' ?. } ?« . 1979 RABBIT For tale *2400.'or 'bee) -Otter Can •: 342316B • ■ ■ 2-27 in? VESPA PEOAL START Moped S200 good’ condition 6838743 221 • IBJ CHEVY 0EIUXE 4-n > 18 mpg Body and interior good.'engine sound and dependable 'all original and dasy'to restore MBS Call 343$86« l it MID 68 GREY HONDA LX. 4 dr Only done 7500 mile* auto Showroomcondi ' »W» *CsB Patrick 3436379 . 2 26 80 CELICA GT COUPE Surer t owner 5 speed stereo good condition Ml00 .Can 346-8488 • 2 28 HOWDY HI THERE FRIENDS A . NEIGHBORS This is your oi -pai El Monty Slim doem hare ai Wide Track Honda in Wilmington And have I got a deal lor youltl This RED. 1671 VW BEETLE is lust * ait in tor you to drt*e er ome Near liras, chains. AMrFM cassette Whewee; and whal a deal tor .you Reduced not 20. Not SO.-BUT 73% this.week only ONLY 11108 or beat oMsr Call Russ at 666-4361 day* or 666 >667 evenings and keep trying tin IM1 NISSAN SENTRA. While S speed low miles AM FM stereo. excellent condition MW) 344 MM Mr *08’ ■' ■ ■■ MS I 78 HONDA CIVIC CVCC. need* *,i«i pump stop yuAW m ! BRAND NEW . >986 Honda Elite 80 Musi toll' Price negoueble Cell Retly 343 7437 • .2 M ■ Travel DEADLINE EXTENOEO ■ *. SV POPULAR DEMAND . . SKI SUN VALLEY During Spring Break. SAVE $38-$240 * . Ply to Iho Sun t Fun •* , EMU CAMPUS TRAVEtCTR >' , • ‘ ■ , • SiBSlIn . . FtV'UMITEO TO DETROIT. . ,n j ‘ . ; bfeaa Roundinp lickei SMS or Dm! of . - " *** c • 6 pm met .day • The' Oregon Daily Emerald 11 an,equal op 7 '.porfumty' .employer Women and . minorities are encouraged fo apply MS ASSISTANT COORDINATOR'FOR U» . a Duck for a Day Program Pdaiiion m " voivet aiding ccordmator in orgamting ; and lacililiMing two campus viaiteiions lor high school atudems'dunng Spring, term Work Study eligibility required o* available lor upper division credit Pick up and return, applications to Admi* alone recaption desk in J70'Oregon . • HaM Deadline it 5 pm 1 hurt-lay Feb 37 ■ ' Direct .any gueiiiona to Tony Morna at. 886 3201 during the ottlce home o' Tuesday and Thursday 12 30 7 30 _. ■ 6101 2 28 lIRUNt HIRING 600141 *14 *39000'. itow»rd«6»«? teaaivauoniaia.l Call tor Kid* tUMlK. ney**a*rvlee ..(9161 44444 XUAWIT6 . " l », STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPORTER WANTED 'de.Otagon Daily Emerald i» looking lor' , \ I dedicated, aggreeai** reporter wild 4. temple tcdaduia to MM Ida student pvernmani Associate Editorship Poet loo require* 30-40 hour* &*t. rraak and • a non aorktludy Job daacripnon* and nipiM.alionk arc available In Room 300 • Mu Application* ipiaata inclod# dipt) ara'dua Wadnakday Teb 36' The :id*iald i*. an aquai opportunity rmploy*r Woman • and ml nor 11 la* *r* ' moounwedaotiMi, ,• .336•>; COMMUNITY/POLITICAL REPORTER WANTED ha Oregon Dally Emerald i* looking lor nvcsparianead hard winking person Ip ill Ida (.ominmu'nily/poiilicK *a*ocial# :dilOf*htp Position require* 3Q40 ' Kiur* per weak and kpplicentk Should i*v« prior ••patienc e App4n.allon* ami - • ijob description' arc avatiabi*.in Room' • no (Mu Application* i please include . lip*! ere.doe.Wednesday Ted 26-Tn# •mataltr ii . an • equal'' opportunity . impioyat* Women. and. mtnorilta* are. im.ou'aq«d Jo-apply •' v. • 3 36 4ssist-ANj Coordinator, t.or 4IOH.'.SCHOOL. Vikdition. •Pinoiam'. Waittonjnvol*** conTaclinq losai digd... tCdOOt<'.o* anon* lo Ida** . nghj schools' and' enlisting cottage . .. iiudenia to *i*n Ida** high achool*.‘A*. imassiMaJil you vnt't gam valuable ei Mrierc* in- management -and.' pulilte V •' etadtVis imi*. Availed# lor wor* *ludy v upper division tnjarnentp credit Pick • at*'and raiurp application in; Inttume • lion Boom drsi 'loot Graded Wail-. Deaden#'»e 8 pm. Today. Ted 26 Otreol any - Tjue»lidn*®-'lor R6«i Millar- High School Visitation Coordinator al MW 3301. during iha.oinc* dour* ol - Monday -and' Wednesday 3'30 4 30'-or rintif-l • " 30100 • 60.393 36 COORDINATOR NEEDED TOR Student ipeakers Bureau' Position involve* .cxMdtncImg University kludanl* yyilh pad* achool* nursing home* and *ar >IC* club* lot »peeking engagement* I* A coordinator you can gain vahraMa . i> patience in puMlc and community •leiiony Available lor awttr study or rppsir. division inlernkd.p cr*dn Pick ip and return application* lo Ida Ad rutpton* counter on Ida second Moor ot Dragon.Hart Deadline ie 8 pm Today «P 36 Otract any Quuatloh* lo Angla Mudenl Speakerk Bureau Coordinator #666 3301 • 6063 3 36 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU TODAY’S SPECIAL SKYLIGHT REFEC TORY REGULAR OR VEGETARIAN' SPAGHETTI Only *1.19 V»«<« * nr tpinrhrtiuu pus hi mnu at \tfir uws'r mash ituh a ah /rrsh irjrrwMn sris-nt aflh fuiiii hrnui Open Mon - Thun 5:00 - 10:00pm for Coffer A Pastrim COME ON VP} and after you qet settled m.rouKB TO SPEAK WfTH EACH rnge i FAMILY ABOUT YOUR. J V -- PESPT7B OJRHYPOMT-, ICAL STATE DEPARTMENT, (HE JTHMK YOU'LLFIWTHE Pf&KTi AMERICAN PEOPLE THEM- OPEN SEINES MU-WELCOME ARM}, s/^7l YOU WARM- ETC .) xS LY! r aWRAMTUWHAT r»6AK>H6 iajMMHMOON StOHSEASEV ON AMERI CAN TV.) /• NOTAUAMEXJ- (HE P0E5N7 CANS ARE STUPtV, UNDER5IANP OCHOR VIOLENT 'MIAMI VTCJET) ■—UQ Bookstore^ c^5aTurPay C E[E Bf?